[Page [734]] [Page 735]- Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to Russia:
- Afghanistan, provisions of Brest Litovsk treaty, 444.
- Agents-provocateurs 32, 47, 71–72.
- Åland Islands, provisions of Brest Litovsk treaty, 428, 443, 444.
- Alexeev, Gen. M. V., 91, 189, 193, 284, 311, 381, 496.
- Allied and American Diplomatic Missions. See Diplomatic Missions.
- Allied and American Governments (see also
under individual countries; Armistice;
Communications; Couriers; Diplomatic Missions; Inter-Allied Conference; Intervention; Military Missions; Recognition; Treaty of Brest
Litovsk; World War):
- attitude toward Russian people, 330–331, 390–391, 393, 633, 635, 656.
- military aid against Germany: official Soviet request, 392, 396, 398, 418, 483; other Russians, request, 496, 507; response, 383, 386, 402, 484, 485, 487–488, 491, 494, 495, 498, 499–501, 517–518, 519.
- noninterference in Russian affairs, 330, 500, 509, 632, 633, 635–636.
- representatives and nationals: detention, 585, 642–643, 644–655, 661–663, 665–668, 671–672, 673–679, 687, 691; protest by neutral Ministers against detention, 664–665, 675, 678; Vologda, ejection from, 644, 653, 654, 669–670; withdrawal from Russia, 645, 668, 670–671, 679.
- war with Soviet Russia, state of, discussion, 620, 641–642, 643, 648–649, 650, 651, 659.
- Allied Governments. See under individual countries.
- Allied Representatives, Joint Committee of, 138.
- American Federation of Labor (see also Samuel Gompers), 115.
- American Red Cross, 503, 571.
- American Red Cross Commission to Rumania, 321, 326–328.
- American Red Cross Commission to Russia (see also Raymond Robins):
- Americans, unofficial (see also Exiles):
- Anarchists, 363, 368, 489, 495, 497, 504.
- Anarchy, conditions of, 198, 204–205.
- Anderson, Lieut. Col. Henry W., 321, 327, 328, 329.
- Anderson, Paul, arrest, 671, 673, 674.
- Anglo-French conspiracy, charge by Soviet, 585, 666, 667–668, 675, 677–678.
- Annexations. See Peace without annexations or indemnities; Self-determination of peoples.
- Appeal to peoples, Soviet tactics, 45–46, 105, 250, 251, 294, 585.
- Archangel (see also Intervention; North Russia):
- Ardakhan, provisions of Brest Litovsk treaty, 434, 443, 473.
- Argentina, protest against Soviet terror, 711.
- Armenia, 331, 365, 472, 496, 588.
- Armistice with the Central powers:
- Allied and American protests, 245, 248–249, 252, 256–257, 272, 276, 283, 289.
- conditions, U. S. attitude, 252, 253, 279.
- Dukhonin, General, attitude, 243, 245, 246–247, 251.
- general, Soviet claim, 249, 250, 294.
- hostilities, cessation and resumption, 251, 252, 253, 383, 428, 429, 430.
- soldiers, order to negotiate, 247, 264.
- Soviet proposals: Nov. 20, 1917, 244; Nov. 29, 1917, 253; Dec. 6, 1917, 258.
- terms, Dec. 5, 1917, 307; Dec. 15, 1917, 260–263, 318.
- U. S. Military Attaché interview with Trotsky, 279, 282–283, 288–289, 294–295.
- Armour, Norman, 644, 653, 654, 669–670.
- Arms:
- Army (see also
Death Battalion; Red
Army; Volunteer Army; World War):
- authority after Kerensky’s fall, 241.
- Brest Litovsk treaty, attitude, 419–420, 423.
- death penalty, 164, 170, 179, 227.
- demobilization, 423, 428.
- demoralization: desertions, 141, 221, 268; discipline lacking, 16, 17, 25, 27, 189, 198, 220–221; murder of officers, 36, 190, 191; propaganda, Bolshevik, 200, 205, 268, 374, 375; propaganda, German, 121, 128, 140, 143, 147, 205, 235, 240, 243, 264, 268, 284, 288, 314, 377, 487.
- disciplinary measures by Kornilov, 171–172; by Provisional Government, 94, 96, 143, 160, 163, 193, 212.
