List of Papers

[Incoming papers are listed chronologically under date of receipt. Unless otherwise specified, the correspondence is from or to officials in the Department of State.]


Attitude of the United States Regarding Contraband of War

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
389 Apr. 10, 1918 [Rec’d Apr. 12] From the British Ambassador on Special Mission Requests concurrence in proposed modifications of list of absolute contraband. 917
588 May 29 [Rec’d June 1] From the British Ambassador on Special Mission Proposed addition of citric acid and citrates to the absolute contraband list. 918
June 4 To the Secretary of the Navy Requests views on British proposed additions to the contraband list. 918
June 18 From the Secretary of the Navy Opinion of Acting Judge Advocate General of the Navy on proposed additions to British list of absolute contraband. 918
152 July 10 To the British Ambassador on Special Mission Proposed additions to contraband list are included in U.S. list under Navy regulations of June 1917. 921
161 July 18 To the British Ambassador on Special Mission Citric acid and citrates are included in contraband list of Navy regulations of June 1917. 921

Attitude of the United States Regarding Prizes, Visit and Search, etc.

[Page X]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Nov. 10, 1917 To the Secretary of the Navy Question of desirability of U.S. entry into agreement with Allies on subject of prizes of war. 922
Jan. 16, 1918 From the Secretary of the Navy U.S. accession to convention regarding prizes of war inadvisable. Reasons. 922
5722 Feb. 13 To the Ambassador in Great Britain Defers consideration of question of U.S. accession to conventions on prizes of war. 924
July 5 From the Secretary of the Navy Nature of U.S. naval activities respecting search and routing of neutral ships. 924
56 Nov. 29 To the Netherland Chargé Sends copies of U.S. laws on prize and Navy instructions of 1917 as requested. 931
Jan. 6, 1919 From the Secretary of the Navy Defines duties and operations of the U.S. Navy during the war. 931
Jan. 30, 1919 To the Secretary of the Navy Inquires whether U.S. naval vessels cooperated with British in search and seizure. 932
Feb. 20, 1919 From the Secretary of the Navy Information on cooperation of U.S. Navy with British during the war, in regulating neutral merchant ships. 933
Mar. 30, 1929 From the Secretary of the Navy Policy of the U.S. Navy regarding visit, search, and seizure during the World War. 934n

Measures Affecting Neutral Trade: Control of Exports, Imports, and Bunker Coal

proposals to relax the embargo on shipments to european neutrals of nonessential articles-efforts of the american government to secure the elimination of british “letters of assurance” (“navicerts”) and examination at halifax for shipments to neutrals—discussion of cooperation with the allies in the control of shipments to neutrals; proposals for an inter-allied blockade committee—bunker license rules of january 19–discussion of the “financial blockade”; executive order of january 26 for the control of international financial transactions

[Page XI] [Page XII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
8098 Dec. 29, 1917 [Rec’d Dec. 30] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): from Sheldon; to W.T.B. also British proposal to suspend embargo on nonessential articles to Scandinavia and the Netherlands. 936
8161 Jan. 5, 1918 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Dutch objection to system of British navicerts and calls at Halifax. 938
8170 Jan. 7 [Rec’d Jan. 8] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Text of British note setting date for relaxation of embargo on goods to Scandinavia if no objections are raised. 938
6207 Jan. 9 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Attitude toward proposed relaxation of embargo on nonessential articles to Scandinavia. 939
6210 Jan. 10 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposed arrangements for discontinuance of navicerts and calls at Halifax. 939
Jan. 11 From Maj. Grimprel of the French High Commission Urges appointment of U.S. representative on Permanent International Committee on Economic Action. 941
6261 Jan. 15 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Necessity for agreement on policy regarding division of rations. 941
8276 Jan. 16 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Object of raising embargo is to prevent capture by Germany of Scandinavian and Dutch markets. 942
5906 Dec. 27, 1917 [Rec’d Jan. 17, 1918] From the Ambassador in France Transmits French note of Dec. 17 on organization of International Committee of Economic Action, requesting U.S. representation. 942
Jan. 17, 1918 [Rec’d Jan. 18] From the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy British message on form of agreements to be concluded with northern neutrals regarding control of exports. 944
8290 Jan. 17 [Rec’d Jan. 18] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Recommends creation of an inter-Allied blockade committee. 945
Jan. 19 Rules issued by W.T.B. General rules No. 1 governing the granting of licenses for bunker fuel, port, sea, and ship’s stores and supplies. 946
8342 Jan. 22 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel): Sheldon to W.T.B. Points for discussion with Great Britain regarding proposed elimination of navicerts. 949
6325 Jan. 23 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel): W.T.B. to Sheldon Modification of embargo against Scandinavia and the Netherlands is entrusted to judgment of Sheldon and Minister of Blockade. 950
Jan. 24 To the Secretary of the Treasury Requests views regarding extension of financial blockade. 951
8387 Jan. 24 [Rec’d Jan. 25] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British views on apportionment of commodities to be supplied to neutrals from Allied countries. 951
6387 Jan. 30 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Plan being formulated for control of exports to northern neutrals, thus determining powers of Blockade Committee. 952
Jan. 30 To Maj. Grimprel of the French High Commission Not prepared at present to appoint representative on Permanent International Committee on Economic Action. 952
Jan. 30 To diplomatic and consular officers (tel.) Instructions to consular officers at seaports, relating to cargoes of arriving vessels. 953
Feb. 1 From the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Executive order, Jan. 26, requires guaranties by foreign bankers against use of U.S. accounts for benefit of enemy. 953
6429 Feb. 2 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Leffingwell to Crosby Executive order of Jan. 26 explained. 954
8498 Feb. 4 [Rec’d Feb. 5] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Probable attitude of Great Britain toward abolition of navicerts. 955
6476 Feb. 7 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Inquires if Inter-Allied Committee, London, is prepared to act on shipments to Iceland and Faroe Islands. 956
8572 Feb. 8 [Rec’d Feb. 9] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. No Inter-Allied Blockade Committee exists as yet. Shipments should be deferred until agreement is reached by further negotiations. 956
6571 Feb. 13 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposal of joint search at U.S. ports in order to eliminate calls at Halifax. 957
8670 Feb. 14 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Sheldon is suggested as U.S. member of proposed international subcommittee on rationing and statistics. 957

proclamations of february 14 requiring licenses for all exports and imports-arrangements for cooperation with the allies in the issuance of export licenses—elimination of “navicerts” and calls at Halifax—relaxation of the embargo on nonessential articles for sweden and the Netherlands

[Page XIII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
1428 Feb. 14 Proclamation Licenses required for exports from the United States in time of war. 958
1429 Feb. 14 Proclamation Licenses required for imports into the United States in time of war. 960
Feb. 15 To the diplomatic representatives in all countries (tel.) Announcement of issuance of proclamations of Feb. 14, which is to be repeated to consular officers. 962
6600 Feb. 16 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to representatives in northern neutral countries Contraband Committee established to handle administrative problems regarding export licenses under supervision of W.T.B. 962
6617 Feb. 18 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to legations in northern neutral countries Tentative agreement with Great Britain for elimination of navicerts. Terms proposed. 963
991 Feb. 19 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) W.T.B. will consider applications for licenses to export certain commodities to Sweden and the Netherlands. 965
6649 Feb. 20 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Statistician will be sent to act on subcommittee of Blockade Council in place of Sheldon. 965
8747 Feb. 20 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Crosby to McAdoo Submits plan for proposed extension of financial blockade and form of notice, for U.S. approval. 965
559 Feb. 21 To the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Relaxation of embargo against Sweden and the Netherlands. Instructions. 968
8865 Mar. 1 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Inquires if local joint committees should include French and Italians and if he should act on Contraband Committee 968
8891 Mar. 4 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Great Britain agrees in the main with U.S. plan for elimination of navicerts. Change suggested. 969
8908 Mar. 6 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Foreign Office concurs in scheme to eliminate calls at Halifax by making joint search at New York. 969
6781 Mar. 6 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Local joint committees should include French and Italians. U.S. representative on Contraband Committee to be under Sheldon’s direction. 969
6796 Mar. 7 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Instructions in regard to handling of applications to import in northern European neutral countries. 970
6797 Mar. 7 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposed issue of “Z” licenses in exceptional cases. 970
1124 Mar. 9 From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Chadbourne to W.T.B. Inquires if ships going from Spain to America via Panama Canal are subject to jurisdiction of W.T.B. 971
957 Mar. 13 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne The United States claims jurisdiction over ships in the Canal Zone. 971
Mar. 14 To the Italian Ambassador U.S. decision to relax embargo on nonessentials to Sweden and the Netherlands. 972
Mar. 18 [Rec’d Mar. 19] From the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy Text of British Embassy note to W.T.B. proposing control of export prices to combat artificial price-fixing by neutrals. 972

establishment of the allied blockade committee at london, march 15, and of inter-allied trade committees in neutral countries; participation of the united states—relaxation of the embargo on nonessential articles for denmark—requirement of “certificates of interest” for shipments from neutral countries—rationing of newsprint paper to latin american countries

[Page XIV] [Page XV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
9147 Mar. 20 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Establishment of Allied Blockade Committee at London. 974
Mar. 23 Public statement of W.T.B. Explanation of import restrictions. 975
7036 Mar. 26 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Recommends certain duties for proposed local joint committees. 976
Mar. 28 From the Secretary of the Treasury Financial blockade not recommended. 977
Mar. 29 To diplomatic and consular officers (tel.) Instructions to consular officers at seaports, to supersede circular telegram of Jan. 30. 977
Apr. 2 To the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy W.T.B attitude toward control of export prices to neutrals. 978
9311 Apr. 2 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Establishment of inter-Allied trade committees in neutral countries. 978
7180 Apr. 8 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Approval of inter-Allied trade committees. 980
7302 Apr. 16 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Inquires attitude of the Allies toward proposed relaxation of embargo against Norway and Denmark. 980
593 Apr. 20 To the consular officers in all countries Instructions for issuance of certificates of interest for shipments from neutral countries. 980
9673 Apr. 23 [Rec’d Apr. 24] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British, French, and Italian relaxation of embargo against Norway and Denmark. U.S. approval awaited. 984
7570 May 4 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon W.T.B. approves relaxation of embargo on nonessentials to Denmark. Agreement recently concluded with Norway 984n
9920 May 7 [Rec’d May 8] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Further relaxation of embargo proposed, under certain restrictions, for northern neutrals known to be pro-Ally. 984
7677 May 10 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Disapproval of further relaxation of embargo in favor of pro-Ally firms. Reasons. 985
May 15 To the diplomatic representatives in South American countries (tel.) W.T.B. resolution permitting ration of newsprint paper to South American countries. 986
7880 May 22 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Announcement of extension to Denmark of relaxation of embargo on certain nonessentials. 986
May 25 To the diplomatic representatives; in certain countries (tel.) Information sought in estimating amount newsprint paper required by Latin American countries excepting Paraguay. 987
June 27 To the consular officers in certain neutral countries (tel.) Percentage of enemy labor or material allowed in issuing certificates of interest to neutrals. 987
July 16 [Rec’d July 17] From the French Deputy High Commissioner German attempt to make commercial treaties with neutrals to continue in effect after the war 988
292 July 18 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Countries that have drawn on U.S. supplies should render an equivalent in ship service. Sweden’s request for coffee. 988
810 Aug. 2 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Recommendations regarding export of commodities not indigenous to the United States. 989
687 Aug. 9 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Inquiry into method of licensing shipments of wool from Buenos Aires to Sweden. 990
1024 Aug. 12 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Routine for licensing shipments from South America to Sweden. 990

proposal for an allied blockade committee at paris dealing with spain and Switzerland; disapproval by great Britain—joint certification by british and american consuls of manifests of neutral ships leaving south american ports—regulations regarding the routes and cargoes of sailing ships—proposed new plan for the routing of neutral ships to examination ports; disapproval by the united states

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No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
4769 Aug. 14 From the Ambassador in France (tel.): Taylor and McFadden to W.T.B. Need of inter-Allied blockade committee at Paris to deal with blockade questions touching Spain and Switzerland. 991
1155 Aug. 16 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British disapproval of U.S. policy regarding export of nonindigenous articles. 992
1008 Aug. 27 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposes joint certification by U.S. and British consuls on imports into Sweden from South America. 993
29891 Aug. 31 From the French High Commissioner Requests U.S. representation on proposed inter-Allied blockade committee in Paris to discuss economic questions relating to Spain and Switzerland. 993
1588 Sept. 3 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Approves joint certification of manifests of Scandinavian and Dutch ships at South American ports. 994
5640 Sept. 17 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Favors inter-Allied committee in Paris to deal with Swiss affairs and suggests similar organization in Madrid for Spain. 994
Sept. 17 To the French Deputy High Commissioner U.S .attitude toward commercial treaties between Germany and neutrals is not yet denned. 995
5135 Sept. 20 From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Points out objections to, and difficulties in, organizing an Allied Blockade Committee in Madrid. 995
1527 Sept. 21 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon British views on export of non-indigenous articles, which have been adopted by the United States. 996
1648 Sept. 27 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to McFadden Navy Department’s telegram to Admiral Sims: Exceptions to regulations on routes and cargoes of sailing ships and unarmed steamers. 997
1673 Sept. 28 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Message to W.T.B. representative in the Netherlands on status of inter-Allied trade committees in northern neutral countries. 998
1674 Sept. 28 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Points out to Great Britain importance of inter-Allied blockade committee at Paris to secure uniformity of policy toward Spain and Switzerland. 999
1727 Oct. 1 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Owen Conditions under which Swedish sailing ships will be permitted to traverse the danger zone. 1000
5886 Oct. 12 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Quotes telegram of Oct. 6 from W.T.B. representative, Switzerland, disapproving of placing Swiss affairs in hands of blockade committee at Paris. 1000
1956 Oct. 12 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Requests investigation of delay in receiving Allied Blockade Committee’s reports on applications to export. 1001
5445 Oct. 16 [Rec’d Oct. 17] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Argument for usefulness of A.B.C. at Paris in cooperation with similar organizations at Berne and Madrid. 1002
2865 Oct. 16 [Rec’d Oct. 17] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed new plan for routing of neutral ships to examination ports. 1003
2340 Oct. 22 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Question of permitting sailing ships under German safe-conduct to carry mineral oil and foodstuffs for Switzerland and northern neutrals. 1005
3096 Oct. 25 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.) Text of British note on effecttive cooperation in blockade measures. British representative to be sent to Paris. 1006
3318 Nov. 1 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Statements of Maritime Transport Council and Admiral Sims on carrying of oil and foodstuffs in sailing ships under German safe-conducts. 1008
2661 Nov. 6 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Approves plan for joint U.S. and British certification of ships from South America to Scandinavia and the Netherlands. 1009
3512 Nov. 8 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Admiral Sims states naval authorities concur in W.T.B. exceptions to regulations regarding sailing ships. 1009
2746 Nov. 11 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Sailing ships will operate according to U.S. regulations, with certain exceptions. 1009
Nov. 11 Department memorandum Objectionable features of new plan for routing of ships and examining of cargoes. 1010
3734 Undated [Rec’d Nov. 14] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Arrangements for carrying out new plan for routing of neutral ships to ports of examination. 1011
2826 Nov. 15 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Instructions to consuls in South America on joint certification of manifests of Dutch and Scandinavian ships. 1012
3114 Nov. 29 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Suggested plan for routing neutral ships for ports of examination is disapproved. 1012

Black Lists of Neutral Firms

efforts to coordinate the american enemy trading list with the british statutory list and the french general black list—agreement for review of evidence on firms in latin america at washington, in spain and morocco (switzerland and greece later included) at paris, and in other european countries and possessions at london

