File No. 763.72/9269

The Rumanian Minister (Angelesco) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary: According to the most recent information from my Government, the Bolsheviki, considering themselves at war with Rumania, have in advance of a declaration of war, given an order for their troops to attack ours. The latter have been attacked in a most cowardly way at Pascani, Galatz, and Dorohoi. Our troops resisted heroically and disarmed part of the Maximalists while the rest took refuge within the German lines. The city of Falticeni, which up to that time had sheltered the Russian troops, was then bombarded by them. At Kishinev, Odessa, and Bolgrad members of the Rumanian Parliament, as well as officers and officials of the Rumanian Government who formed the Inter-Allied Supply Commission, were arrested. Our treasure and our deposits which have been sent to Russia, an Allied country, after an understanding with the representatives of our other allies, have been sequestrated and are now in the greatest danger. The Government representatives provided to guard these deposits have been arrested. The Rumanian Legation at Petrograd has been closed arbitrarily and the Rumanian Minister and his stall have been ordered to leave the city promptly. Our consuls, subjected to threats and maltreatment, have been exposed to all kinds of risks. The Commissaires of the People have even decreed the arrest of His Majesty the King.

This extremely grave state of affairs is one of the consequences of the military measures which the Rumanian Government took in favor of the Ukrainians and which had been requested in writing in a very pressing way by the representatives of all our Allies, including the American Minister.

My Government directs me to call the attention of the Government of the United States to the situation which has been created for us. Rumania once more suffers the consequences of undertaking responsibilities which are not ours alone.

Accept [etc.]

Dr. Angelesco