- food and clothing, shortage, 245, 264–265, 268, 269, 284, 334.
- General Staff, last acts, 241, 308.
- July uprising, part in, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165–169.
- March revolution, part in, 2, 4, 8, 17, 139.
- Moscow district, 226, 227, 344–345.
- November revolution, part in, 219, 225, 226, 227.
- officers: brigades of, 221; dispersal of, 36, 190, 191, 308–309, 684, 687.
- Petrograd garrison, 2, 139, 141, 143, 219, 225, 226, 384.
- Petrograd Soviet, relations, 42, 46–47, 51, 55, 63, 83–85, 141–142, 194, 219.
- Provisional Government, relations, 6, 166.
- Soviet régime, relations, 34, 141, 219, 237.
- statistics, 150.
- Zemstvos, relations, 273, 285.
- Associated Governments. See Allied and American Governments.
- Asylum, British and French representatives in U. S. Consulate General (Norwegian Legation), 667, 671, 672, 679.
- Atrocities. See Czecho-Slovaks; Terror.
- Austria-Hungary. See Central powers.
- Bakhmeteff, Boris, 153, 157, 158n, 579.
- Bakhmeteff mission. See Russian Extraordinary Embassy.
- Baku, 434, 574, 584, 603.
- Balkans, Russian diplomacy in, 69–71.
- Baltic provinces, 381, 492.
- Baltic provinces and Poland, self-determination of, German attitude, 411, 413, 420–421, 423, 432, 437, 599.
- Bank, State, Bolshevik control, 237.
- Banks:
- Batum, provisions of Brest Litovsk treaty, 434, 443, 473.
- Belgium:
- Berkman, Alexander, 200, 201, 203, 322, 353.
- Bessarabia:
- Bolsheviks (see also
Communist Party; Revolution,
November; Soviet régime), 165, 201, 203, 232, 312, 313, 380, 678–679.
- anarchists, relations, 104.
- Brest Litovsk treaty, attitude, 433–434, 484.
- Congress of Peasants’ Deputies, relations, 165, 215.
- Congress of Soviets, relations, 142, 165, 166, 215, 232, 293.
- Cossacks, relations, 308–311, 320.
- coup d’état, 224–241, 333.
- divergencies among, 237, 489, 492.
- German pay, 98, 162, 167, 168, 169, 333.
- July, 1917, uprising, 159–161, 162–163, 165–169.
- Kronstadt revolt, attitude, 95.
- Petrograd Soviet, relations, 30, 34, 165, 166, 196, 205, 209, 215.
- policies, 30, 205, 294, 400.
- popular attitude, 302, 400, 559, 619.
- Provisional Government, demonstrations against, 40, 45, 98, 99, 103–104, 167–168, 193, 200, 202, 210.
- World War, attitude, 102, 166.
- Bosphorus. See Constantinople and the Straits.
- Bourgeoisie, Soviet attitude, 495–496, 504–505, 512, 521, 554, 684.
- Breshkovskaya, EkaterinaK., 210, 291–292, 294.
- Brest Litovsk. See Treaty of; Armistice.
- Brusilov, Gen. A. A., 50, 91, 171.
- Bukowski, Lieut. P. I., 517, 658.
- Bulgaria:
- Burri, Alfred T., arrest, 673, 674.
- Cablegrams. See Communications.
- Cadet Party. See Constitutional Democratic Party.
- Calendar, changed to accord with western, 369.
- Cantacuzene, Major General Prince, on conditions under Soviet, 332–335.
- Capital, removal to Moscow, discussion, 26, 192, 195, 210.
- Caucasus (see also North Caucasus; Southeastern federation; Trans-Caucasus), 302, 539, 602–603.
- Central Executive Committee, All-Russian (see also Congress of Soviets; Soviet régime):
- Central powers (see also Germany):
- Chamber of Commerce of the United States, message to Provisional Government, 205–206.
- Cheidze, N. S., 16, 18, 21, 32, 63, 162, 206.
- Cheka. See Extraordinary Commission against Counter-Revolution.
- Chernov, V. M., 160, 171, 231, 237, 246, 265, 305.
Chicherin, George V.:
- appointment as Assistant Commissar for Foreign Affairs, 363.
