File No. 861.00/3159

The Minister in Switzerland (Stovall) to the Secretary of State


5558. Stanislav Gutovski called at the Legation to-day and stated that he had recently been in the United States and was known to Mr. Phillips, Assistant Secretary of State. As a representative of the Slavs of White Russia, Lithuania, and the Ukraine, he urged me to report to the Department that immediate action is necessary to prevent the massacre of Polish population in these regions by Bolsheviks upon withdrawal of German troops. He advocated the landing of armed forces, particularly cavalry and armed motor cars, at Odessa, who would be favorably received by the population and who could proceed to Kiev en route to Orsha. In this connection see my 4988, October 24,1 from the local representative of the Ukraine.

Weight to this idea is lent by the statements of Dr. Kramarz, leader of the Czech delegation, who is an authority on Russian affairs and who stated with great earnestness and solemnity to-day that it is essential for Allied forces to proceed to Odessa, in order to give security to the local population in stemming the tide of Bolshevikism which will follow withdrawal of armed forces of Central powers.

  1. Not printed.