[Page XVIII] [Page XIX]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Dec. 31, 1917 [Rec’d Jan. 2, 1918] From the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy Great Britain adopts U.S. enemy trading list for Mexico with few exceptions. 1013
Jan. 7, 1918 To the diplomatic representatives in Latin American countries (tel.) Revised enemy trading list to be made public in Latin American countries. 1013
Jan. 18 To the consular officers in Latin American countries (tel.) Instructions for treatment of firms on enemy trading list. 1014
8327 Undated [Rec’d Jan. 20] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Discontinuance of enemy trading list for Portugal considered. Spanish list unsatisfactory. 1014
8362 Jan. 23 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Suggestions regarding Persian enemy trading list and lists for Morocco, Liberia, and other African territories. 1015
Jan. 29 To the diplomatic and consular officers in all countries (tel.) Licenses allowed for transshipment in U.S. ports of goods for Latin America even though consignees are on enemy trading list. 1015
6408 Feb. 1 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Fuller to Frothingham Plan for enemy trading list for Persia approved. 1015
Feb. 19 W.T.B. to French High Commission; mutatis mutandis, to British Embassy Changes made in the French, British, and U.S. black lists to bring about coordination of policy. 1016
3214 Feb. 19 From the Ambassador in France (tel.) France desires U.S. and Allied representative in each capital to confer on blacklisting questions. 1017
8745 Feb. 20 [Rec’d Feb. 21] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Agreement in conference on desirability of coordinated local action on black lists to be followed by final centralized review control. 1017
Feb. 21 To the diplomatic representatives in certain countries (tel.) Instructions to cooperate in blacklisting policy. 1018
6671 Feb. 23 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Fuller to Sheldon Reexamination of enemy trading list requested with view to securing British accord. 1019
Feb. 25 To the representatives in Greece and northern European neutral countries (tel.) Instructions to confer with colleagues and report joint recommendations for changes in enemy trading list. 1019
Feb. 25 To the representatives in certain Latin American countries (tel.) Instructions to confer with colleagues and report joint recommendations for changes in enemy trading list. 1019
Feb. 25 To the War Trade Board Policy recommended in regard to enemy trading laws in Brazil, Cuba, and Panama. 1020
8803 Feb. 25 [Rec’d Feb. 26] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Inquiries and suggestions regarding policy as to enemy trade classification. 1021
6725 Mar. 1 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Fuller to Sheldon Blacklisting plan arranged conjointly with Great Britain and France as suggested, and instructions sent certain missions. 1021
9131 Mar. 20 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Great Britain considers enemy nationality as cause for inclusion in enemy trading list. 1022
9154 Mar. 21 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Inquiry regarding approval of coordination proposals and simultaneous changes in lists. 1022
7013 Mar. 23 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Fuller to Sheldon Further explanations regarding enemy trading list. 1023
7014 Mar. 23 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Owen, Stockholm, to be informed that it will be legal to trade with firms not on revised U.S. enemy trading list. 1023
9232 Mar. 27 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Owen to W.T.B. Question of policy toward reputable neutral importers holding selling agencies for enemy firms. 1024
3402 Mar. 29 To the Ambassador in France (tel.) Designation of U.S. representative to confer at Paris on questions relating to black lists. 1024
7095 Mar. 30 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Coordination of lists approved. Changes will be published simultaneously. 1024
7129 Apr. 3 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Instructions regarding licenses for export to Scandinavian firms pending publication of revised list. 1025
7155 Apr. 5 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Impossible to include names in enemy trading list solely on basis of nationality. 1025
252 Apr. 26 To the Minister in Portugal (tel.) Instructions to report status of enemy firms in Portugal and progress in liquidation of enemy interests. 1025
1072 Apr. 30 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne. Instructions to confer with colleagues and report joint recommendations for changes in enemy trading list. 1026

publication of the enemy trading list including european firms, may 1–agreement with great britain and france for joint consideration of licenses for transactions with listed or other enemy firms; suspension owing to reservations imposed—institution of the american confidential list and cloaks list—discussion of a projected black list for switzerland and of japanese participation in the black-list conferences

[Page XX] [Page XXI]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
122 May 1 To the Consul at Amsterdam Publication of new unified enemy trading list including European firms. 1026
May 4 Public statement by W.T.B. Issue of revised edition of enemy trading list for all countries. 1027
May 8 To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.) Possibility of white list for China. Cooperation with Japan in war trade policies under discussion. 1028
4093 June 5 [Rec’d June 6] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): Stetson and McFadden to W.T.B. Inquiry regarding licensing exports from the Allies to blacklisted firms in Spain, Morocco, and Switzerland. 1028
384 June 4 [Rec’d June 6] From the Minister in Portugal (tel.) Report on liquidation of enemy interests in Portugal. 1028
305 June 18 To the Minister in Portugal (tel.) Tentative plan for issue of enemy trading list for Portugal. 1029
4706 June 22 To the Ambassador In France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Plan for coordination in blacklisting. British approval awaited. 1029
June 25 To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.): from W.T.B. Instruction to suspend blacklisting activities in Japan. 1030
2 July 2 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Procedure in handling enemy trading license cases involving Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the Netherlands. 1030
4872 July 2 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Procedure in handling enemy trading license cases involving Switzerland, Spain, and Morocco. 1030n
4911 July 3 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): Fuller to McFadden Instructions regarding compiling of list for Switzerland. Text of W.T.B. resolution. 1031
July 5 To the diplomatic representatives in Latin American countries Instructions regarding establishment of confidential enemy trading list and cloaks list. 1031
3874 July 5 [Rec’d July 7] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) Reply to request for copy of German black list. 1032
2486 July 9 From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Reply to request for copy of German black list. 1032
4521 July 20 [Rec’d July 21] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Text of Italian memorandum on Japan’s participation with the Allies in formation of black lists. 1032
4604 July 27 [Rec’d July 28] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Opposition to participation by Japan in preparation of black list. 1033
5176 Aug. 1 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): Fuller to McFadden Inclusion of Japan in coordination plan and black-list conferences is deemed important. 1033
2392 Aug. 3 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel French proposal of black list for Switzerland. 1034
4702 Aug. 7 [Rec’d Aug. 8] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. French assent to inclusion of Japanese delegate on committees. Subject submitted to Inter-Allied Blacklisting Committee, Paris. 1034
921 Aug. 8 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Inter-Allied Blacklisting Committee is designated as conference to consider those applications for licenses which are referred to London. 1034
4710 Aug. 8 [Rec’d Aug. 9] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. French and British attitude toward proposed plan for licensing trade with listed or enemy persons. 1035
4244 Aug. 8 [Rec’d Aug. 10] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Dresel to W.T.B. Swiss opposition to inclusion in black list of members of Société Suisse de Surveillance Economique. 1035
1178 Aug. 19 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T. B. Suspension of joint consideration of applications for enemy trading licenses, owing to reservations imposed. 1036
2572 Aug. 20 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel Authorization to proceed with proposed black list for Switzerland. 1037
78 Aug. 22 To the Minister in Persia (tel.) Instructions to consult colleagues and report recommendations on enemy trading and confidential lists, with reasons. 1037
1310 Aug. 23 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T. B. Conference plan for enemy trade licensing seems likely to fail. Inquiry as to advantages of plan. 1037
1948 Aug. 23 [Rec’d Aug. 24] From the Chargé in Italy (tel.): Stewart to W.T.B. Italy accepts conditionally W.T.B. plan for conferences for consideration of enemy trade licenses. 1038
951 Aug. 24 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Instructions for procedure pending Italian and French agreement to enemy trading license conference plan. 1038
5427 Aug. 24 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Inquires reasons for French opposition to enemy trading license conference. Instructions. 1038
4459 Aug. 24 [Rec’d Aug. 26] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Stetson and Dresel to W.T.B. Suggestions for compiling black lists for Switzerland. 1039
4892 Aug. 27 [Rec’d Aug. 28] From the Chargé in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Points relative to enemy trading licenses unacceptable to France and points not understood. 1041
[Page XXII]

consular instruction of august 30 describing the various lists in effect and the methods of coordination with the allied powers—protests of the swiss and spanish governments against the black lists—proposals for a joint communication to portugal to secure more effective action against enemy trade—continued discussion of coordination of licensing policy

[Page XXIII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
618 Aug. 30 To the diplomatic and consular officers in Latin American countries Special instruction describing lists and methods of coordination for restriction of enemy trade. 1042
619 Aug. 30 To the diplomatic and consular officers in Latin American countries General instruction regarding coordinated plan to prevent trading with the enemy. 1046
1121 Aug. 31 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Conference plan is only possible way to obtain unified policy in granting enemy trade licenses. 1051
Sept. 3 To diplomatic representatives in Latin American countries and Consul at Georgetown (tel.) Instructions for reporting to Washington Allied conference recommendations on changes in enemy trading lists. 1052
5506 Sept. 4 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden. Aims and functions of proposed enemy trade license conference. French cooperation urged. 1052
2659 Sept. 4 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel Plan for compiling Swiss lists approved. Adoption by France has been urged. 1054
1185 Sept. 4 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Enemy trade restriction by Portugal is urged in order to prevent cloaking of enemy trade in South America. 1054
1195 Sept. 5 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Washington conference plan for trade restriction is recommended for adoption. 1055
5517 Sept. 6 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden W.T.B. position regarding scope of conference activities. 1055
1673 Sept. 7 To the Ambassador in Italy (tel.): W.T.B. to Stewart Licensing policy explained; full cooperation of Italy urged. 1056
4624 Sept. 7 [Rec’d Sept. 9] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Dresel to W.T.B. Swiss objections to establishment of black list. 1057
5022 Sept. 10 [Rec’d Sept. 11] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Discussion of application and operation of confidential lists for Switzerland. French viewpoint. 1058
1906 Sept. 16 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Proposed joint communication to Portugal to secure effective action against enemy trade. 1060
5120 Sept. 19 From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Resolution of Inter-Allied Blacklisting Committee, Paris, that decisions become binding after 10 days if no objections raised. 1061
5721 Sept. 25 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Continued discussion of coordination of licensing policy. 1061
1626 Sept. 26 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Fuller to Sheldon Approval of joint proposal to Portugal for action in restriction of enemy trade. 1062
270 Sept. 30 To the British Chargé Proposal that Governments associated in enemy-trading problems shall invite participation by Japan. 1062
5256 Oct. 1 From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. France is in accord with U.S. blacklisting plan with certain exceptions enumerated. 1063
5235 Sept. 30 [Rec’d Oct. 1] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Spain’s protest against black lists. British reply. Inquiry regarding U.S. position. 1064
2516 Oct. 5 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Points of difference between French and British regarding confidential black list policy. 1065
2704 Oct. 10 [Rec’d Oct. 11] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. Delay in effecting liquidation of enemy firms in Portugal. 1066
5873 Oct. 11 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Japan may request inclusion on inter-Allied enemy-trading listing and licensing committees. 1067

limited resumption of enemy trade license conferences, october 11; american efforts to secure greater coordination—participation of italy and japan in black-list and licensing conferences—proposed participation of belgium-continuance of the black lists after the armistice

[Page XXIV] [Page XXV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
1936 Oct. 11 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon. Mutatis mutandis, to McFadden Instruction to resume formal conference on enemy trade licenses pending settlement of minor differences. 1067
2122 Oct. 11 [Rec’d Oct. 12] From the Ambassador in Italy (tel.): Stewart to W.T.B. Italy accepts with one reservation W.T.B. resolutions dealing with enemy trade license conferences. 1067
5898 Oct. 14 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Argument in favor of W.T.B. licensing policy, urging French cooperation. 1068
5937 Oct. 17 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Concurs in presenting unified front regarding enemy trading lists for Spain. 1069
5500 Oct. 21 [Rec’d Oct. 22] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. France will submit cases to conferences according to U.S. plan, with certain exceptions. 1069
5976 Oct. 22 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Approves modified plan of blacklisting for Switzerland but declines to participate in joint note. 1072
1788 Oct. 23 To the Ambassador in Italy (tel.): W.T.B. to Stewart Italy’s exceptions are in accord with W.T.B. policy. Formal conferences now taking place at London, Paris, Washington. 1072
5638 Oct. 30 [Rec’d Oct. 31] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Inquires if the United States approves resolution of trade-license conference for delaying execution of decisions. 1072
2550 Oct. 31 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon. Mutatis mutandis, to McFadden Scope of jurisdiction of inter-Allied enemy trading license conference. British agreement urged. 1073
5490 Oct. 30 [Rec’d Nov. 1] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Heck to W.T.B. Desirability of U.S. participation in joint official reply to Swiss objections to proposed black list. 1075
5646 Oct. 31 [Rec’d Nov. 2] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Proposed participation of Belgium with the Associated Governments in trade control. 1075
5714 Nov. 4 [Rec’d Nov. 5] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): Stetson to W.T.B. Great Britain will not reply further to Spanish protest. Similar course recommended for the United States. 1076
6206 Nov. 8 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Declines to concur in resolution of Paris conference for delay in execution of decisions. 1076
5766 Nov. 8 [Rec’d Nov. 9] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Points on which French cooperation in U.S. proposals is assured. 1077
3316 Nov. 11 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) Proposed change in form of request for Swiss cooperation in blacklisting. 1077
3618 Nov. 11 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Frothingham to W.T.B. British confidential list permissions delivered for inter-Allied review. U.S. decisions awaited. 1078
5873 Nov. 16 [Rec’d Nov. 17] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. France has invited Japan to participate in blacklisting and licensing conferences. 1079
2883 Nov. 18 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Harmony of action is desired through conference as cases arise, rather than by subsequent protest. 1079
5935 Nov. 20 From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. France is in accord with U.S. view that decisions of enemy-license conferences should become effective at once. 1079
6510 Dec. 2 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Belgium will be requested to participate in conferences for trade control. 1080
Dec. 16 To the diplomatic and consular officers in Latin American countries (tel.) Instructions to use official black lists only and to express appreciation to business houses for cooperation. 1080
1735 Dec. 21 To the Ambassador in Mexico (tel.) Authorization to join in invitation to Japanese representative to participate in inter-Allied conferences on blacklist changes. 1081

Attitude of the Associated Governments toward Neutral Ships Carrying German Safe-Conducts

[Page XXVI] [Page XXVII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
709 May 7 From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Text of German announcement that neutral ship is considered as of enemy character when running in enemy interest. 1081
10509 June 8 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Sweden’s request that the Associated Governments permit Swedish ships with non-contraband cargoes to carry German safe-conducts. 1081
8326 June 19 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Danger of German control of neutral shipping as result of use of German safe-conducts. 1082
8518 June 29 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon. Similar tel. to McFadden Instances of German attempts to control neutral shipping. Instructions to report developments and ascertain Government’s views. 1083
374 July 6 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) Instructions to report on German attempt to control neutral shipping. Similar telegram to other European neutral countries. 1084
25003 July 8 [Rec’d July 9] From the French High Commissioner French decree: Neutral ships sailing with enemy safe-conducts liable to seizure and confiscation. 1084
874 July 9 From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Delegation representing Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish shipowners will proceed to Berlin for discussion of safe-conducts. 1085
2452 July 10 [Rec’d July 11] From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Swedish explanation of acceptance of German safe-conducts. Text of certificate. 1086
2493 July 11 [Rec’d July 12] From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Germany makes demands upon Norway and Denmark regarding shipping. U.S. pressure on latter suggested. 1087
5021 July 15 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Sailing ships with goods for Switzerland and carrying German safe-conducts are permitted to traverse submarine danger zone. 1088
342 July 16 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British view that Germany’s safe-conduct policy will have no fundamental effect on the situation. 1088
363 July 23 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to McFadden Points out consequences which acceptance of German safe-conduct system might entail. 1089
403 July 25 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposed joint communication to European neutrals condemning German safe-conduct system. 1090
650 July 27 [Rec’d July 28] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed note to neutrals regarding German trade control approved by British and French with certain alterations. 1092
624 Aug. 5 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposed modified form of note on German trade control to be delivered to northern neutrals and Spain if Allies agree to cooperate. 1093
27557 Aug. 5 [Rec’d Aug. 6] From the French High Commissioner France approves procedure adopted by other Associated Governments regarding German safe-conducts. 1094
930 Aug. 8 [Rec’d Aug. 9] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Foreign Office proposes withholding note of Associated Governments to neutrals regarding safe-conducts and substituting one to Sweden. 1095
753 Aug. 13 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Reply to British reversal of decision regarding note to neutrals. 1096
1090 Aug. 14 [Rec’d Aug. 15] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Text of proposed joint note to Sweden, drafted by Foreign Office. U.S. cooperation urged. 1098
885 Aug. 21 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Counter-proposal regarding declaration to neutrals on subject of German safe-conducts. 1099
4870 Aug. 24 [Rec’d Aug. 25] From the Chargé in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. French representatives in neutral countries instructed to cooperate in declaring policy of Associated Governments toward German safe-conducts. 1100
1456 Aug. 28 [Rec’d Aug. 29] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Submitted for approval: British final draft of note to be presented to neutrals, with additional statement to Sweden. 1101
1589 Sept. 3 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Final decision as to form of presentation of note of Associated Governments to neutrals regarding German safe-conducts. 1102
1196 Sept. 5 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Note for Sweden on German safe-conducts. Similar notes will be addressed to the other northern neutrals and Spain. 1103
1665 Sept. 6 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) British instructions to representatives in northern neutrals and Spain regarding presentation of joint note. 1104
40.A. XXIX.n. Sept. 24 [Rec’d Sept. 25] From the Danish Minister Explanation of character of German safe-conducts and their necessity in Danish trade. 1104
3007 Sept. 27 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel Sailing ships with German safe-conducts and unobjectionable cargoes permitted to proceed to Cette. 1106
Oct. 10 To the Danish Minister Reply to Danish representations regarding German safe-conducts. 1107