- foreign relations, report, 581–586.
- French Ambassador, request for recall, 509–510.
- internment in England, 268, 274, 319.
- intervention, statements regarding, 516, 659–660.
- terror, replies to protests: American Red Cross Commission to Russia, 714–715; Diplomatic Missions, neutral, 705–708.
- treatment of foreigners, response to protests, 678.
- war, state of, between Soviet régime and Associated Governments, views, 641, 642, 643, 648–649, 650, 651, 659–660.
- withdrawal of Allied and American Diplomatic Missions, views, 623, 627, 637, 640, 647, 656, 657.
- China (see also Diplomatic Missions, Allied and American):
- Church and state, 589, 595.
- Church, Russian Orthodox, 15, 369, 485, 540.
- Clothing, shortage, 265, 269, 284, 334, 335.
- Code messages (see also Communications):
- Colombia, protest against Soviet terror, 717–718.
- Colonies, Soviet views, 365, 404, 588.
- Commissars, Council of People’s, 591–592.
- Committee of Safety. See National Committee of Defense.
- Communications of Allied and American representatives with home governments, suppression (see also Code messages), 621, 624, 627, 634, 638, 645, 646, 651, 655, 659.
- Communist Party, origin, 398.
- Compensation for losses to subjects of Central powers, 515, 539.
- Conference. See Democratic Conference; Inter-Allied Conference at Paris; Moscow Conference.
- Conference of Soviets of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies, All-Russian, 28–31.
- Confiscation (see also Industrial interests; Nationalization), 30, 31, 59; constitutional provision, 596.
- Congress of Cossacks, All-Russian, war-peace program, 101.
- Congress of Delegates from the Front, 23.
- Congress of Peasants’ Deputies, All-Russian:
- Congress of Soviets of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies, All-Russian:
- Congress of Soviets of Workmen’s, Peasants’, Cossack and Red Army Deputies, All-Russian (see also Congress of Soviets above), 589, 590, 592–593.
- Congress of Soviets of Workmen’s, Soldiers’ and Peasants’ Deputies. See Congress of Soviets of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies.
- Constantinople and the Straits, 23, 44, 48, 70.
- Constituent Assembly:
- authority, 6, 253, 267, 298, 325.
- Bolsheviks, relations, 275, 301, 315, 325.
- Brest Litovsk treaty negotiations, attitude, 323, 332, 352, 388.
- dissolution by Soviet régime, 271, 298, 302, 305–306, 317–318, 350, 354, 355, 357.
- elections, 250, 267, 270, 272, 300, 304–305, 344.
- loans, repudiation, attitude, 352, 359.
- popular attitude, 222, 302, 351, 355, 560.
- Provisional Government, relations, 5, 7, 26, 80, 107, 212–214, 274–275, 291.
- sessions, 260, 272, 295, 331, 351, 352.
- Soviets, relations, 30, 242, 331–332, 360.
- Constitution of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic, 587–597.
- Constitutional Convention. See Constituent Assembly.
- Constitutional Democratic Party (see also Guchkov; Milyukov).
- Consuls. See under Allied and American Governments, representatives; Diplomatic immunity.
- Contributions. See Industrial interests; Peace without annexations or indemnities.
- Cooperative Societies, 143, 213, 537, 571.
- Cossacks (see also Congress of Cossacks; Kaledin; Semenov):
- Council. See Soviet.
- Council of the Republic. See Pre-Parliament.
- Counter-revolution (see also Extraordinary Commission against), charges:
- Couriers, discussion of, 233, 303–304, 318, 320, 409.
- Courland (see also Baltic provinces):
- Crimea, 533, 539, 555.
- Cromie, Capt. Francis N. A., murder, 665–666, 668, 675–676, 688.
- Cuba, protest against Soviet terror, 708.
- Czecho-Slovak forces:
- D’Arcy, M., arrest, 677.
- Dardanelles. See Constantinople and the Straits.
- Davis, Jerome, 284, 289.
- Death battalion (see also Women’s battalion), 280, 284.
- Death penalty. See Army.
- “Declaration of the rights of the laboring and exploited people,” 587–589.
