File No. 861.00/2698
The Consul General at Irkutsk (Harris) to the Secretary of State1
[Received September 14, 7 p.m.]
78. Following is declaration of Czecho-Slovak National Soviet [Council], Russian department, in relation to question of formation of central power in Russia issued to All-Russian Assembly at Chelyabinsk, August 25:
Czecho-Slovak National Soviet [Council] sends brotherly greetings to all representatives of Russian society and separate governments taking part in All-Russian Assembly called assembly of central Russian government. Czecho-Slovak National Soviet [Council] deeply hopes that present assembly will easily arrive at its object in forming such central power which could answer all great questions of present historical moment when it is question of establishing one free federal Russian Republic, of saving Russian revolution, of confirming [Page 376] people’s rights, and of reinstating political, economic and military power of Russia. Czecho-Slovak troops entering against the Bolshevik position three months ago in first place defended their freedom but starting from second day of our uprising we pledged ourselves not to continue our interrupted journey through Vladivostok to France but to render assistance to our brother Russian people.
Czecho-Slovak troops, in hope that Russian society will take upon itself business of reestablishing military, political, social and economic life, decided to make sacrifices in name of our brothers of Russia. Unhappily, business of reestablishing not only political but) military power is proceeding too slowly: instead of what would be more natural, namely, that Czecho-Slovaks should be helped by Russian troops in freeing their fatherland, hitherto burden of military operations has fallen upon Czecho-Slovaks to unusual measure. Principle of formation of volunteer army neither in Siberia nor in Samara has given any result. Result of that mobilization has not been of advantage on front while the Czecho-Slovak forces are continually decreasing and those of Bolsheviks continually increasing, principally from Magyar and German war prisoners and officers.
Three months of continual battles almost without rest can not but have deteriorating effect upon physical force of Czecho-Slovak Army but it must be regretted that assistance comes too slowly. Naturally, under the circumstances Czecho-Slovaks must ask themselves what is going to happen next. What are causes of this weakness? Why, after three months, is so little done? Instead of government organization or reestablishment we are witnessing some sort of customs war between parts of Russia having in view material interests of some one part of Russia only. Under such circumstances there should be no doubt that present moment demands formation of central Russian government which could take upon itself business of reestablishment. Programs of separate governments formed on certain territory freed from Bolsheviks, as well [as] of more important political parties, put forward as their watchword reestablishment of united Russia, nonrecognition of Brest treaty, and cooperation with Allies by declaration of war against Central powers.
Formation of national Russian central government capable of symbolizing undisputed authority in business of freeing Russia is the absolute condition of carrying out this program. Federal principle of reestablishment of Russian Government suggests of course preservation of autonomy of separate governments but at same time demands formation of such organ as will take upon itself management of foreign affairs. Immediate formation of all-Russian power is undisputed necessity for proper organization of those means by which it will be possible to establish united and free Russia. All-Russian government would be very precise guarantee that further development of events in Russia will take right course. Such government could also count on all assistance from Allies. Czechoslovaks now in third month of war for reestablishment of downtrodden Russia with great interest appeal to the All-Russian Assembly and await results and wise decision and satisfactory [Page 377] answer on question which interests them in order to know how to continue battle without useless sacrifice. Pavlu, President of Czech National Council in Siberia.
- Sent via the Legation in China.↩