File No. 861.00/2507

The French Ambassador (Jusserand) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: At this time when the Allies are about to exert their action in both Siberia and northern Russia, the Government of the Republic, thinking that this dual action will be more effective if better coordinated, has directed me to offer to the Federal Government suggestions tending to the establishment of some sort of political direction of and connection between the two operations simultaneously set on foot at Archangel and Vladivostok. The successes of the Czechs, the weakening of the Bolsheviki, the growing difficulties encountered by the Germans are, one and all, reasons for resolute action by the Allies in the two or three months when it can be taken and for the earliest possible establishment of northern as well as eastern connection with the Czechs.

With a view to the best possible harmonizing of that dual action and to the settling of the political or economic questions that may arise, my Government believes it would be the part of wisdom and foresight, while adhering to the local military command, British on one side, Japanese on the other, to organize an inter-Allied civilian board charged with the duty of safeguarding unity of action toward [Page 341] the Russian people. That board should have the last say in all questions flowing from the assistance brought to Russia by the Allies, decide the political disputes, give the economic, financial, and technical directions, define the relations between the Allied Governments and the local authorities.

If the Federal Government concurred in my Government’s view the chairmanship of the board would go to the United States. A few Russians might be admitted or attached to the board in an advisory capacity. This would facilitate an adjustment of the differences that have arisen among the several Russian groups, whose proneness to improvise is but too well known and who are seeking recognition by the Allies.

I should be thankful to your excellency if you would kindly let me know whether the foregoing suggestions coincide, as is my Government’s hope, with the Federal Government’s view.

Be pleased to accept [etc.]