- Decrees, Soviet (see also
- army officers, rank, 300, 304, 307.
- arrest of Allied and American nationals of military age, 661–662, 665–666, 668.
- banks, withdrawals, 269, 362.
- courts, 300.
- industries nationalized, 297, 300.
- intervention, views of Minister, 731–732.
- land nationalized, 232, 242, 299, 304, 365.
- loans, state, repudiation, 300, 307.
- peace, 293.
- recall of delegates, 305.
- rent, 306–307, 314.
- Democratic Conference:
- Democratic Council. See Pre-Parliament.
- Denikin, Gen. A. I., 306, 308, 311.
- Denmark (see also Diplomatic Missions, neutral; Neutral powers):
- Dictatorship of:
- Dietrichs, General, 245.
- Diplomacy, secret, to be abolished, 243, 249, 288, 638, 646, 649, 655, 656.
- Diplomatic and consular service, previous régimes, relations with Soviet régime, 230, 257, 283.
- Diplomatic and consular service, Soviet régime, 363, 401, 551, 554.
- Diplomatic Commission. See Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia.
- Diplomatic immunity, violations by Soviet régime (see also
Retaliatory measures):
- arrests: Allied Consuls General, 643, 652, 675; British representative, 667, 668, 671, 677, 691; Rumanian Minister, 353, 357, 377, 378, 477–482.
- communications, suppression, 621, 624, 627, 634, 638, 645, 646, 651, 655, 659.
- ejection of Allied representatives from Vologda, 644, 653, 654, 669–670.
- invasions of missions and consulates, 353, 362, 369, 370, 477, 479, 652, 658.
- murder of British attaché, 665–666, 668, 675–676, 688.
- promises of, made and broken, 642, 643, 647–648, 651–652, 658–659.
- Diplomatic Missions, Allied, American, and neutral:
- Diplomatic Missions, Allied and American (see also
Allied and American Governments; Diplomatic immunity; Retaliatory measures; Russian Extraordinary
Embassy; Special Diplomatic Mission):
- address to the Russian people, 302, 319, 633–636.
- conferences, 245, 250, 287, 294, 320–321, 350–351.
- Constituent Assembly, attitude, 268, 274.
- good offices and mediation in Kornilov revolt, offer, 187–189.
- guard by Soviet, protest, 621, 626, 654.
- recognition of Soviet régime, attitude, 245, 248, 250, 279, 287.
- removal: to Vologda, 384–389, 401, 484, 488, 511, 557, 633; to Moscow, Soviet request, 521, 581, 585, 618–622, 625, 626, 633, 636, 637, 646–647, 656–657; to Archangel, 622–624, 627–640, 646–647, 655–656; remaining representatives from Vologda, 644, 653, 654, 669–670.
- withdrawal from Russia, discussion of significance, 627, 637, 639, 647, 656.
- Diplomatic Missions, neutral (see
Neutral powers):
- charges by Soviet: counter-revolution, 694, 708; interference in Russian affairs, 705.
- detention of Allied and American representatives and nationals, protest, 664–665.
- German and Austrian Consuls General join protests, 676, 678, 697–698.
- terror, protest, 694, 697–698; reply of Chicherin, 705–708.
- violation of British Embassy and arrests, protest, 675, 678.
- withdrawal of certain, 730, 731.
- Diplomatic privileges, abuse by Soviet régime, 722–723, 730–731.
- Diplomatic service, Russian, code telegrams suppressed by Great Britain, 493, 494, 495, 496–497, 502–503.
- Dominican Republic, protest against Soviet terror, 700–701.
- Dukhonin, Gen. N. N.:
- Duma. See Duma, Fourth; Petrograd City Duma.
- Duma, Fourth:
- Dumas, Conference of the Four, 55–63.
- Ecuador, protest against Soviet terror, 709.
- Educational campaign in Russia, U. S. See Publicity.
- Embargo:
- Emerson, Col. George H., 498, 519, 524, 526, 552.
- Esthonia (see also Baltic provinces):
- Estland. See Esthonia.
- Exiles returned from America, violence of, 201, 203, 380.
- Extradition of political refugees, Elihu Root on, 114–115.
- Extraordinary Commission against Counter-Revolution, 581, 681, 682, 684, 685, 691.