Negotiations with Norway Concerning Exports

assurances regarding supplies communicated to norway, january 9—american proposals supplementary to those of 1917—publication of the american proposals—norwegian reply, february 2, to the american note of december 20, 1917–american note of february 9–norwegian notes of february 14 and 16—release of the norwegian ship “kim”—british observations on the proposed agreement

[Page XXVIII] [Page XXIX]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
445 Jan. 3 From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Suggests public explanation of U.S. demands upon Norway to prevent misunderstanding. 1107
201 Jan. 4 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) Assurances that, providing satisfactory arrangement with the Associated Governments is concluded, Norway will receive necessary rations. 1108
446 Jan. 4 From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Discussion with Foreign Minister of proposals for interchange of products. 1108
202 Jan. 5 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) W.T.B. proposal of Dec. 20 to Nansen must stand. Instructions to publish. 1109
453 Jan. 9 [Rec’d Jan. 10] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Suggests that before publication proposal be drawn up in final form with reciprocal offers to Norway. 1110
455 Jan. 10 From the Minister in Norway (tel.) British and U.S. notes of assurance of rations to Norway delivered. 1111
206 Jan. 12 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) Publication of proposals to Norway delayed until put in proper form. 1111
478 Jan. 18 [Rec’d Jan. 19] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Conflicting opinions and delay mark Norwegian policy. Offer of final proposal recommended. 1111
480 Jan. 18 [Rec’d Jan. 19] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Reversal of Norwegian position owing to shortage of food. Recommendations. 1112
207 Jan. 19 To the Minister in in Norway (tel.) Schedule of commodities for Norwegian requirements as supplementary to proposal of Dec. 20. 1113
210 Jan. 21 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) Publishing of rationing proposal made to Norway is being considered. 1114
6319 Jan. 22 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Christiania Nansen refused to present Norwegian counter-proposal. W.T.B. proposal to be published shortly. 1115
485 Jan. 22 [Rec’d Jan. 23] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Norway, fearing difficulties with Germany, requests that its offer to the United States be not published. 1115
216 Jan. 25 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) U.S. proposal to Norway will be published without intimation of Norway’s offer. 1116
494 Jan. 29 [Rec’d Jan. 30] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Press comment on U.S. published proposal to Norway. Discussion with Foreign Minister of counter-proposal. 1116
218 Jan. 30 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) Additions made to proposed schedule of commodities to be furnished Norway. 1117
Feb. 2 The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission to the Chairman of W.T.B. Reply to U.S. proposal of Dec. 19(20), 1917, for trade agreement with Norway. 1118
Feb. 4 The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission to the Chairman of W.T.B. Quotes German official press comment on U.S. proposal for trade agreement with Norway. 1126
505 Feb. 5 [Rec’d Feb. 6] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Norway’s reply to U.S. proposals published; thought not to be final reply. 1127
6523 Feb. 9 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Text of W.T.B. note to Nansen agreeing to modification of proposal regarding exports to Central Powers. 1127
Feb. 13 From the Norwegian Minister on Special Mission Release of Norwegian ship Kim requested. 1128
Feb. 14 The Norwegian Minister on SpecialMission to the Counselor of W.T.B. Modifications of Norwegian proposal of Feb. 2 regarding exports to Germany. 1129
Feb. 16 The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission to the Chairman of W.T.B. Statement of terms of agreement as understood by Norway. 1131
239 Feb. 21 To the Minister in Norway (tel.): W.T.B. to Schmedeman Release of the Kim and the Nobel. Terms under which the agreement with Norway is to be concluded. 1134
8814 Feb. 26 [Rec’d Feb. 27] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.); to W.T.B. also Transmits British observations and suggestions on proposed agreement with Norway. 1134

the draft agreement submitted to the associated governments, march 2—draft of april 1—discussions on the basis of these drafts—norway’s reaffirmation of neutrality, march 9: attitude of the associated governments—agreement for chartering norwegian sailing vessels, april 20

[Page XXX]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
6751 Mar. 2 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon For submission to France and Great Britain: Text of draft agreement between W.T.B. and Norway. 1138
8928 Mar. 6 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Draft agreement with Norway considered satisfactory by the Allies. 1145
6789 Mar. 7 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Schedules showing annual import requirements of Norway. 1146
8935 Mar. 7 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Comments on draft agreement with Norway and changes suggested. 1147
255 Mar. 9 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) Export licenses issued to Norwegian Food Commission for shipment of seeds. 1149
576 Mar. 9 [Rec’d Mar. 10] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Transmits Norwegian note: Reaffirmation of neutrality. 1150
6905 Mar. 15 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon W.T.B. message to be repeated to Minister in Norway authorizing him to acquaint Norwegian Government with terms of draft agreement. 1151
600 Mar. 20 From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Germany negotiates with Norway for commodity exchange. 1151
610 Mar. 22 From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Norway’s change of attitude in regard to proposed agreement. 1151
309 Mar. 22 [Rec’d Mar. 23] From the British Ambassador on Special Mission Proposed reply to Norway’s note on German demands submitted for concurrence in joint presentation. 1152
616 Mar. 25 From the Minister in Norway (tel.): Dye to W.T.B. Recommends that export licenses to Norway cease until assurances given of no requisition by the Government. 1153
624 Mar. 30 [Rec’d Mar. 31] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Proposed joint reply to Norwegian neutrality note. 1154
7103 Apr. 1 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon W.T.B. message to be repeated to Minister in Norway, conveying text of draft agreement of Apr. 1. 1154
274 Apr. 2 To the Minister in Norway (tel.) Note to Foreign Minister: Norway is reminded of its rights as a neutral, including its right of negotiation. 1154
Apr. 12 The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission to the Chairman of W.T.B. Remarks on last draft of agreement and objections to certain points therein. 1155
Apr. 15 The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission to the Chairman of W.T.B. Quantity of nitrates available for export from Norway to the United States and associates. 1161
Apr. 17 The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission to the Chairman of W.T.B. Additional points of difference to be adjusted in draft agreement. 1162
Apr. 20 Norwegian-American agreement Chartering of Norwegian sailing vessels. 1163
677 Apr. 23 [Rec’d Apr. 24] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Interviews with Prime Minister and with Foreign Minister on proposed trade agreement. 1168
7469 Apr. 27 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Liberal draft agreement submitted to Nansen, conceding important points. 1169

the agreement of april 30–negotiations for revival of the “branch agreements” with norwegian associations

[Page XXXI] [Page XXXII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Apr. 30 Norwegian-American agreement Exports from the United States to Norway. 1170
Apr. 30 The Norwegian Minister on Special Mission to W.T.B. Measures adopted by Norway for proper observance of fish agreement. 1182
Apr. 30 The Chairman of W.T.B. to the Norwegian Minister on Special Mission Agreement is not to be construed as obligating Associated Governments to furnish Norway with tonnage for imports. 1182
May 3 To the French Ambassador; mutatis mutandis, to the British and Italian Ambassadors Presents copy of rationing agreement with Norway for approval of his Government. 1183
301 May 4 To the Minister in Norway (tel.): W.T.B. to Dye Urges reorganization of Norwegian trade associations and creation of others under Allied Trade Committee. 1183
7611 May 6 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Available Norwegian sailing vessels which will release steamer tonnage. 1184
706 May 6 [Rec’d May 7] From the Minister in Norway (tel.): Dye to W.T.B. Organization of Allied Trade Committee and trade associations under agreement. 1184
7676 May 10 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Christiania and Paris Abbreviated text of W.T.B. ruling No. 103 to be issued May 10, governing exports to Norway. 1185
May 15 [Rec’d May 18] From the French Ambassador France approves rationing agreement of Apr. 30 with Norway. 1186
321 May 18 To the Minister in Norway (tel.): W.T.B. to Dye. Similar tel. to London Approval of suggestion that association agreements be negotiated at Christiania instead of London. 1186
324 May 22 To the Minister in Norway (tel.): W.T.B. to Dye Issuing of export licenses against certificates obtained prior to May 10. 1186
May 25 Norwegian-American supplemental agreement Cargoes of ships chartered under agreement of Apr. 20. 1187
598 May 29 [Rec’d June 1] From the British Ambassador on Special Mission British adherence to Norwegian agreement of Apr. 30. 1188
Undated Draft agreement between Associated Governments and Norwegian Associations Control of Norwegian imports. 1188
871 July 8 [Rec’d July 9] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) Revision of branch agreements with Norwegian trade associations. Question of signature. 1196
396 July 26 To the Minister in Norway (tel.); to repeat to Sheldon Instructions in regard to signing of branch agreements. 1197
8130/C–6 Aug. 16 The Italian High Commissioner to the Chairman of W.T.B. Notification of Italy’s adherence to Norwegian agreement of Apr. 30. 1197
436 Aug. 24 To the Minister in Norway (tel.): W.T.B. to Dye Authorization to sign cork-makers’ agreement, unless changes have been made in draft submitted. 1197
890 Aug. 19 [Rec’d Sept. 12] From the Chargé in Norway Press report of unanimous approval by the Storthing of agreement of Apr. 30. 1198
1365 Sept. 14 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Message to Dye: Authorization to sign corkmakers’ agreement as corrected. 1198
Sept. 30 From the Minister in Norway Norwegian endorsement of U.S. policies. 1198
1277 Oct. 24 From the Minister in Norway (tel.): Owen to W.T.B. Questions form in which branch agreements are being drawn up. 1199
541 Nov. 1 To the Minister in Norway (tel.): W.T.B. to Owen Terms to be used in drawing up corkmakers’ and other branch agreements. 1199

Negotiations with Sweden Concerning Exports and Shipping

the modus vivendi signed january 29—negotiations regarding its application—modification of the american bunkering regulations—proposals for a general agreement—plan for the purchase of Swedish iron ore

[Page XXXIII] [Page XXXIV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
8204 Jan. 9 [Rec’d Jan. 10] Fom the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Sweden’s delay in trade negotiations with the Allies interpreted as result of understanding with Germany. 1200
8242 Jan. 11 [Rec’d Jan. 12] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposes modus vivendi with Sweden to secure tonnage for carrying coal to France and Italy. 1201
6274 Jan. 16 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Accedes to proposed modus vivendi with Sweden after pointing out its disadvantages. 1203
8336 Jan. 21 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Negotiations recommended for application of proposed modus vivendi. 1203
6345 Jan. 24 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposed disposition of Swedish ships under modus vivendi. 1204
8430 Jan. 29 [Rec’d Jan. 30] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Text of modus vivendi with Sweden. 1204
8638 Feb. 13 [Rec’d Feb. 14] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Swedish imports, and Swedish exports to Germany, which Great Britain and France are prepared to grant. 1207
8678 Feb. 15 [Rec’d Feb. 16] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Recommends U.S. declaration that bunkering rules do not apply to Swedish modus vivendi. 1210
1583 Feb. 27 [Rec’d Feb. 28] From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Text of Swedish memorandum: terms under which shipowners are willing to abide by U.S. bunker regulations. 1210
6748 Mar. 2 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Suggestions and comments on rationing of Sweden and on tonnage proposal, and authorization to close agreement. 1211
581 Mar. 6 To the Minister in Sweden (tel.): from W.T.B. Modification of U.S. bunkering regulations as applied to Sweden. 1212
1682 Mar. 15 [Rec’d Mar. 16] From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Swedish desire for a specific guaranty of imports. 1212
631 Mar. 23 To the Minister in Sweden (tel.): from W.T.B. Cereals guaranteed available for Swedish purchase if agreement is concluded. 1213
1773 Mar. 27 [Rec’d Mar. 28] From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) German opposition to Swedish modus vivendi and proposed permanent agreement with Allies. 1213
1787 Mar. 28 [Rec’d Mar. 29] From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Quotes telegram of Allied Ministers to their Governments recommending that Swedish ships be requisitioned if agreement is not signed. 1214
9298 Apr. 1 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Explanations regarding rationing proposal; question of U.S. signature to Swedish agreement. 1215
673 Apr. 3 To the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Disapproves requisitioning Swedish ships. Reasons. 1215
1855 Apr. 6 From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) British Minister instructed to drop matter of requisitioning Swedish ships. 1216
7182 Apr. 8 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Plan for purchase of Swedish iron ore. 1216
9439 Apr. 10 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Sailings of Swedish ships under modus vivendi. 1218
9447 Apr. 11 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed that Swedish ships, proceeding to Buenos Aires for grain, will carry coal to the Plate. 1218
9475 Apr. 12 [Rec’d Apr. 13] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Recommends that Swedish ships go direct to the Plate to obtain grain urgently needed by Sweden. 1219
9509 Apr. 13 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Misunderstanding in regard to time charter of replacement ships and distribution of oil under modus vivendi. 1219
7301 Apr. 16 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Allotment of Swedish tonnage. 1220
7313 Apr. 16 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Objection to Swedish ships proceeding in ballast to the Plate. 1221
7330 Apr. 16 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Acceptance of Swedish interpretation of modus vivendi regarding time charter of ships and distribution of oil. 1221

swedish counterproposals for the general agreement; discussion of the terms—assent of the united states to participation in the purchase of iron ore—the cases of the swedish ships “kronprins gustaf adolf and “pacific”

[Page XXXV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
1934 Apr. 24 From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Sweden’s final proposal for general agreement with Allies as result of report of commission to Germany. 1222
7442 Apr. 25 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon. U.S. offer to finance British and French purchase of Swedish iron ore, and to bear one-third of possible ultimate loss. 1223
Apr. 30 [Rec’d May 1] From the Swedish Minister Cases of the Kronprins Gustaf Adolf and Pacific reviewed and reason sought for difference in treaty interpretation. 1224
7564 May 3 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel): W.T.B. to Sheldon Declines to become signatory to general agreement with Sweden but will issue licenses as contemplated thereby. 1225
9987 May 10 [Rec’d May 11] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Swedish proposed modification of draft agreement of Feb. 18. 1225
10002 May 11 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Approval requested for certain Swedish ships to proceed to the Plate in anticipation of agreement. 1226
10003 May 11 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed memorandum to Sweden representing U.S. willingness to grant licenses conditionally under agreement. 1227
7775 May 17 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Inquiries and suggestions regarding Swedish tonnage, particularly for South America. 1228
7783 May 17 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Swedish tonnage program approved provided certain ships bound for the Plate move cargo from U.S. ports to South America. 1229
7784 May 17 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Estimate of Swedish needs and proposed control of rations to Sweden; financial provision. 1229
7834 May 20 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Conditions under which adherence to Swedish agreement is authorized. 1231
10171 May 22 [Rec’d May 23] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Further discussion of terms of Swedish agreement. Approval as it stands is urged. 1231
10191 May 22 [Rec’d May 23] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Difficulties in arranging tonnage contracts. Further changes in Swedish agreement suggested. 1233
10235 May 23 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposes additional clause in letter of adherence regarding bunkering and licensing of ships under Swedish agreement. 1237
7947 May 27 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Authorization to adhere to agreement conditionally. Probability of U.S. participation in purchase of iron ore. 1238
8008 May 29 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Additional clause in letter of adherence authorized as suggested. 1239
10324 May 29 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Swedish agreement signed subject to ratification by Sweden. 1239

the agreement between sweden and the allied powers, may 29; engagement of the war trade board to grant licenses under the agreement

