File No. 861.00/2614

The Chargé in the Netherlands (Kirk) to the Secretary of State


4196. Since the recent Japanese intervention in Siberia, Dutch public opinion has become more than ever exercised over the future of the Dutch East Indies. The suspicion prevails that the Entente may have arranged for Japanese assistance on the understanding that certain territorial readjustments would later be sanctioned in the Far East, notably in the Dutch colonies. In this connection, certain Dutch journalists have informally called attention to article published in Outlook of May 1. Speculation on this subject has been brought to a head by the publication in the Dutch press on August 23 of a telegram from the Vossische Zeitung purporting to give the text printed in the Russian Bolshevik newspaper Izvestia of certain secret archives of the Russian Foreign Office referring to the Dutch East Indies in a prejudicial manner.

Further stated the German press and press agents in Holland are attempting to excite Dutch public with rumors that Japan with the [Page 364] air of approval of the United States is regarding Dutch East Indies as eventual compensation for cooperation in Russia. In view of these circumstances it may appear desirable to take some steps to check this particular form of enemy propaganda.