- Factories:
- Federal government of Russia, plans, 346, 415, 417, 555, 630.
- Fedor Chilov, sinking by German submarine, 534.
- Finland:
- Bolshevism, attitude, 229, 302.
- boundaries with Soviet Russia, disputes, 539, 584–585.
- Brest Litovsk treaty, provisions, 443, 600.
- constitution of Soviet Russia, provisions, 588.
- Fort Ino, German-Finnish occupation, 508, 527, 529, 532, 533, 538.
- independence, struggle for, 35–36, 169, 196, 199, 201, 204, 283.
- Murman, activities, 527, 539, 542, 546.
- recognition by France, 367; by Soviet Russia, 336, 365; by United States, discussion, 336.
- Red Guards, assisted by Soviet Russia, 492, 533.
- safe passage for Allied and American representatives and nationals, 661, 662.
- war, state of, with Soviet Russia, discussion, 584–585.
- White Guards, assisted by Germany, 381, 435, 504, 513, 519.
- Food supply:
- distribution, defects, 2, 136–137, 264, 266, 333–334.
- German occupation of Ukraine, effects, 515, 525.
- hoarding and requisition, 185, 333, 334, 343, 515, 528, 554, 559, 574.
- shortage: causes, 164, 302; in army, 245, 264, 265, 268, 269, 284, 334; in cities, 343–344, 515, 528, 619; under Imperial régime, 2, 3, 8, 11, 12; under Provisional Government, 21, 31, 159, 162, 172, 184–185; under Soviet régime, 237, 265, 278, 333, 343–344, 358, 362, 386, 501, 512, 515, 518, 528, 554, 559, 575, 619, 730, 732.
- Siberian grain, importance, 575–576.
- France (see also
Allied and American Governments; Communications; Couriers;
Diplomatic Missions; Inter-Allied Conference; Intervention;
Military Missions; Propaganda, Bolshevik; Recognition; World War):
- aid to Soviet régime against Germany, 383, 386, 398, 485.
- Ambassador: recall demanded by Soviet, 509–510, 511, 513–514, 522; removal from Petrograd, 387, 388, 392, 488, 618–640.
- armistice, Russo-German, attitude, 272.
- arrest of Consul General at Moscow and nationals, 642, 643, 646, 648, 651, 652, 658, 661–662, 665–666, 668, 677, 687, 691.
- asylum of representatives in U. S. Consulate General (Norwegian Legation), 667, 671, 672, 679.
- Bolsheviks: arrest charged by Soviet, 659; execution charged by Soviet, 642, 643, 659.
- Brest Litovsk treaty: protest suggested, 435; statement, 438–439.
- conspiracy against Soviet régime, charges, 585, 666, 667–668, 675, 677–678.
- Consulate General at Moscow, violation, 652, 658.
- hostages, women, protest, 681, 719.
- interference in Russian affairs, charges, 272–273, 317.
- internment of nationals, 585.
- Lenin, charged with murderous attack on, 678.
- military situation, joint note to Russia, 196–197, 203, 207–208, 219.
- policy in Russia, 330–331, 528.
- Russian troops in France, 585, 651, 654.
- socialist delegation to Russia, 27.
- Southeastern Russia and the Caucasus, relations, 357, 358.
- terror, protest, 693.
- Ukraine, relations, 317, 331.
- ultimatum to Rumania, attitude, 481.
- visa of Soviet passports, 318, 371.
- war aims, note to Russia, 86–89, 92, 95.
- Fraternization at the front, 50–51, 66, 84, 121, 140, 365, 588.
- Galicia, Russian offensive, 91, 99, 134, 143.
- Georgia, provisions of Brest Litovsk treaty, 602.
- Germany (see also
Armistice; Central
powers; Finland; Intervention, German; Prisoners; Propaganda; Recognition;
Submarine warfare; Treaty
of Brest Litovsk; Ukraine; World War):
- advance into Russia before Brest Litovsk peace, 383, 385, 386, 393, 394; discussion by Great Britain, 391.
- agents in Russia, 243, 325, 405.
- Ambassador in Soviet Russia: Mirbach, activities, 505, 505–506, 513, 515, 520, 533–534, 540, 545, 555; Mirbach, assassination, 572–573, 577, 582–583; Helfferich, arrival, 583; Helfferich, withdrawal, 583, 654.