[Page XXXVI]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
May 29 Agreement between the Allies and Sweden; U. S. memorandum of adherence Swedish rations and exports. 1240
10429 June 4 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Undue pressure alleged by Sweden regarding time charter of replacement ships. 1274
8222 June 13 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Text of Department’s note to Swedish Minister yielding claim to four months’ charter of replacement ships. 1274
8244 June 14 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Modus vivendi will continue in operation until Sweden ratifies agreement of May 29. 1275
10639 June 14 [Rec’d June 15] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Recommendations regarding requirement of replacing ships. Indications that Sweden will deliver ships according to agreement. 1275
2308 June 15 [Rec’d June 16] From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Text of Swedish note announcing ratification of agreement and requesting U.S. confirmation of adherence thereto. 1276
2309 June 15 [Rec’d June 16] From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Text of Swedish note making reservations regarding right of Associated Governments to requisition Swedish ships. 1277
2342 June 20 [Rec’d June 22] From the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Sweden awaits written confirmation of ratification of agreement by Associated Governments. 1277
882 June 24 To the Minister in Sweden (tel.): W.T.B. to Owen Swedish ships released with rations under agreement. 1278
436 June 26 To the Swedish Minister U.S. position regarding the Kronprins Gustaf Adolf and the Pacific. 1278
894 June 26 To the Minister in Sweden (tel.) Note to Foreign Minister quoting W.T.B. engagement to grant licenses under Swedish agreement. 1280
June 4 [Rec’d June 27] From the Swedish Foreign Minister Sending of Swedish commissioner to the United States for commercial negotiations. 1280

protest of the american government, september 20, against swedish exports to germany in contravention of the agreement—participation of the united states in the purchase of swedish iron ore and norwegian molybdenum

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
2694 Aug. 22 [Rec’d Aug. 23] From the Chargé in Sweden (tel.) Swedish exports to Germany which were contracted for prior to agreement of May 29. 1281
2695 Aug. 22 [Rec’d Aug. 23] From the Chargé in Sweden (tel.) Text of collective note addressed to Sweden on violation of agreement of May 29. Swedish explanations. Proposed joint note of protest. 1284
1077 Sept. 5 To the Chargé in Sweden (tel.) Representations to Sweden regarding violation of agreement. 1286
1679 Sept. 6 [Rec’d Sept. 7] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Text of message to Inter-Allied Trade Committee, Stockholm, on attitude toward Swedish contravention of agreement. 1287
1122 Sept. 13 To the Chargé in Sweden (tel.) U. S. demand for statement of Swedish exports to Germany since conclusion of Swedish agreement with Germany. 1289
1387 Sept. 14 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Explanation of U.S. demands upon Sweden. 1289
1149 Sept. 20 To the Chargé in Sweden (tel.): W.T.B. to Owen Issuance of bunker licenses under Swedish agreement of May 29. 1290
2873 Sept. 20 From the Chargé in Sweden (tel.) U.S. note on violation of agreement delivered to Sweden. 1290
2954 Oct. 7 [Rec’d Oct. 8] From the Chargé in Sweden (tel.) Sweden informed that Allied Governments adhere to U.S. note regarding breach of agreement. 1291
2807 Oct. 15 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Requests reply regarding U.S. engagement to bear one-third of purchase price of Swedish iron ore. 1291
2279 Oct. 18 To the Chargé in Great Britain(tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Memorandum on U.S. purchase of Swedish iron ore to be signed and presented to British Treasury. 1291
3001 Oct. 22 [Rec’d Oct. 24] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Understanding regarding disposition of resale proceeds of Swedish iron ore should be reached before U.S. commitment to share in purchase. 1292
2440 Oct. 26 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Swedish iron ore purchased should be considered as a whole and resale proceeds shared equally by Associated Governments. 1292
1244 Oct. 26 To the Chargé in Sweden (tel.) Representations to Sweden regarding delay in furnishing data on Swedish exports to Germany. 1293
3094 Nov. 2 From the Chargé in Sweden (tel.) Swedish reply regarding exports to Central Powers received and will be forwarded. 1293
3225 Dec. 4 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon U.S. participation in purchase of Norwegian molybdenum and Swedish iron ores. 1293
4446 Dec. 9 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Delay in arranging American participation in purchase and resale of Swedish ores. 1294
3463 Dec. 17 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Instructions regarding execution of agreement with Great Britain and France for purchase of Swedish ores. 1295
1696, 1956 Apr. 10, May 2, 1919 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tels.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Satisfactory arrangements made with Great Britain and France for treatment of purchases and resales of Swedish ores. 1295n

Negotiations with Denmark Concerning Exports and Shipping

the war trade board’s proposal for a trade and shipping agreement, january 17—the danish reply, february 13—american insistence on the use of chartered tonnage in the war zone

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
1763 Jan. 2 [Rec’d Jan. 4] From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.): Hurley to W.T.B. Report on general conditions in Denmark. 1295
6198 Jan. 8 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Instructions to confer with Allies on Danish needs regarding trade and tonnage. 1297
8241 Jan. 11 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British estimate of Denmark’s shipping needs. 1298
40-A-XXIX-n Jan. 16 The Danish Minister to the Chairman of W.T.B. Situation in Denmark; his authorization to negotiate for trade and shipping agreement. 1298
6297 Jan. 19 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposed trade and shipping agreement delivered to Danish Minister, Jan. 17. 1299
1850 Jan. 23 [Rec’d Jan. 24] From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Suggests that Denmark be requested to maintain ordinary export rules during negotiations for agreement. 1305
697 Jan. 28 To the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Quotes W.T.B. note to Danish Minister on application of proposed agreement to exports to Central Powers. 1305
40.A. XXIX.n Feb. 5 The Danish Minister to the Chairman of W.T.B. Denmark is opposed to publicity regarding terms of agreement. 1305
1935 Feb. 10 [Rec’d Feb. 11] From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Denmark objects to proposed bunker regulations, use of its ships in danger zone, and reduction of exports. 1307
1949, 1951 Feb. 14 [Rec’d Feb. 16] From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Quotes Danish counterproposal to W.T.B., with modified draft agreements. 1308
742 Feb. 19 To the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Concessions regarding bunker regulations in favor of Denmark. 1317
1982 Feb. 23 [Rec’d Feb. 24] From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) W.T.B. Representative’s memorandum on advantages and disadvantages of an agreement with Denmark. 1317
759 Mar. 1 To the Chargé in Denmark (tel.): from W.T.B. Possible U.S. exportation to Denmark of raw material. 1319
761 Mar. 1 To the Chargé in Denmark (tel.): from W.T.B. Danish draft agreement rejected because of unsatisfactory tonnage proposal. 1319
2010 Mar. 3 From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Conversation with Foreign Minister regarding U.S. rejection of draft agreement. 1320
40.A. XXIX.n Mar. 13 [Rec’d Mar. 14] From the Danish Minister Danish attitude toward the proposed agreement. 1320

danish assent to the use of ships in the war zone, march 18—dispatch of a special mission to the united states—negotiations at washington for an agreement—british and french objections to the proposed terms

[Page XXXIX] [Page XL]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
6974 Mar. 20 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Quotes Danish assent to use of ships in war zone. Inquires British and French attitude toward agreement. 1323
9183 Mar. 22 [Rec’d Mar. 23] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Great Britain and France deem a Danish agreement desirable. 1324
2072 Mar. 22 [Rec’d Mar. 23] From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Suggests export of certain raw materials to Denmark to prevent emigration of unemployed to Germany. 1325
2073 Mar. 22 From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) British and French opinion that supply of raw material to Denmark will jeopardize agreement. 1326
Apr. 11 To the Danish Minister The United States does not intend to requisition Danish ships. 1326
2211 Apr. 29 From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Recommends immediate concessions to secure Danish shipping. 1327
850 May 8 To the Chargé in Denmark (tel.): from W.T.B. Questions desirability of agreement with Denmark in respect to tonnage. 1328
40.A. XXIX-n May 11 [Rec’d May 13] From the Danish Minister Dispatch of mission to the United States to negotiate shipping and trade agreements. 1329
2315 May 22 From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Recommends requisition of ships in view of probable Danish demands. 1329
926 June 22 To the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) W.T.B., in conferences with Danish commissioners, has held to terms of proposal of Jan. 17. 1330
2452 June 29 From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Proposed measures to weaken position of Central Powers in negotiations with Denmark. 1330
10964 June 29 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Taylor to W.T.B. British and French objections to proposed terms of agreement. 1331
958 July 6 To the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) License for shipment of wrought iron tubing, etc., to Denmark will be given when deemed advisable. 1331
114 July 8 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Substantially all blockade measures have been agreed upon except rations. 1322
196 July 9 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Taylor to W.T.B. Attitude of the Allies toward Danish exports to Germany. 1332
219 July 10 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Taylor to W.T.B. French and British disapproval of Denmark’s new proposal to export fish and agricultural products to Germany. 1332
318 July 15 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Taylor to W.T.B. British observations on tonnage negotiations with Denmark. 1333
339 July 22 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Possibility of dropping negotiations with Denmark. 1335
2554 July 22 From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Four months’ commercial agreement between Denmark and the Central Powers. 1335
459 July 27 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Copenhagen British disapproval of certain deduction from amount of tonnage for Allies and of concession for Danish ships sunk. 1335
2571 Aug. 1 [Rec’d Aug. 2] From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) Danish concessions regarding tonnage and reduction of exports to Germany. 1336
827 Aug. 4 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Limitation of Danish exports to Germany and requisition of Danish shipping. 1336
716 Aug. 10 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Status of Danish tonnage negotiations. Reason for speedy conclusion of agreement. 1337
1104 Aug. 14 [Rec’d Aug. 15] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British concurrence in Danish agreement awaits result of negotiations on limitation of exports to Germany. 1338
Aug. 30 The Chairman of W.T.B. to the Danish Minister Probable result of delay in conclusion of negotiations with Denmark. 1338

the danish-american agreements of september 18—the anglo-danish shipping agreement

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Sept. 18 Danish - American agreement Danish imports and exports. 1339
Sept. 18 Danish - American agreement Charter of Danish tonnage to the United States and Great Britain. 1348
Sept. 18 The Chairman of W.T.B. to the Danish Minister Mutual understanding of terms of agreements of Sept. 18 between the United States and Denmark. 1352
1491 Sept. 20 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Extract from Anglo-Danish shipping agreement regarding coal shipments, etc. 1361
2817 Sept. 21 From the Chargé in Denmark (tel.) General satisfaction and, relief in Denmark at signing of Danish-American agreement. 1361

The Commercial Agreement between the Allied Powers and Iceland, May 23; Concurrence of the War Trade Board of the United States, September 11

[Page XLI]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
8421 Jan. 28 [Rec’d Jan. 29] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed agreement with Iceland for restriction of enemy supplies; requisition of wool suggested. 1362
8540 Feb. 6 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. U.S. approval sought for suspension of Icelandic trade pending negotiations. 1362
6673 Feb. 23 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Icelandic trade licenses will be withheld pending negotiations. 1363
10185 May 22 [Rec’d May 23] From the Chargé in Great Britain(tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. The Allies conclude commercial agreement with Iceland. 1363
May 23 Agreement between the Allies and Iceland Icelandic imports and exports. 1363
7971 May 27 To the Chargé in Great Britain(tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Instruction to cable full text of Icelandic agreement before adhering thereto. 1371
8006 May 29 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Inquiry regarding exclusion of Standard Oil Co. from Iceland. Wool and sheepskins will be bought. 1372
10375 May 31 [Rec’d June 1] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Negotiations for Icelandic trade, especially oil. 1372
10635 Undated [Rec’d June 14] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Bigelow to W.T.B. Data on Icelandic wool available for the United States. 1373
10832 June 24 From the Chargé in Great Britain(tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Standard Oil Company’s complaint against Icelandic Government’s control of oil consignments. 1373
10919 June 28 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British Consul, Iceland, quotes Icelandic Prime Minister on U.S. delay on carrying out terms of agreement. Icelandic representations of June 25. 1374
Sept. 9 Supplemental agreement between the Allies and Iceland Text of supplemental agreement with Standard Oil Co. to supply Iceland with petroleum products. 1375
Sept. 11 The W.T.B. Representative to the British Representative W.T.B. concurrence in principal and supplemental agreements between the Allies and Iceland. 1376

The Taking Over of Dutch Ships—Agreements Regarding Exports to the Netherlands

negotiations for definitive rationing and tonnage agreements—provisional arrangement, january 25, for the employment of dutch ships in united states ports

[Page XLII] [Page XLIII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
8117 Jan. 1 [Rec’d Jan. 3] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Conferences on Dutch trade; memoranda drafted for submission to the Netherlands. 1377
8118 Jan. 1 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Terms proposed as most workable, short of requisition, for use of Dutch shipping by the Allies. 1381
8130 Jan. 2 [Rec’d Jan. 3] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Provisional arrangement for use of Dutch tonnage as suggested by Sheldon. 1382
6171 Jan. 5 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Counterproposal on provisional tonnage agrangement; disposition of eight ships postponed until permanent understanding is reached. 1382
6172 Jan. 5 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.); to Sheldon also Intention to requisition Dutch tonnage if reasonable proposals refused. 1383
892 Jan. 7 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Intention to requisition Dutch tonnage if reasonable proposals refused. 1383
8205 Jan. 9 [Rec’d Jan. 10] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Recommends quick action regarding tonnage agreement with the Netherlands. Reasons. 1384
1816 Jan. 10 [Rec’d Jan. 11] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Submits to the President report on Netherland policy and conditions; recommendations. 1385
6236 Jan. 12 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon U.S. position regarding Dutch tonnage; views of Allied conference requested. 1387
8249 Jan. 12 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Text of Netherland message on tonnage negotiations. Comments. 1388
6252 Jan. 15 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Agrees to Netherland proposal with certain changes. 1389
8282 Jan. 17 [Rec’d Jan. 18] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Quotes telegram of Netherland representative to his Government stating terms of U.S. proposed agreement. 1390
1899 Jan. 17 [Rec’d Jan. 18] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland request for release of the Nieuw Amsterdam with officials on board. 1391
924 Jan. 19 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Sailing of the Nieuw Amsterdam authorized, conditional upon its return to the United States. 1391
1906 Jan. 19 [Rec’d Jan. 20] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) German prize-court regulations applied to Dutch ships, causing delay in sailing of the Nieuw Amsterdam. 1391
1920 Jan. 23 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland guaranty that the Nieuw Amsterdam will return immediately after next homeward voyage. 1392
648 Jan. 25 From the Netherland Minister Confirmation of provisional agreement for charter to the United States of Dutch ships in its ports. 1392
Jan. 28 To the Commissioner of Docks and Ferries of New York Notification that Dutch ships in New York Harbor will soon be freed. 1393
Feb. 2 Maj. Grimprel of French High Commission to the Chairman of W.T.B. France will not detain nor requisition Dutch ships with supplies for Switzerland. 1393
8621 Feb. 12 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): from Garrett, to W.T.B. also German objections thought not to compromise conclusion of permanent Netherland agreement. Modification of terms. 1394
Feb. 25 Department memorandum Conversation with Netherland Minister on situation with respect to grains. 1395
Feb. 26 The British War Mission to the W.T.B. British position in regard to Netherland shipping agreement. 1396

difficulties and delays in executing the provisional arrangement and concluding the final agreements—dutch request for advance grain shipments—new tonnage proposals, with time limit for acceptance, made by the british government, march 8

