File No. 861.00/3253

The Ambassador in France (Sharp) to the Secretary of State


5955. Referring to Department telegram to London November 16, 6 p.m., number of which not given in telegram from Mr. Laughlin, I left with Mr. Pichon this afternoon a copy of all that was set forth in the, text of that telegram which was sent to Ambassador [Page 441] Morris. During my conversation with the Minister, I also informed him of the substance of the portion in which certain instructions were given to Ambassador Morris. Mr. Pichon declared that he had heard nothing whatever of the matter referred to in Department’s telegram. He says that he has on another occasion, however, called the attention of the Japanese Government to the need of a strict compliance with the agreements entered into as they affected the control of the railway operations in Siberia. He promised to communicate at once the substance of the Department’s telegram to the representative of the French Government at Tokyo.

While he was somewhat reserved in expressing an opinion as to the attitude of the French Government upon the question raised by the Department, yet he said that naturally the French Government would favor the position taken by the American Government. He thought it would be deplorable for the Americans to withdraw their forces as well as cease their railway operations in the Far East. The Minister said that France would not tolerate any step toward imperialism by Japan in that direction. He promised in conclusion to keep our government informed of whatever steps the French Government would take with reference to the questions raised in Department’s telegram.