- anti-Bolshevik elements, relations, 361, 389, 517, 528, 535, 536, 538, 540, 545, 546, 552, 555, 558, 563–564, 565, 574–575, 619.
- Bolsheviks, relations, 98, 162, 163, 167, 168, 169, 239, 245, 295, 296, 300, 314, 370, 385, 393–394, 419, 425, 486–488, 490, 517, 527, 538, 545, 563, 564, 567, 569, 580; Sisson documents, 371–378, 380.
- Chargé in Russia, recall demanded, report, 577–578.
- commissions in Russia, 318, 354, 409–410, 415, 527, 539, 583.
- destruction in Allied and American countries, plans, 371–378.
- financial interests in Russia, 368, 496, 507, 514–515.
- guard of German troops for Embassy, 577, 581, 582–583, 618, 626–627.
- interests in Russia assumed by Sweden, 619.
- peace, plans, 216, 243, 248, 369, 414.
- safe-conduct for departure of Allied and American representatives from Moscow, 643, 645, 653, 655.
- self-determination of peoples, attitude, 406, 410–411, 413, 420–421, 423, 432, 437, 599.
- Soviet Ambassador in Germany, 401.
- supplies obtainable in Russia, 334, 413, 415, 431, 484, 489, 490, 496, 514, 566, 575–576, 583, 603; confiscations, 515, 583.
- trade with Russia, 262–263, 415, 515, 539–540, 584.
- Goldman, Emma, 201, 320, 322, 353.
- Gompers, Samuel (see also American Federation of Labor), 16, 18, 21, 32, 55, 194.
- Good offices and mediation in Kornilov revolt, offer of Diplomatic Missions, 187–189.
- Gorky, Maxim, 74, 220, 237.
- Grain. See Food supply.
- Great Britain (see also
Allied and American Governments; Communications; Couriers;
Diplomatic Missions; Inter-Allied Conference; Intervention;
Military Missions; Propaganda, Bolshevik; Recognition; World War):
- aid to Soviet régime against Germany, 386, 390–391, 398, 498, 499–501.
- Ambassador, retirement, 219, 330.
- armistice, Russo-German, attitude, 256–257.
- arrest of Consul General at Moscow and nationals, 642, 643, 646, 651, 652, 658, 675–676, 677, 678, 687, 691.
- asylum of representatives in U. S. Consulate General (Norwegian Legation), 667, 671, 672, 679.
- attaché, murder, 665–666, 668, 675–676, 688, 690, 692.
- Bolsheviks: arrest charged by Soviet, 659; execution charged by Soviet, 642, 643, 659.
- Brest Litovsk treaty, statement, 438–439.
- code privileges between Russian Embassies withheld, 493, 494, 495, 496–497, 502–503.
- commissioner, 330, 390, 624, 629.
- conspiracy against Soviet régime, charges, 585, 666, 667–668, 675, 677–678.
- Consulate General at Moscow, violation, 652, 658.
- detention of nationals of military age, 661–662, 665–666, 668.
- Embassy: departure via Finland, 387, 388, 392, 488; violation, 665–666, 668, 675–676, 678.
- hostages, women, protest, 681, 719.
- internment of nationals in Russia, 585; of Russian socialists in England, 268, 274, 276, 282, 285, 319.
- military situation, joint note to Russia, 196–197, 203, 207–208, 219.
- policy in Russia, 330–331, 393, 499–500.
- relations, informal: with de facto governments in Russian provinces, 357, 358, 379; with Soviet régime, 337, 379.
- representative, special: activities, 337, 379, 493–494, 499, 525–526; arrest, 667, 668, 671, 677, 691; withdrawal, 679.
- retaliatory measures proposed for murder of attaché, 666, 690, 692.
- terror, protest against, 699, 712.
- visa of Soviet passports, 318, 370.
- war aims, note to Russia, 86–90, 91, 92, 95.
- Greece:
- Guatemala, protest against Soviet terror, 704.
- Guchkov, Alexander I, 61, 64–66, 311.
- Haiti, protest against Soviet terror, 695.
- Halsey, Rev. Jesse, 537, 542, 546.