[Page XLIV] [Page XLV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
6709 Feb. 27 To the Ambassador in Great Britain tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon German threats delay Netherland fulfillment of tonnage agreement. Requisition considered. 1397
2088 Mar. 3 [Rec’d Mar. 4] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Postponement of requisitioning Dutch ships advised. Reasons. 1399
8894 Mar. 4 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Great Britain urges prompt Netherland acceptance of tonnage agreement. 1401
8917 Mar. 6 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. War Cabinet approves requisition of Dutch ships failing acceptance of tonnage agreement; inquiry regarding movements of modus vivendi ships. 1402
2101 Mar. 6 [Rec’d Mar. 7] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Instructions requested on proposed public statements to Foreign Office upon lapse of modus vivendi and taking over of Dutch tonnage. 1403
2014 Mar. 8 From the Netherland Minister Delay in response to request for advance food shipments to the Netherlands. 1404
2112 Mar. 8 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Foreign Minister communicates number and status of Dutch ships in U.S. ports. 1404
6805 Mar. 8 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Garrett and Stevens Insistence that Netherland agreement to tonnage arrangement be unconditional. Danger of delay. 1405
1017 Mar. 8 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Authorizes publicity to circumstances surrounding offer of food to the Netherlands and to evidences of German coercion. 1405
8951 Mar. 8 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): from Sheldon, to W.T.B. also New tonnage proposals, with time limit for acceptance, made by British Government to the Netherlands. 1406
6826 Mar. 9 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Information regarding movements of Dutch ships in American waters. 1407
8989 Mar. 9 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon and Stevens to W.T.B. and U.S.S.B. Recommends adherence to new British proposal and avoidance of immediate requisition. 1408
Mar. 11 From the Netherland Minister Representations against use of Dutch ships in war zone. 1408
6857 Mar. 12 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Stevens and Garrett Netherland Minister is notified of intention to use Dutch ships without restriction of trading limits; resulting concessions. 1409
2138 Mar. 13 [Rec’d Mar. 14] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Cause of Netherland delay in executing provisional arrangement. 1410
6881 Mar. 14 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Garrett Recommends that Netherland reply be rejected unless acceptance of terms of agreement be without reservation. 1412
6889 Mar. 14 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Stevens and Garrett In case of requisition of Dutch ships, trade of the Netherlands with her colonies would be facilitated. 1413
9071 Mar. 15 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Sheldon’s letter to Cecil proposing joint notification to the Netherlands of certain concessions in case agreement is reached. 1413
9088 Mar. 18 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Cecil considers it inadvisable to lift embargo on Dutch commodities. 1414
1031 Mar. 18 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Requisition of Dutch ships imminent. Instructions to cable any action the Netherlands may take. 1414
9087 Mar. 18 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Quotes British Minister at The Hague on Netherland offer to confirm agreement conditionally; text of British refusal. 1414
6940 Mar. 19 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Immediate information requested to facilitate final action as to Dutch ships. 1415
6957 Mar. 19 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Garrett List of concessions to the Netherlands in event of requisitioning of ships. Instructions. 1415
9130 Mar. 20 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Great Britain will requisition Dutch ships simultaneously with the United States. 1416

proclamation authorizing the taking over of dutch ships, march 20—explanatory statement by the president—british statement in explanation of parallel action—terms regarding use of the ships

[Page XLVI]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
1436 Mar. 20 Proclamation Possession and utilization of Dutch ships. 1416
Mar. 21 Public statement by President Wilson Explanation of the taking over of Dutch ships by the United States. 1417
Mar. 21 From the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy Forwards text of British statement to be made to Netherland Foreign Minister on requisition of ships. 1420
1047 Mar. 21 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Assurances to the Netherlands of equitable terms for use of Dutch ships. 1423
6984 Mar. 21 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Hurley to Stevens Shipping Board’s terms for use of Dutch ships. Publicity desired. 1423
Mar. 22 Article by Wm. H. Taft Published article on “The Seizure of the Dutch Ships.” 1425
2184 Mar. 22 [Rec’d Mar. 23] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Dutch press comment on requisition of ships by Associated Powers. 1426
2186 Mar. 22 [Rec’d Mar. 23] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland Government protests against requisition of ships by Associated Powers. 1428
2201 Mar. 25 [Rec’d Mar. 26] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) News agency suggests statement by President Wilson on points on which Netherland dissatisfaction is manifest. 1429
9240 Mar. 27 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Foreign Office inquires reason for release of Dutch ships Borneo and Cornelis. 1431
2825–A Mar. 28 Executive order Authority for Secretary of the Navy to take possession of equipment and stores on Dutch ships in U.S. jurisdiction. 1432
7062 Mar. 28 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon British delivery of ultimatums to the Netherlands in name of Associated Governments without U.S. authorization. 1432
7073 Mar. 29 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Explanation of release of Dutch ships Borneo and Cornelis. 1433
1070 Mar. 29 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) U.S. views on points raised by news agency regarding ultimatum, to be used at Minister’s discretion. 1434

declarations and protests of the netherland government, march 30 and 31—incidental undertakings regarding disposal of the ships’ cargoes and other points—proposals for immediate grain shipments to the netherlands—american replies, april 12, to protests of the netherland government—british reply, april 25

[Page XLVII] [Page XLVIII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
2228 Mar. 30 [Rec’d Mar. 31] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland declaration regarding proclamation of Mar. 20 and public statement of President Wilson. 1437
Mar. 30 The Netherland Foreign Minister to the British Minister in the Netherlands Protest to Great Britain against requisition of Dutch ships. 1440
Apr. 1 From the Netherland Minister Presents Netherland protest to the United States against requisition of ships. 1444
Apr. 1 The Netherland Minister to the Chairman of W.T.B. Questions as to disposition of cargoes and other matters affecting Dutch ships taken over by the United States. 1446
9299 Apr. 1 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British ultimatum to the Netherlands was not submitted to Sheldon nor to U.S. Embassy for approval. 1447
2232 Apr. 1 [Rec’d Apr. 2] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Interview with Foreign Minister on trade negotiations and U.S. willingness to supply rations to the Netherlands. 1448
7130 Apr. 3 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposed offer to the Netherlands of commodities which would have been secured under general rationing agreement. 1449
2271 Apr. 6 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) U.S. assurances regarding the Prinses Juliana are negatived by report that ship has been seized at Hongkong. 1450
2276 Apr. 6 [Rec’d Apr. 7] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland situation explained; release of two grain ships recommended. 1450
Apr. 8 To the Netherland Minister Equitable settlement offered the Netherlands regarding disposal of ships’ cargoes and other points. 1451
1085 Apr. 8 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Instructions to present to Foreign Office terms for chartering of Dutch ships. 1454
1088 Apr. 9 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Explanation of assurances relative to the Prinses Juliana. 1454
9425 Apr. 9 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Points on which there is a misunderstanding regarding proposed Netherland agreement. 1455
2284 Apr. 10 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland threat to hold Belgian Relief supplies. Shipment of grain urged to relieve serious situation. 1455
1095 Apr. 11 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Proposes, as exceptional case, to supply grain to the Netherlands in three unrequisitioned ships, on principle of exchange. 1456
1100 Apr. 11 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Offer of three grain ships to the Netherlands in return for exchange tonnage. 1457
Apr. 12 To the Netherland Chargé U.S. reply to Netherland protest against taking over of ships. 1458
Apr. 13 Department public statement Justification of U.S. policy regarding the Netherlands. 1460
Apr. 12 To the Netherland Minister Copy of public statement in justification of U.S. policy regarding the Netherlands. 1460n
2309 Apr. 13 [Rec’d Apr. 14] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Terms agreed upon in payment for Dutch requisitioned ships have been presented to Government and to press. 1463
9537 Apr. 16 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Foreign Office advises against further supplies for the Netherlands without definite agreement on certain points. 1463
2334 Apr. 17 [Rec’d Apr. 18] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland hesitation in releasing ships to replace grain ships from America. 1464
7332 Apr. 18 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Permanent guaranty against requisition of Dutch ships is opposed. Importance of furnishing Dutch supplies. 1465
2337 Apr. 18 [Rec’d Apr. 19] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Cargo for Belgian Relief has been forwarded to Belgium. 1466
Apr. 20 From the Netherland Chargé Netherland request for assurances that from Mar. 20 no Dutch ships will be seized or detained in U.S. ports. 1466
7347 Apr. 20 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Statement of U.S. position; suggested offer of rations to the Netherlands and resumption of negotiations for agreement. 1466
1122 Apr. 22 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Confirmation of assurances against further requisition of Dutch ships, including three grain ships. 1467
Apr. 22 [Rec’d May 8] From the Consul General at London Circulation of ex-President Taft’s article on requisitioning of Dutch ships. 1468
1127 Apr. 24 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Instruction to present to the Netherland Government U.S. good intentions in offer of grain. 1468
Apr. 25 The British Foreign Secretary to the Netherland Minister in Great Britain Facts and legal principles involved in negotiations with the Netherlands and in requisitioning of Dutch ships. 1469
Apr. 23 [Rec’d Apr. 25] From the Netherland Chargé Notification that the Netherlands is sending convoy to Dutch East Indies for political and military purposes. 1479
2390 Apr. 26 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) State of Netherland public feeling. Suggested offer of a quarter’s rations and of renewed assurances against further requisitioning. 1479

assurances given to the netherland government against further requisitioning of ships—renewed consideration of rationing proposals—arrangements for the sending of ships to the netherlands upon others coming in exchange—german requirement of safe-conducts—arrangements regarding the crews of requisitioned ships

[Page XLIX] [Page L]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
403 Apr. 26 To the Netherland Chargé Reply to request for formal assurances that Netherland ships will not be seized or detained in U.S. ports. 1481
Apr. 27 From the Netherland Chargé Request for U.S. formal assurances guaranteeing all ships under Netherland flag in U.S. ports against seizure after Mar. 20. 1482
9737 Apr. 26 [Rec’d Apr. 27] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed joint declaration to the Netherlands that requisition has ceased and that importations in Dutch ships will be facilitated. 1482
Apr. 29 To the Netherland Chargé Acknowledgment of receipt of Netherland announcement of sending of convoy to Dutch East Indies. 1483
9781 Apr. 30 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Foreign Office requests that joint declaration should be postponed until Netherland-German position is clear. 1484
May 4 From the Netherland Chargé Acceptance of terms of U.S. offer to send three grain ships to the Netherlands. 1484
7585 May 4 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Approval of proposed joint declaration to the Netherlands with certain understanding and exceptions. 1484
2457 May 4 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland note of May 3 on terms of payment of indemnity for ships seized in U.S. ports. 1486
12 May 9 To the Netherland Chargé Qualified assurances to the Netherlands against future seizure of its ships. 1487
13 May 10 To the Netherland Chargé U.S. shipping regulations as applied to Dutch ships in U.S. ports. Qualified assurance against detention. 1487
May 10 From the Netherland Chargé Requests bunkers in the United States for the Jason, Cornelis, and Amsteldyk to carry Argentine grain to the Netherlands. 1488
7707 May 11 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Necessity for adjustment of Dutch East Indian trade to meet U.S. import restriction program. 1489
10022 May 13 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Foreign Office requests that no declaration regarding future requisitioning of Dutch ships be made without consulting it. 1489
16 May 15 To the Netherland Chargé Bunkers for the Jason, Cornelis, and Amsteldyk can not be supplied. Reasons. 1490
2637 May 16 [Rec’d May 17] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Text of German prize ordinance, art. 55(c), revised Apr. 27. Its effect on Dutch shipping. 1491
May 20 From the Netherland Chargé Presents Netherland note of May 13 making representations against requisition of Dutch ships in U.S. ports. 1491
1222 May 20 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Recommendation of prompt dispatch of ships from the Netherlands to lift grain accumulated in U.S. ports. 1493
2828 May 22 [Rec’d May 23] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Efforts to dispatch ships to the United States. German permits necessary. 1494
2881 May 24 [Rec’d May 25] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Dutch ships to be convoyed to East Indies with sufficient coal to obviate visit to foreign ports. British protest. 1494
May 25 [Rec’d May 27] From the Netherland Chargé Netherland representations against seizure of the Jason, Cornelis, and Amsteldyk. 1495
2885 May 25 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) New German prize ordinance applies to Dutch shipping. German requirement of safe-conducts. 1496
2915 May 27 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Proposed statement to the Netherlands concerning treatment of Dutch crews. 1497
1330 May 31 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Statement regarding Dutch crews approved for transmission to Foreign Office. 1497
2980 May 31 [Rec’d June 1] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland protest against new clause in German prize ordinance as applied to Dutch shipping. 1498
3000 June 3 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) The Hector and Zijldijk are sailing under German safe-conducts simultaneously with departure of the Java and Stella from America. 1499
1391 June 4 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Terms offered Dutch owners for use of ships taken over by the United States. 1499

request by the netherland government for resumption of negotiations for a rationing agreement, june 4—arrangements for a convoy to the netherland east indies—proposal by the united states of an offer of two months’ rations; objections by great Britain—requirement by the united states of a protest by the netherland government against the german prize laws as a condition on special grain shipments

[Page LI]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
3044 June 4 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland request for resumption of negotiations for rationing agreement. 1500
June 6 From the Netherland Chargé German safe-conducts have been secured for certain ships. Request for U.S. release of others to transport cargoes to the Netherlands. 1500
8166 June 10 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to The Hague Negotiations for adjustment of Dutch colonial trade with the United States in view of difficulties raised by import restrictions. 1502
3163 June 13 [Rec’d June 14] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Notification of British conditions under which Dutch convoy may proceed to East Indies. 1502
3189 June 16 [Rec’d June 17] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) The Netherlands accepts British requirements for sailing of Dutch East Indian convoy. 1503
3194 June 17 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) France requires Netherland assurances like those given Great Britain on East Indian convoy. Request for instructions. 1504
1641 June 19 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Department does not wish any steps taken regarding East Indian convoy. 1504
June 20 From the Netherland Chargé Representations regarding conditional assurances given by the United States against requisition of Dutch ships. 1504
1656 June 21 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.); to repeat to London Proposed consignment of commodities to the Netherlands Oversea Trust. 1505
8397 June 24 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Measures proposed whereby public opinion will force the Netherlands to send its ships to lift commodities. 1505
8486 June 28 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Proposed offer of two months’ rations to the Netherlands. 1506
3318 July 3 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland statement regarding convoy sent to East Indies, British conditions having been complied with. 1507
112 July 8 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon U.S. views on Dutch rations to be presented for Allied consideration. 1508
July 9 To the Netherland Chargé Netherland representations to Germany against prize regulations will be necessary as a condition for securing special grain shipments. 1510
July 10 From the Netherland Chargé Compliance with request to facilitate shipment of supplies to U.S. representatives in the Netherlands. 1511
265 July 11 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Report that the Netherlands will make proposal for supplying rations, granting credit, etc. 1511
1753 July 12 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Instruction to make known publicly that German prize ordinance, not requisition, prevents Dutch traffic with East Indies. 1511
3437 July 14 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Suggests that Associated Powers propose identic agreement with N.O.T. Principles submitted for approval. 1512
263 July 17 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Urgency of public proposal of rations to the Netherlands by Associated Governments before receipt of Netherland proposal. 1514

resumption of exports to the netherland east indies, july 18—determination of a scale of values for requisitioned ships—consideration of an agreement with the netherlands oversea trust

[Page LII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
289 July 18 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Partial resumption of exports to the Dutch East Indies. Inquiry as to advisability of unreserved licensing. 1515
1797 July 25 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Proposal amplifying compensation offer for ships lost, and option of replacement in kind. 1516
720 July 30 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Taylor to W.T.B. Opinion that general agreement will be long delayed; advice regarding trade with Dutch East Indies. 1517
29 Aug. 6 To the Netherland Chargé Conditions imposed by President Wilson for supplying bunkers to grain ships have not been met by the Netherlands. 1517
Aug. 8 From the Netherland Chargé Netherland protests and German reply; limitation of exports to Germany; request for assurances of facilities for certain ships. 1518
754 Aug. 13 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Disapproval of British methods of conducting negotiations with the Netherlands. 1521
1106 Aug. 14 [Rec’d Aug. 15] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Explanation of British action in Netherland negotiations. 1521
797 Aug. 15 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to The Hague Offer of reciprocal trade increase between the United States and Dutch East Indies accepted by the Netherland Chargé 1522
1426 Aug. 27 [Rec’d Aug. 28] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.); to Hurley also Negotiations with Dutch shipowners on scale of values and replacement terms for lost ships. 1522
1974 Aug. 27 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Instructions for drafting and forwarding agreement with Oversea Trust regarding Netherland trade. 1524
4142 Aug. 28 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Dutch misunderstanding of cause of detention of ships and nonarrival of supplies. Effect of sailing of the Nieuw Amsterdam. 1527
1556 Sept. 2 [Rec’d Sept. 3?] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Conditions in the Netherlands point to N.O.T. agreement with Associated Powers. Fish agreement under way. 1528
Sept. 3 From the Netherland Chargé Claim that adequate publicity has been given Netherland protest against modification of German prize regulations. 1529

agreement for the resumption of general negotiations with the netherland government—american public statement on the negotiations, september 20—report of the shipping board on dutch ships, crews, and cargoes—american offer of coal to the netherlands on condition of complete embargo on food exports to germany

[Page LIII] [Page LIV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
2047 Sept. 13 To the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.) Note to the Netherlands offering to renew negotiations for agreement. 1530
1433 Sept. 17 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon U.S. policy toward the Netherlands. 1531
Sept. 20 To the Netherland Chargé Satisfactory publicity has not been given Netherland protest to Germany. Statement of negotiations will be published. 1531
2078 Sept. 20 To the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.) U.S. public statement on negotiations with the Netherlands. 1532
4525 Sept. 21 [Rec’d Sept. 22] From the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.) The Netherlands is ready to resume negotiations for agreement; prefers that they take place at The Hague. 1534
2175 Sept. 24 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. British opinion that agreement should be joint and under control of N.O.T. rather than Netherland Government. 1535
Undated [Rec’d Sept. 26] The Chairman of the Shipping Board to President Wilson Report on negotiations arising out of requisitioning of Dutch ships. 1536
1631 Sept. 26 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Dutch request to load additional cargo of grain on the Frisia has been denied. 1543
1708 Oct. 1 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon The United States is in accord with principle of utilizing the N.O.T. as control organization in Dutch trade. 1543
2154 Oct. 1 To the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.) U.S. offer of coal to the Netherlands on condition that export of foodstuffs to Germany cease. 1544
2158 Oct. 2 To the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.) Instructions to withhold telegram containing offer of coal to the Netherlands. 1546
4641 Oct. 3 [Rec’d Oct. 4] From the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.) Press comment describing Netherland attitude regarding U.S. public statement of Sept. 20. 1546
2513 Oct. 5 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Suggested postponement of U.S. negotiations with the Netherlands for separate agreement; joint Allied agreement imminent. 1547
1954 Oct. 12 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Suggested change in policy toward the Netherlands because of military developments. Department quoted authorizing offer of coal. 1548
2211 Oct. 12 To the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.): W.T.B. to Edwards Decision to support British in request that Netherland negotiations be held in London. 1549
1959 Oct. 12 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Favorable to postponement of negotiations for separate Netherland agreements until general agreement is concluded. 1549
2809 Oct. 15 [Rec’d Oct. 16] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Interview with Blockade Minister on British attitude toward Netherland negotiations. 1550
2341 Oct. 22 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Edwards Suggestion that Netherland agreement be based on plan of Allied supply of Dutch needs and cessation of exports to Germany. 1551
4856 Oct. 22 [Rec’d Oct. 23] From the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.) Text of Netherland note of Oct. 21 stating U.S. coal offer will be submitted to Conference of London. 1552

negotiations with netherland representatives in London—agreement with the netherland government, november 25—agreement with the netherlands oversea trust, december 17, adhered to by the war trade board

[Page LV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
3199 Oct. 29 [Rec’d Oct. 30] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Summary of memoranda submitted by Netherland delegates as preliminary to London negotiations. 1553
3372 Nov. 4 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Reply of Associated Governments to Netherland memoranda; further negotiations in London. 1554
3498 Nov. 7 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposal of modus vivendi, which is accepted by the Netherlands. 1555
2357 Nov. 8 To the Chargé in the Netherlands (tel.) Modified proposals regarding indemnification for Dutch ships lost while under requisition. 1557
Feb. 7, 1919 The Netherland Foreign Minister to the American Minister Dutch shipowners agree to modified proposals regarding indemnification. 1557n
3551 Nov. 8, 1918 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. In anticipation of conclusion of agreement, the Netherlands requests facilities for certain imports. 1558
3553 Nov. 8 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Rations recommended for the Netherlands and exports to Germany permitted by Allied delegates under pending agreement. 1559
2765 Nov. 12 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon In Netherland negotiations Great Britain has committed the United States without its consent. 1561
3682 Nov. 13 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed clause in general agreement by which Netherland Government will recognize N.O.T. agreement. 1563
3679 Nov. 12 [Rec’d Nov. 13] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed increase in certain Dutch rations to relieve industrial depression. 1563
2810 Nov. 14 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Insistence that Dutch imports from America be lifted by ships sent from the Netherlands. 1564
2811 Nov. 14 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Agreed that Dutch ships may lift foodstuffs for the Netherlands when approved by Allied Blockage Committee and consigned to N.O.T. 1565
3727 Nov. 14 [Rec’d Nov. 15] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Conditions in the Netherlands make early conclusion of agreement advisable; U.S. signature urged. Text of agreement, with comments. 1565
2850 Nov. 16 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Authorization to sign Netherland agreement subject to certain modifications. 1570
2882 Nov. 18 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Inquiries regarding signing of agreement with N.O.T. 1573
3814 Nov. 18 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Proposed notification that Associated Powers will not hold agreement binding in case of change in Netherland Government. 1573
2981 Nov. 22 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Disapproval of proposed notification to the Netherlands concerning effect which change of government would have on agreement. 1573
4026 Nov. 25 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Netherland agreement signed. 1574
Nov. 25 Agreement between the Netherlands and the Associated Governments Netherland shipping, rations, and exports. 1574
4704 Dec. 18 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. N.O.T. agreement signed by British, French, Italian, and N.O.T. representatives. 1583
Dec. 17 Agreement of Great Britain, France, and Italy with the N.O.T. Control of Dutch trade. 1584
Dec. 30 W.T.B. letter of adherence to agreement of Dec. 17 Qualified adherence, assuming obligations to grant export licenses. 1591
Jan. 18, 1919 From W.T.B. Representative at The Hague (tel.) Notification of N.O.T. assent to terms of W.T.B. adherence to agreement. 1591n
[Page LVI]

Negotiations with Switzerland Concerning Exports

insistence of the united states on the obligation of the associated powers to furnish shipping for swiss grain supplies under the agreement of december 5, 1917—allocation of dutch ships for this purpose—difficulty of securing german safe-conducts—negotiations with switzerland concerning the export of cotton goods

[Page LVII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
6181 Jan. 5, 1918 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Importance of fulfillment of Allied and U.S. agreements to supply grain to Switzerland. 1592
8194 Jan. 8 [Rec’d Jan. 9] From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): from Sheldon, to W.T.B. also Misunderstanding in regard to tonnage for Swiss grain. Use of Dutch ships in U.S. ports suggested. 1593
Jan. 10 [Rec’d Jan. 11] From the Swiss Minister W.T.B. proposal of means of supplying grain to Switzerland is not upheld by Great Britain. Urgent appeal for action. 1594
6258 Jan. 15 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Interpretation of terms of agreement with Switzerland and insistence upon fulfillment. 1595
1347 Jan. 16 To the Chargé in Switzerland (tel.) Dresel to participate with British and French in negotiations with Switzerland for reduction of cotton and rubber exports to Germany. 1596
6298 Jan. 19 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): substance to Swiss Minister British misconstruction of Swiss agreement. U.S. alternative in case Allies fail in fulfillment. 1596
1378 Jan. 22 To the Chargé in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel Approves Allies’ policy to reduce Swiss exportation to Central Powers. Desires elimination of unacceptable phrase from text of agreement. 1597
2480 Jan. 22 [Rec’d Jan. 24] From the Chargé in Switzerland (tel.) Interview with Swiss officials on U.S. fulfillment of agreement; difficulties with Great Britain concerning tonnage. 1598
1426 Jan. 30 To the Chargé in Switzerland (tel.) Instruction to continue efforts to induce Switzerland to meet British views in order to obtain tonnage. 1598
2575 Feb. 4 [Rec’d Feb. 6] From the Chargé in Switzerland (tel.): to W.T.B. Swiss approval of elimination of phrase “of American origin” from text of agreement. 1599
Feb. 20 [Rec’d Feb. 21] From the Swiss Minister Calls attention to bread situation in Switzerland, impending crisis, and proposed solution. 1599
1554 Mar. 1 To the Chargé in Switzerland (tel.) Cites efforts being made to supply Switzerland with grain. Services of three Dutch ships secured. 1603
2765 Mar. 3 [Rec’d Mar. 4] From the Chargé in Switzerland (tel.) German provisioning bureau in Constantinople offers grain to Switzerland. 1603
2768 Mar. 4 [Rec’d Mar. 6] From the Chargé in Switzerland (tel.) Swiss appreciation of U.S. efforts to supply grain. 1604
1604 Mar. 12 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.); the same to the representatives in Argentina and Venezuela Measures taken to obtain tonnage to move wheat from South America to Switzerland. 1604
2851 Mar. 15 [Rec’d Mar. 16] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) Turkey offers to open Dardanelles for wheat shipments from Odessa to Switzerland. 1604
2929 Mar. 24 [Rec’d Mar. 25] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Dresel to W.T.B. Negotiations for agreement with Switzerland regarding export of cotton goods. 1605
1677 Mar. 26 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) Proposes immediate shipments for Swiss relief provided German safe-conducts can be secured by Switzerland. 1606
1709 Apr. 1 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel Instructions regarding new agreement for exportation of cotton. 1607
3023 Apr. 6 [Rec’d Apr. 8] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) Question of feeding Switzerland; Swiss fear of Germany’s refusal of safe-conducts. 1607
1740 Apr. 9 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) Safe-conducts for Swiss imports not yet obtained. Other plans suggested for relieving situation. 1608
3515 Apr. 11 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Negotiations with Switzerland for lumber, etc., should be conducted at Berne. 1609
3593 Apr. 12 [Rec’d Apr. 13] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Conference to be conducted at Berne to negotiate lumber agreement and settle other questions. 1609
3660 Apr. 19 From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Re export of leather from Switzerland: importance of acting in concert with other governments on Contingent Commission. 1610
Apr. 24 From the Swiss Minister German requirements before granting safe-conducts to ships transporting supplies for Switzerland. 1610
3710 Apr. 25 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden U.S. cooperation with other governments represented on Contingent Commission regarding exports to Switzerland. 1611
Apr. 26 To the Swiss Minister German terms for granting safe-conducts are acceptable; exception made in case of convoying certain ships. 1611
3760 Apr. 30 [Rec’d May 1] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. German negotiations with the Swiss contrasted in character with those of Associated Powers. 1612
[Page LVIII]

agreement between the associated powers and switzerland concerning the export of wood to france and italy, may 1; supplementary protocol on other subjects—announcement by the united states, may 3, of shipments of grain under naval convoy—agreement regarding swiss exports of cotton goods to germany, may 8—efforts of switzerland to obtain german and austrian ships: attitude of the united states, france, and great Britain

[Page LIX] [Page LX]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
May 1 Agreement between the Associated Powers and Switzerland Export of wood to France and Italy. 1613
May 1 Supplementary protocol to agreement between Associated Powers and Switzerland Swiss reservations concerning certain exports; Allied commitment regarding certain Swiss imports. 1617
3210 Apr. 30 [Rec’d May 1] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): to W.T.B. Dresel’s recommendation of assurances to Swiss regarding expedition of grain ships. 1618
1846 May 3 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) German safe-conducts not effective for three months. Ships under U.S. convoy en route with grain for Switzerland. 1619
3273 May 7 [Rec’d May 9] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) Swiss appreciation of U.S. aid. French offer of coal to Switzerland. 1620
1888 May 10 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel Approval of lumber agreement. Instructions regarding Swiss imports. 1621
3313 May 9 [Rec’d May 11] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Dresel to W.T.B. New cotton agreement signed. Swiss assurance against export of U.S. cotton to Germany. 1621
3344 May 12 [Rec’d May 14] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) German Legation’s assertion that America does not wish to supply Switzerland. Swiss press comment. 1621
214 May 15 To the Swiss Minister Agrees in principle to Swiss plan for acquiring German or Austrian ships in Spanish waters. 1622
3399 May 17 [Rec’d May 19] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Dresel to W.T.B. Substance of proposed Swiss-German agreement. French protest. Further negotiations. 1623
1960 May 22 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel Five ships with grain for Swiss use have sailed under convoy. Others to follow. 1624
4175 May 24 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden, to repeat to Dresel Material for Swiss use in manufacture of munitions for the Allies not to be reckoned in Swiss ration. 1624
3439 May 23 [Rec’d May 25] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Heck to W.T.B. German - Swiss convention signed. 1625
May 31 The Swiss Minister to Chairman of W.T.B. Situation regarding exports to Switzerland; representations respecting the Hans Maersk and Oluf Maersk. 1625
June 5 The Chairman of W.T.B. to the Swiss Minister Arrangements for charter of the Hans Maersk and Oluf Maersk to transport general cargo to Switzerland. 1627
1215 June 11 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Instructions to represent U.S. interests in negotiations between Spain and Switzerland for acquisition by latter of German and Austrian ships. 1628
June 17 The French High Commissioner to the Chairman of W.T.B. Shipments for Switzerland may continue via Bordeaux until German safe-conducts become effective. 1629
3422 June 6 [Rec’d June 27] From the Minister in Switzerland Transmits Swiss letters of May 29 confirming oral assurances against export of U.S. cotton to the enemy. 1629
3461 June 10 [Rec’d June 27] From the Minister in Switzerland Swiss ratification of lumber convention and protocol of May 1. Enclosure: official notification, June 7. 1631
July 1 The French High Commissioner to the Chairman of W.T.B. French attitude toward acquisition by Switzerland of Austrian ships in Spanish waters. 1632
4407 July 9 [Rec’d July 10] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Swiss mission en route to Madrid to negotiate for Austrian and German ships. Austrian terms. Comments. 1633
1348 July 23 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne U.S. position in regard to terms of Austrian proposal of sale of ships to Switzerland. 1635
4037 July 22 [Rec’d July 24] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Dresel to W.T.B. Cotton agreement, ratified with modification, now awaits Swiss acceptance. 1636
4090 July 26 [Rec’d July 28] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Dresel to W.T.B. Cotton agreement ratified by Switzerland. 1637
Aug. 12 From the Swiss Chargé German safe-conduct agreement is in operation relative to ships in Swiss transportation service. 1637
Aug. 15 From the Swiss Legation Difficulties experienced by Switzerland in efforts to acquire German and Austrian ships in Spanish waters. 1638
Aug. 23 To the Swiss Legation U.S. understanding of, and attitude toward, Swiss negotiations to secure shipping. 1639
4862 Aug. 23 [Rec’d Aug. 24] From the Chargé in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Unsuccessful conclusion of Swiss negotiations for Spanish and Austro-German tonnage. German offer. British disapproval. 1641
Sept. 14 Third Secretary of British Embassy to Chairman of W.T.B. Foreign Office telegram: British opinion on subject of tonnage for Switzerland. 1643
Sept. 20 Chairman of W.T.B. to Counselor of British Embassy Reply to British argument against Swiss use of German tonnage. 1645

extension of the general agreement of december 5, 1917—discussion of a new general agreement—italian-swiss agreement, october 23, 1918

[Page LXI]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
3015 Sept. 28 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): W.T.B. to Dresel Offer to extend exports to Switzerland beyond time limit of agreement and to facilitate shipping. 1647
1682 Sept. 28 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon. Similar tel. to McFadden Text of proposed representations to Italy against independent Italian-Swiss agreement. 1648
5771 Oct. 1 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden W.T.B. letter of Sept. 28 to French High Commission proposing negotiations at Washington for new Swiss general agreement. 1649
5026 Oct. 3 [Rec’d Oct. 5] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Dresel to W.T.B. Swiss statement of actual deliveries of foodstuffs from the United States, emphasizing their inadequacy. 1651
1957 Oct. 12 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon, to repeat to Dresel and McFadden The United States withdraws request that Italy postpone execution of agreement with Switzerland. Explanations. 1652
5909 Oct. 15 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Blockade Committee approves of holding Swiss negotiations at Washington. 1653
5438 Oct. 13 [Rec’d Oct. 16] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. In view of possible peace, suggests postponing Swiss negotiations and extending agreement of Dec. 5, 1917. 1654
5353 Oct. 23 [Rec’d Oct. 25] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.): Heck to W.T.B. Signing of Italian-Swiss agreement. 1655
6025 Oct. 25 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Urges continuance of negotiations for agreement with Switzerland. Reasons. 1655
6162 Nov. 4 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden, to repeat to Berne Discussion of proposed extension of Swiss agreement postponed until arrival of Swiss Minister. 1656
Nov. 5 French Deputy High Commissioner to Chairman of W.T.B. French reply to Swiss request that movements of German ships offered for Swiss charter be facilitated. U.S. views requested. 1656
6203 Nov. 7 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Requests data before opening Swiss negotiations. 1657
Nov. 11 Chairman of W.T.B. to French Deputy High Commissioner Consent to transfer of enemy ships to neutrals is deemed unwise. 1657