- Hartwig, N. de, 69–70.
- Henderson, Arthur, 92, 98–99, 106, 135, 138.
- Hicks, Capt. W. L., 483, 503.
- Honduras, protest against Soviet terror, 709–710.
- Horn, Henry J., 264, 296.
- Horvat, Gen. Dmitri L., 132, 571.
- Hostages, 631, 642, 645, 651, 652, 662, 664–665, 676, 677, 684, 687.
- House, Col. Edward M., 243, 255–256, 271, 510.
- Imperial Russian Government (see also Duma, Fourth):
- Indemnities. See Peace without annexations or indemnities; Treaty of Brest Litovsk.
- Industrial interests:
- foreign: forced contributions and arrests, 489, 495, 502, 503.
- nationalization, 242, 297, 300, 365, 514, 588, 596.
- Russian: anti-Soviet combination, 558, 560–561, 563–564; Brest Litovsk treaty, attitude, 490; conditions after revolution, 94, 140–141, 143, 213; Constituent Assembly, attitude, 560; forced contributions, 489, 495, 515; German alliance offered, 558, 563–564, 565; Provisional Government, attitude, 178, 180–181, 190, 193.
- Inter-Allied Conference at Paris, 211, 212, 215, 217, 219, 241, 255, 280, 293.
- Inter-Ally Priority Board (Michelsen commission). See Joint Committee of Allied Representatives. See also Milner commission.
- International Red Cross, 687, 712, 721n.
- International socialist conference, 105, 170, 217.
- Intervention, Allied and American (see
Archangel; Murman; Vladivostok):
- Archangel: British and French forces 624, 629, 631, 634–635; German attitude, 520, 600; protest by Soviet, 623, 642, 650, 651, 653, 659, 664, 669; U. S. cooperation, 580, 624, 669n, 672.
- discussion by: Allied Premiers, 561; British representative, 525–526; Danish Minister, 732; Diplomatic Missions, 516; French Ambassador, 509n; General Niessel, 528–529; Japanese Chargé, 523; Soviet Foreign Commissar, 659–660; U. S. Ambassador, 491, 519–521, 527, 538, 561; U. S. Consul at Harbin, 485; U. S. Consul at Moscow, 574–576, 682; U. S. Military Attaché, 517; U. S. Secretary of Embassy, 691.
- France, attitude, 528–529.
- Great Britain, attitude, 499–501.
- Murman: British and French forces, 390, 396, 486, 504, 528, 531, 532, 537, 538, 541–542, 561, 574, 585, 629; evacuation desired by Germany, 504, 520, 526, 527, 536, 539, 541, 553, 556, 564, 600; Soviet attitude, 541–542, 561, 563, 564, 585, 623; U. S. cooperation, 390, 396, 538, 546, 629.
- objects: German domination, prevention, 500, 509n, 528, 546, 552, 555, 565, 574, 580; munitions, guarding, 282, 384, 387, 391, 392, 500, 517, 528.
- Russian attitude: popular opinion, 496, 507, 521, 538, 565, 669; Socialist-Revolutionist Party, 540–541; Soviet request for aid awaited, 516, 517, 520, 521, 526, 536–537, 541; Soviet views, 396, 520, 586.
- Siberia: 483, 498, 509, 520, 523, 576.
- U. S. approval awaited, 396, 516, 526.
- Intervention, German:
- advance into Russia after Brest Litovsk peace, 393, 394, 484, 496, 501, 508, 512, 513, 533, 553, 557, 580, 583; attitude of German parties, 529, 532, 545; reasons, 516–517, 520, 533.
- Russian factions, attitude, 361, 389, 490, 517, 528, 535, 538, 545, 546, 552, 565, 566, 575, 619.
- Soviet régime, attitude, 506, 507, 512–513, 516, 520, 539, 553–554, 577.
- Intervention, Japanese, separate, 483, 498.
- Allied and American opposition sought by Soviet, 398, 402.
- British representative, views, 493–494.
- Diplomatic Missions, views, 493.
- France, attitude, 528–529.
- Great Britain, attitude, 391, 393, 500.
- Japanese Ambassador, views, 285, 390.
- Russian attitude, 367, 394–395, 396, 496, 504, 516, 538.