Negotiations with Spain Concerning Exports and Shipping

conclusion of the spanish-american trade agreement and spanish-french financial agreement, march 7—difficulties in securing their execution

[Page LXII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
818 Jan. 8, 1918 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Suggests relaxation of embargo on exports to Spain other than cotton and oil. 1658
987 Jan. 11 [Rec’d Jan. 12] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Approves strict embargo against Spain in order to bring about agreement. 1658
999 Jan. 16 [Rec’d Jan. 17] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Preliminary meetings of U.S., French, and Spanish delegates to negotiate agreement for securing supplies from Spain for U.S. Army. 1659
1025 Jan. 28 [Rec’d Jan. 29] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): from Belmont Recommends that bunker licenses be used discreetly in influencing routing and obtaining tonnage. 1660
1023 Jan. 27 [Rec’d Jan. 29] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Delegates report outline of draft agreement with Spain as far as agreed upon. 1660
1028 Jan. 29 [Rec’d Jan. 30] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Conclusion of Spanish agreement depends upon release of Spanish ships in U.S. ports; credit for France not secured. 1661
858 Feb. 1 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Sanction given provisional agreement with Spain. Suggestions. 1662
862 Feb. 2 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Suggests that U.S. adherence to Spanish agreement be conditional upon Spain’s chartering portion of its tonnage to Allies. 1663
864 Feb. 2 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Observations and suggestions on tentative agreement. 1664
1042 Feb. 4 [Rec’d Feb. 5] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Expediency of terms of proposed Spanish agreement. 1664
1047 Feb. 5 [Rec’d Feb. 6] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Spain can not be coerced into concluding an agreement. 1666
1052 Feb. 7 [Rec’d Feb. 8] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Spanish conferees decline further discussion of financial agreement with France. 1666
1053 Feb. 8 From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) The King will favor French-Spanish agreement if tonnage question is dropped from Spanish-American agreement. 1666
1058 Feb. 11 [Rec’d Feb. 12] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) The King’s representations against detention of Spanish ships in U.S. waters. Their release recommended. 1667
896 Feb. 19 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Reasons for delay in sailing of Spanish ships. 1668
899 Feb. 21 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Proposed W.T.B. organization in Spain to assure proper distribution of goods. 1668
1088 Feb. 23 [Rec’d Feb. 24] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Text of Foreign Minister’s note inquiring if Spanish ships in U.S. ports are free to leave. 1669
915 Feb. 26 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Spanish ships in U.S. ports are free to leave but are not permitted to take cargo without export licenses. 1670
6772 Mar. 5 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Willard’s telegram of Mar. 2 on cause of delay in concluding agreements with Spain. Instructions to make representations to Great Britain. 1670
8923 Mar. 6 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.) Great Britain postponed Spanish negotiations in order to bring pressure on Spain for release of tonnage to Allies. 1671
1118 Mar. 7 [Rec’d Mar. 8] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Conclusion of American-Spanish commercial agreement and French-Spanish financial agreement. 1671
Mar. 7 The Ambassador in Spain to the Spanish Minister of State Text of Spanish-American commercial agreement as effected by exchange of notes. 1671
1205 Apr. 5 [Rec’d Apr. 6] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Spain’s failure to abide by terms of agreements with the United States and France. 1674
1234 Apr. 13 [Rec’d Apr. 14] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Requests authority to refuse U.S. exports to Spain until the A.E.F. is granted Spanish goods applied for. 1675
1044 Apr. 16 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Opinion requested as to advisability of withholding exports to Spain. Bunker regulations to apply after May 7. 1676
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negotiations for a shipping agreement—reorganization of the machinery for controlling purchases in and exports to spain by the associated powers

[Page LXIV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
1257 Apr. 20 [Rec’d Apr. 21] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Spanish cooperation in negotiations for shipping agreement. 1677
7464 Apr. 26 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon U.S. and British joint negotiations with Spain for tonnage. Use of bunker control to facilitate agreement. 1677
1293 May 3 [Rec’d May 5] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Chadbourne to W.T.B. Spain’s violations of agreements; U.S. rescindment recommended. 1678
1298 May 3 [Rec’d May 5] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Embassy can not support Chadbourne’s recommendations. Reasons. 1679
1301 May 4 [Rec’d May 5] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Text of Spanish note verbale urging extension of present coaling facilities. Recommendations. 1679
1101 May 8 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Provisions of art. 13 of commercial agreement governing bunker licenses have been extended 31 days. 1681
1107 May 10 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Not in favor of ending trade agreement with Spain. Shipping expert, Smith, will be sent to take up tonnage negotiations. 1681
1120 May 14 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) The United States will abide by terms of agreement with Spain as long as Spain adopts similar attitude. 1682
4270 May 29 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Approval of plan to create inter-Allied committee at Madrid for consideration of imports. Italian representation thereon favored. 1682
10390 June 3 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): from Paris Duties of proposed Inter-Allied Trade Committee in Madrid in cooperation with Inter-Allied Purchasing Committee. Recommendations. 1683
1197 June 4 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Further extension to June 25 of present bunker arrangement with Spain. 1684
10742 June 20 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Advisability of having British shipping expert to assist in negotiations in Madrid. Sheldon’s acceptance of British offer quoted. 1685
4714 June 24 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Message for Smith recommending extension of bunkering arrangements for Spain beyond June 25. 1685
1484 June 28 [Rec’d June 29] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Arrival in Madrid of U.S. shipping expert, Smith, and British adviser, Levick. 1686
1278 June 29 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Smith to Chadbourne Decision to extend bunker licenses for Spanish ships from Atlantic and Gulf ports. Probable detention of the Aviles at Canal. 1686
1291 July 3 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Advisable to defer conclusion of tonnage negotiations until arrival in Madrid of Davis of Treasury Department. 1686
1550 July 15 [Rec’d July 16] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Smith to W.T.B. Report and recommendations on tonnage operations in Spain. 1687
378 July 17 [Rec’d July 18] From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Foreign Office note of July 4 to French Ambassador on British attitude toward proposed Purchasing Bureau in Madrid. 1688
1342 July 22 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Smith Instructions to remain in Spain and obtain detailed information regarding ship situation, etc. 1689
342 July 22 To the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): W.T.B. to Sheldon Acceptance of British proposals respecting functions of Inter-Allied Purchasing Bureau in Spain. 1690
519 July 23 From the Ambassador in Great Britain (tel.): Sheldon to W.T.B. Further views of Foreign Office regarding machinery for carrying on trade with Spain. 1690
1608 July 31 [Rec’d Aug. 1] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Smith to W.T.B. Report on shipping situation in Spain; recommendations. 1691
1631 Aug. 2 [Rec’d Aug. 3] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Smith to W.T.B. Further advice and information on Spanish shipping after conferring with shipowners. 1692
1632 Aug. 3 [Rec’d Aug. 6] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Davis to Leffingwell Suggests liberal policy toward Spain in order to secure supplies for A.E.F. 1693
1409 Aug. 9 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne. Repeated to London and Paris U.S. understanding of functions of Inter-Allied Purchase and Trade Committees at Madrid. 1694
1411 Aug. 10 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Smith Permission to return to the United States for conference. 1696
1415 Aug. 12 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Leffingwell to Davis U.S. fulfillment of trade agreements with Spain; currency arrangements; replacement of oil shipments destroyed en route. 1696
[Page LXV]

conclusion of the spanish-american financial agreement, august 28—efforts to secure horses and mules for the american expeditionary forces—arrangements for the distribution of cotton shipments to spain

[Page LXVI]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Aug. 11 [Rec’d Aug. 13] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Davis to Leffingwell Interview with Spanish officials on financial arrangements for Spanish-American trade. Comments. 1697
1423 Aug. 13 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Instructions regarding chartering agreement to be made with Spain. 1699
Aug. 16 [Rec’d Aug. 17] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Davis to Leffingwell Tentative agreement for Spanish credits in favor of N.Y. banks. Instructions requested concerning attitude toward embargo on horses and mules. 1700
Aug. 17 [Rec’d Aug. 18] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Davis to Leffingwell Concessions to Spain. Licensing and distribution of cotton. 1702
1692 Aug. 19 From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Smith to W.T.B. Leaving Spain to report in Washington; Spanish attitude prevents agreement on tonnage 1703
1461 Aug. 21 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Leffingwell to Davis Inquires methods of exchange of France and Great Britain and suggests U.S. joint financial operations with them in Spain 1704
1704 Aug. 21 [Rec’d Aug. 22] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Chadbourne to W.T.B. U.S. views on functions of Purchase and Trade Committees discussed; Inter-Allied Commercial Bureau resolution of Aug. 17 submitted. 1705
1479 Aug. 24 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Leffingwell to Davis Approves arrangements to secure banking credits in Spain. Comments on proposed exchange operations and control of cotton prices and allotments. 1706
Aug. 28 The Special Financial Delegate in Spain to the Spanish Minister of State Text of Spanish-American agreement concerning credits and commodity exchange, supplementary to agreement of Mar. 7. 1707
Aug. 29 Spanish - American financial agreement Text of agreement with Banco Urquijo and Banco de Barcelona for establishing U.S. credit. 1708
1681 Oct. 16 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne. Repeated to McFadden W.T.B. proposes export of sulphate of ammonia to Spain provided Spain releases mules for A.E.F. 1711
1687 Oct. 17 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Resumption of U.S. bunker control of Spanish ships suggested, in interest of Spain. 1712
5498 Oct. 20 [Rec’d Oct. 21] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to McCormick Suggests blockade measures if necessary to secure mules from Spain for use of A.E.F. 1712
1736 Oct. 26 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel): W.T.B. to Chadbourne W.T.B. will support McFadden in measures to secure horses and mules from Spain. 1713
1752 Nov. 1 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Senator Hollis has gone to Madrid as personal representative of Pershing to negotiate for horses and mules. 1713
1771 Nov. 5 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Authorization to discuss with Spanish official lifting of cotton and petroleum for Spain and imposition of bunker control. 1713
5706 Nov. 4 [Rec’d Nov. 5] From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Reports number of Spanish mules purchased or contracted for by the A.E.F. 1714
6247 Nov. 11 To the Ambassador in France (tel.): W.T.B. to McFadden Obtaining horses from Italy suggested instead of mules from Spain, thereby saving ammonium sulphate. 1714
1797 Nov. 12 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne New procedure with respect to shipments of raw cotton to Spain. 1715
5953 Nov. 22 From the Ambassador in France (tel.): McFadden to W.T.B. Dawes quoted on canceling of contracts for purchase of animals in Spain and Portugal. Release of sulphate of ammonia optional. 1716

The Taking Over by Spain of German Ships to Replace Spanish Ships Sunk by German Submarines

[Page LXVII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
1677 Aug. 14 [Rec’d Aug. 16] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) German ships will be taken over to replace Spanish ships sunk by German submarines. 1716
1708 Aug. 22 [Rec’d Aug. 23] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Germany refuses to renounce submarine war; Spain takes determined stand regarding seizure of ships. 1717
1725 Aug. 25 [Rec’d Aug. 26] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Germany attempts diplomatically to prevent seizure of its ships in Spanish ports. 1718
1743 Aug. 29 [Rec’d Aug. 30] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Meeting of Ministers, probably to discuss sinking of Spanish ship Carasa. 1719
Aug. 30 [Rec’d Aug. 31] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Spain inquires treatment accorded Germans and German ships in the United States before and after declaration of war. 1719
1751 Sept. 1 [Rec’d Sept. 2] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Sinking of the Atxeri Mendi; resolution to seize a German ship for each Spanish ship destroyed. 1719
1752 Sept. 2 [Rec’d Sept. 3] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Interview with Minister of State on policy of retaliation for German sinkings and attitude of individual ministers. 1720
1504 Sept. 3 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Inquires if any action can be taken by W.T.B. to assist in diplomatic situation in Spain. 1721
1772 Sept. 5 From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Military attaché reports German reply to Spain regarding intention to confiscate ships. 1721
1776 Sept. 5 [Rec’d Sept. 7] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Suggests certain pressure on Spain to bring about favorable attitude toward Allies. 1721
1796 Sept. 9 [Rec’d Sept. 10] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Interview with Foreign Minister in which resolution of Associated Governments against use of German safe-conducts is presented. 1722
1808 Sept. 12 [Rec’d Sept. 13] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Exportation according to agreement of May 7 recommended, any pressure on Spain to come through bunkering restriction. 1724
1565 Sept. 17 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Doubts wisdom of bringing pressure to bear on Spain in view of financial agreement just concluded. 1724
1826 Sept. 17 [Rec’d Sept. 18] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) France and Great Britain consider Spanish exports of greater importance than Spanish break with Germany. 1725
1864 Sept. 23 [Rec’d Sept. 24] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Spain inquires what it might expect of Allies in case of war with Germany. Recommendations. 1725
1614 Sept. 28 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) If Spain enters war against Germany, U.S. support will be assured. 1726
1875 Sept. 28 [Rec’d Sept. 29] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) It is believed that German ships will be seized only after a secret understanding between Spain and Germany. 1727
1639 Oct. 5 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Little to be gained by Spain’s entering the war against Germany 1727
1952 Oct. 15 [Rec’d Oct. 16] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Temporary transfer of certain German ships to Spain apparently with German acquiescence. 1727
1782 Nov. 7 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Instructions to report details of transfer of German ships to Spain. 1728
2057 Nov. 9 [Rec’d Nov. 10] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Associated Governments will not recognize transfer of German ships to Spain. 1728

The Control of Spanish in Latin American Trade—Censorship of Mails and Bunkering Regulations in Cuba

[Page LXIX] [Page LXX]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Nov. 20, 1917 To the Chargé in Cuba (tel.) Necessity of establishing censorship of mails in Cuba similar to U.S. censorship. 1729
Nov. 21, 1917 From the Chargé in Cuba (tel.) Cuban President approves suggestions regarding mail censorship and desires services of U.S. officer. 1730
Nov. 28, 1917 From the Chargé in Cuba (tel.) Cuban decree establishing censorship on telegrams, mail, etc. 1730
Jan. 19, 1918 To the Consul at Barcelona (tel.); similar tel. to consuls in certain other ports Compañía Transatlántica and Pinillos Line agree to adopt certain safeguards in consideration of U.S. bunker and ship’s stores licenses. 1730
Feb. 16 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.) U.S. representatives of Censorship Board have been sent to Cuba to act as liaison officers. 1731
Mar. 1 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Urges censorship in Cuban ports of all mail which has not been subjected to U.S. or Allied censorship. 1731
Mar. 9 From the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Pending action on mail censorship, ships arriving from Spain to-day will have mail examined. 1732
Mar. 9 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Compliments Minister on having arranged censorship of mail in Cuba and asks report on conditions. 1732
Mar. 13 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Necessity for U.S. control and supervision in Cuba of search of ships, passengers, etc., as well as mail censorship. 1732
Mar. 16 From the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Direct U.S. control and supervision in Cuba unnecessary. Proposed suspension of voyages of Spanish ships to Mexico 1733
Mar. 24 From W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.); to W.T.B. also Permission requested to refuse bunkers to Spanish ship Alfonso XIII engaged to carry sugar to Mexico. 1733
Mar. 30 To the Consul at Barcelona (tel.); the same to consuls in certain other ports Instructions concerning procedure to be observed toward ships of Compañía Transatlántica and Pinillos Line. 1734
Apr. 1 [Rec’d Apr. 2] From the Minister in Cuba (tel.) The Alfonso XIII, refused coal, remains in Cuba. Cuban President proposes discontinuance of service to Mexico. 1734
Apr. 3 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Spanish ships should discharge at Habana, then return to Spain via the United States. 1735
Apr. 3 From W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.) Explanation of furnishing bunkers to the Alfonso XIII. Instructions requested on bunkering Spanish ships for Mexico. 1735
Apr. 4 To W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.) Attention called to agreement with Spain on coaling facilities in U.S. ports; advisability of observing it. 1736
June 4 From the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Mexican complaint of Cuban censoring of Bordeaux mail. Inquires grounds for reply. 1736
June 14 From the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Wartime measures adopted by President Menocal. 1737
June 19 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Inquires if wartime measures are being acted upon. U.S. coal sent to Cuba is for Cuban use only. 1737
June 19 From the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Wartime measures are being acted upon by Cuba. 1737n
June 22 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.): from W.T.B. Desires that sailings from Cuba to Mexico be restricted by refusing bunkers. 1738
1284 July 2 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne and Smith Measures proposed to prevent evasion of U.S. jurisdiction by ships proceeding to Spain from South America and vicinity. 1738
110 July 2 To W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.) W.T.B. desires that Cuba no longer extend bunkering facilities to Spanish ships bound for Mexico. 1738
July 5 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Reply to Mexican complaint unnecessary. Affirmation of right of search of neutral mail passing through belligerent territory. 1739
1519 July 6 [Rec’d July 7] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Smith and Chadbourne to W.T.B. Question of port of call for ships from South American east coast. Rumored arrangements for Spanish import of Mexican cotton. 1740
July 6 [Rec’d July 7] From the Assistant to W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.) Cuban assurances that bunkering of Spanish ships will be in accordance with U.S. wishes. 1740
July 31 To the Minister in Cuba (tel.) Spanish ships will be furnished with only enough coal to reach Cuban ports. Exception. 1741
1374 July 31 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne and Smith Instructions to arrange with Spanish Transatlantic and Pinillos Lines to cease calls at Mexican ports. 1741
Aug. 2 To the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Attention called to agreement by which certain Spanish lines will carry only such cargo as approved by W.T.B. 1741
1382 Aug. 3 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne If advisable, Spanish ships on South American route could call at British port for search and bunkers. 1742
1418 Aug. 12 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.) Instructions to consuls in Spain regarding proposed bunker and passport requirements for Spanish line ships bound for America. 1742
Aug. 10 [Rec’d Aug. 15] From W.T.B. Representative in Cuba Suggestion to agents of Spanish ships to take on coal at Porto Rico or other American port. 1742
Aug. 21 To W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.) Instructions to report result of efforts to cause Spanish ships to call at American ports. 1743
Aug. 14 [Rec’d Aug. 22] From W.T.B. Representative in Cuba Spanish Minister refers to his Government question of bunkering at Porto Rico or other American port. 1743
Aug. 22 From W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.): to Stabler Spanish Minister has sent telegram to Transatlantic Co. on subject of U.S. port of call. 1743
1761 Aug. 31 [Rec’d Sept. 1] From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Chadbourne to W.T.B. Inquires if Cuba has issued bunker rules of its own for ships not touching U.S. ports. 1744
1535 Sept. 9 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Subject of Cuba’s bunker rules is under discussion. 1744
Sept. 18 From W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.) Inquires if agreement has been made with Spanish lines to coal at Porto Rico or other American ports. 1744
Sept. 20 To W.T.B. Representative in Cuba (tel.) No such agreement has been made. 1744n
Oct. 8 [Rec’d Oct. 9] From the Consul at Curacao (tel.) Text of message from Consul at Puerto Cabello: The Villamanrique desires permit to proceed to Barcelona via Venezuela. 1745
Oct. 19 To the Consul at Curaçao (tel.) Message to Consul at Puerto Cabello: W.T.B. requires the Villamanrique to call at Porto Rico after leaving Venezuela. 1745
2113 Nov. 20 From the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): Rickard and Chadbourne to W.T.B. Inquiry as to authority at Habana for issuance of bunker licenses for ships sailing directly from Cuba to Spain. 1745
1849 Nov. 30 To the Ambassador in Spain (tel.): W.T.B. to Chadbourne Bunker control exercised by Cuban Government; W.T.B. Representative has such authority as is delegated by Cuba 1746
[Page LXXI]

The Transfer of Merchant Ships from Belligerent to Neutral Flags: Attitude of the American and Allied Governments

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Mar. 21 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) The United States is asked to waive its objection to purchase by Argentina of the German ship Bahia Blanca. 1746
Mar. 25 To the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Conditions under which transfer of the Bahia Blanca will be recognized. 1747
Mar. 28 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Interview with Foreign Minister on U.S. attitude toward German ships transferred to Argentine registry. 1747
Apr. 10 To the Ambassador in Chile (tel.) Message to Chile conditionally approving transfer of German ships to Chilean registry. 1748
Apr. 11 [Rec’d Apr. 12] From the Chargé in Chile (tel.) Chile consents to U.S. conditions for lease of German ships. 1749
Apr. 13 To the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Certain information desired regarding proposed transfer of German ships to Argentina. 1749
Apr. 20 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Reply to inquiry regarding routes, terms of purchase, etc., in use of German ships by Argentina. 1750
Apr. 22 From the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy The British concur in recognition of transfer to Chilean flag of the Karnak, Alda, and Göttingen. 1750
June 3 From the Commercial Adviser of the British Embassy Proposed undertaking to be required of Argentina in use of German interned ships. 1751
Oct. 26 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Status of ex-German ship Bahia Blanca on proposed trip to London. 1751
Nov. 6 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) German ships are occupied by Argentine military forces. It is proposed that the Bahia Blanca carry foodstuffs for Switzerland. 1752
Nov. 7 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Argentina requests Great Britain to recognize transfer of flag on the Bahia Blanca. 1753
Nov. 9 To the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Instructions to support British attitude toward proposed voyage of the Bahia Blanca. 1753
Nov. 12 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Interview with Foreign Minister on proposed voyage of the Bahia Blanca and transfer of flag on interned ships. 1754

The Censorship of Diplomatic and Consular Mail

[Page LXXII]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Jan. 5 To the heads of diplomatic missions in Washington Regulations governing censorship of diplomatic and consular mail entering and leaving the United States. 1755
Jan. 5 To the heads of certain diplomatic missions in Washington Exceptions made to regulations governing censorship of diplomatic mail entering and leaving the United States. 1755
99 Jan. 23 [Rec’d Jan. 26] From the British Embassy British intention to guard against breach of U.S. Trading with Enemy Act, sec. 3, case of ships calling at Halifax. 1756
100 Apr. 15 To the Consul at Christiania Reply to complaint that his mail has been opened. 1756
May 27 To the heads of diplomatic missions in Washington Disposition of letters which are designed to evade U.S. censorship regulations. 1757
9275 June 7 [Rec’d June 20] From the Chargé in Great Britain Censorship by Great Britain of diplomatic mail in transit through England. 1757
8508 June 29 To the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.) Inquires present system of transit of U.S. mail pouches through England. 1758
18 July 1 From the Chargé in Great Britain (tel.) U.S. pouches are handled by Embassy messenger, and not by British postal service. 1758
6026 July 17 To the Chargé in Great Britain No exception will be taken to British postal censorship regulations as a war measure. 1759
9552 July 17 [Rec’d Aug. 1] From the Chargé in Great Britain Great Britain does not intend to apply new postal censorship regulations to U.S. Government correspondence. 1759
235 Aug. 29 To the British Chargé Not disposed to adopt measures similar to those taken by Great Britain for examination of diplomatic mail. 1759
9749 Aug. 22 [Rec’d Sept. 10] From the Ambassador in Great Britain No action has been taken in matter of British censorship of diplomatic mail in transit through England. 1760

Mine Laying and the Establishment of Maritime Danger Zones: The North Sea Barrage

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
203 July 16, 1917 From the British Ambassador Explanation of difference in use of British term “danger area” and German “danger zone”. 1760
216 July 22, 1917 From the British Ambassador Term “mined area” will be substituted for “danger area” in future British proclamations. 1761
IV 5 Mar. 4, 1918 [Rec’d Mar. 6] From the Swiss Minister Transmits text of German supplementary declaration of Jan. 5 extending blockade zone. 1762
581 Mar. 12 [Rec’d Mar. 13] From the Minister in Norway (tel.) German official warning to neutral ships against navigating German Bay except under directions of German Navy. 1763
Undated [Rec’d Apr. 29] From the Consul General at London (tel.) Area in North Sea delimited by Admiralty Notice No. 536 as dangerous to all shipping. 1763
Aug. 8 [Rec’d Aug. 10] From the British Embassy Extract from Balfour’s telegram of Aug. 6 quoting British message to Norway giving notice of mining of North Sea. 1764
441 Aug. 27 To the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Message to Norway warning against permitting illegal passage of enemy submarines through its territorial waters. 1764
Dec. 14 From the Consul General at London (tel.) Admiralty Notice No. 1462, announcing amended limits of dangerous area around Orkney Isles. 1765


The Treatment of Belligerent Submarines in Neutral Waters: The Mining by Norway of Its Territorial Waters Adjoining the North Sea Barrage

[Page LXXIV]
No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
964 Aug. 8 [Rec’d Aug. 9] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) British demand that Norway mine certain territorial waters to prevent entry of belligerent submarines. 1769
Aug. 8 [Rec’d Aug. 10] From the British Embassy Balfour’s telegram of Aug. 6 quoting British representations to Norway against enemy use of its territorial waters and request for mine barrage. 1770
1007 Aug. 12 [Rec’d Aug. 13] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Norway’s unsatisfactory reply to British request to close its outer channel by means of mines. 1771
423 Aug. 13 To the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Note to Norway: Representations against use of its territorial waters as channel for enemy submarines. Instructions. 1772
1022 Aug. 16 [Rec’d Aug. 17] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Interview with Foreign Minister in regard to barring of Norwegian waters to submarines. 1773
Aug. 19 [Rec’d Aug. 20] From the British Chargé British telegram to Norway demanding that its waters be closed to enemy submarines. 1775
1037 Aug. 20 [Rec’d Aug. 21] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Interview with Foreign Minister: Patrols admitted inadequate and expediency of mining territorial waters stressed. 1777
1038 Aug. 20 [Rec’d Aug. 21] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Transmits Norway’s request for detailed information in claim that German submarines have utilized its territorial waters. 1778
1040 Aug. 21 [Rec’d Aug. 22] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) British representations to Norway reiterated. Intimation of action to be taken if demands are not met. 1780
435 Aug. 24 To the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Disapproves of British measures in dealing with Norway, preferring not to infringe upon its territorial sovereignty. 1781
1054 Aug. 24 From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Modification of British and French attitude toward Norway in regard to mining of its territorial waters. 1782
441 Aug. 27 To the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Note to Norway: Norway’s duty as a neutral and consequences of failure to bar submarines from its waters. 1782
1082 Aug. 30 [Rec’d Aug. 31] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Points emphasized in interview with Foreign Minister on use of Norwegian waters by belligerent submarines. 1784
450 Sept. 3 To the Chargé in Norway (tel.) U.S. reply to Norway’s inquiry of foreign governments whether their submarines have violated Norway’s territorial waters. 1785
1183 Sept. 28 [Rec’d Sept. 29] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Text of Norway’s note in defense of its policy, denying that its waters are rendezvous for foreign submarines. 1786
1185 Sept. 28 [Rec’d Sept. 29] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Text of Norway’s announcement of decision to mine its territorial waters. 1787
Sept. 30 Department memorandum Norwegian announcement of intention to mine territorial waters of Norway. 1788
1209 Oct. 3 [Rec’d Oct. 4] From the Chargé in Norway (tel.) Text of Norway’s note verbale calling attention to placing of mines in certain areas. 1788

The Treatment in a Neutral Port of the Crew of a Wrecked Belligerent Warship: The Case of the Crew of the “Seeabler”

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Mar. 10 From the Chargé in Chile (tel.) Question of status of officers and crew of the Seeadler. 1789
Mar. 15 To the Chargé in Chile (tel.) Information regarding status of the Seeadler. Internment of crew recommended. 1789

The Treatment of Armed Merchant Ships in Certain Foreign Ports

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No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
July 6 To the Chargé in Honduras (tel.); the same to the Ministers in Salvador and Guatemala Inquires treatment accorded armed merchantmen engaged in commerce. 1790
July 9 [Rec’d July 10] From the Chargé in Honduras (tel.) No restrictions on entrance into Honduran ports of American ships armed only for defense. 1790
July 11 To the U.S. Shipping Board Merchantmen defensively armed permitted conditionally to enter certain countries of South and Central America and the West Indies. 1790
July 17 [Rec’d July 18] From the Minister in Guatemala (tel.) No restrictions imposed upon armed American ships in Guatemalan ports. 1791
1825 July 31 To the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Inquires Netherland attitude toward entrance of American merchantmen defensively armed into Netherland colonial ports. 1792
4057 Aug. 22 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Armed merchantmen of belligerents are excluded from Netherland colonies, except under certain circumstances. 1792

The Status in Neutral Ports of Neutral Ships Taken Over by a Belligerent

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
Mar. 23 To the Chargé in Chile (tel.); mutatis mutandis, to the representatives in Argentina, Peru, and Uruguay Requests assurances by the government to which accredited against detention of Dutch ships taken over by the United States. 1792
Mar. 27 From the Chargé in Chile (tel.) Chilean assurances regarding Dutch ships taken over by the United States. 1793
Mar. 28 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Argentine assurances concerning Dutch ships taken over by the United States. 1793
Apr. 2 From the Chargé in Uruguay (tel.) Text of Uruguayan reply to request for assurances re Dutch ships taken over by the United States. 1794
Apr. 5 From the Minister in Peru (tel.) Peru gives assurance of fullest facilities for U. S. ships in commercial traffic with Peru. 1795
May 1 From the Ambassador in Argentina (tel.) Text of Argentine reply concerning status of Dutch ships taken over by the United States. 1795
July 24 To the Chargé in Argentina (tel.) Instruction to secure attorney’s opinion concerning immunity of requisitioned Dutch ships from legal proceedings in Argentina. 1796
July 31 [Rec’d Aug. 1] From the Chargé in Argentina (tel.) Opinion rendered by Argentine lawyer on status of Dutch ships requisitioned by the United States. 1796
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The Transit through Neutral Territory of Supplies Shipped from a Belligerent Country to a Country Occupied by Its Armed Forces

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
2371 Apr. 23 [Rec’d Apr. 24] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) German demands upon the Netherlands to permit passage of troops and supplies. 1797
2381 Apr. 25 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) The Netherlands inquires if breaking relations with Germany would be to the interest of Associated Governments. 1798
2383 Apr. 25 [Rec’d Apr. 26] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Conference with Foreign Minister on German demands and attitude the Netherlands should take. 1799
3737 Apr. 28 [Rec’d Apr. 29] From the Ambassador in France (tel.) General Bliss transmits British views on advisability of the Netherlands remaining neutral. Reasons. 1800
2425 Apr. 29 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) The British and French permit Netherland acceptance of certain German demands. 1802
2426 Apr. 29 From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Statement given Foreign Minister by British and French representatives as basis for reply to German demands. 1802
2452 May 3 [Rec’d May 4] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Points on which agreement has been reached between Dutch and Germans. 1803
2462 May 5 [Rec’d May 6] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Wolff report from Berlin and Dutch statement regarding conclusion of Netherland-German agreement. 1803
2636 May 16 [Rec’d May 17] From the Minister in the Netherlands (tel.) Netherland understanding with Germany said to have been reached. 1805

The Prevention of Violations of Neutrality Laws by Consular Officers of Belligerent States

No. Date From and to whom Subject Page
2546 Mar. 5 [Rec’d Apr. 2] From the Minister in Switzerland Transmits Swiss note relative to alleged participation of consular officers of belligerent countries in illegal information services. 1805
3075 Apr. 13 [Rec’d Apr. 16] From the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) French interpretation of principle of consular immunities. Question of joint presentation to Switzerland. 1806
1773 Apr. 19 To the Minister in Switzerland (tel.) Disapproval of suggested joint representations to Switzerland regarding consular immunities. 1807