- U. S. Ambassador, views, 402, 519, 520.
- Vladivostok, landing, 509n.
- Italy (see also
Allied and American Governments; Communications; Couriers;
Diplomatic Missions; Inter-Allied Conference; Military
Missions; Recognition; World War):
- Albanian policy, 93.
- arrest of nationals, 668.
- Bolshevik propaganda, plan to control, 728–729.
- Brest Litovsk treaty, attitude, 438–439.
- interests in Moscow assumed by Swedish Consul General, 644.
- military situation, joint note to Russia, 196–197, 203, 207–208, 219.
- terror: attitude, 696; Consul General’s description, 691.
- violation of Embassy, 353, 362, 479.
- war aims, note to Russia, 92, 95.
- withdrawal of representatives and nationals, 661, 663, 668.
- Japan (see also
Allied and American Governments; Communications; Diplomatic
Missions; Inter-Allied Conference; Intervention; Military
Missions; Recognition):
- Ambassador, arrest ordered, 564.
- Consul General at Moscow: accord with Allies, 642, 649–650; arrest of Allied nationals at Moscow, protest, 642, 643, 651, 652; withdrawal from Russia, 645, 653.
- diplomatic relations with Soviet régime, discussion, 355–356, 361–362, 397.
- estrangement sought by Soviet: from Allies, 532; from United States, 403, 502, 504, 510, 529, 538, 545, 582, 585, 672.
- Manchuria, troops in, 388.
- retaliatory measures toward Soviet proposed by Great Britain, attitude, 692.
- Root mission, contacts, 121, 129, 130.
- terror, protest against, 700.
- Jews, 7, 25, 26, 27.
- Joffe, A., 371, 372, 378, 486.
- Joint Committee of Allied Representatives, 138.
- Judson, Brig. Gen. William V., 109, 130.
- July 1917 uprising, 159–161, 162–163, 165–169.
- Kaledin, Gen. Alexis M., 280, 284, 306, 308, 309, 311, 320.
- Kalpashnikov incident, 321–322, 326–330.
- Kamenev (Rosenfeld), L. B., 237, 369–370, 413, 724.
- Karakhan, L. M., 259, 651.
- Kars, provisions of Brest Litovsk treaty, 434, 443, 473.
Kerensky, Alexander F.:
- Commander in Chief of the Army, 194.
- family, measures of terror against, 684.
- Minister of Justice, 16, 22–23.
- Minister of War, 66, 91, 96, 97–98, 159, 160, 163, 166.
- Premier, 163, 164, 168, 170, 174, 175, 225; Associated Press interview, 217–218, 220, 221–223; Bolsheviks, armed conflict with, 228, 229–230, 231–233, 234, 236, 239; flight, 224, 228, 229, 291, 292–293; Kornilov revolt, 178, 179, 186–190.
- proposed visit to United States, 536, 563, 567, 568, 578–579.
- Kerth, Lieut. Col. Monroe C., 245, 252, 272, 276, 289.
- Kokoshkin, F. F., 302, 354n.
- Kolchak, Admiral Alexander V., 125, 571.
- Kolontai, Mme A.M., 314, 380.
Kornilov, Gen. Lavr G.:
- Bolsheviks, armed conflict with, 404.
- Commander in Chief of the Army, 171–172, 174, 182.
- death, 505.
- Kerensky, revolt against, 178, 179, 186–190; motives and results, 187, 192, 193, 278; offer of good offices, Diplomatic Missions, 187–189.
- refuge in Don Territory, 284, 291, 296, 306, 308.
- Volunteer Army, 381, 496.
- Kronstadt revolt, 36, 95, 96, 125.
- Krylenko, N. V., 245, 251.
- Kühlmann, Richard von, 428, 430.
- Labor (see also
Railway employees; Telegraph
- compulsory: Congress of Soviets, attitude, 365; constitutional provisions, 588, 589; Germany, attitude, 518, 574.
- control of industry, 242, 297, 346, 365, 588.
- demands, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 86, 140, 143, 185–186.
- Provisional Government, attitude, 112, 213.
- right to organize, 213, 589.
- Soviets, attitude, 358, 570–571; program, 31, 365.
- strikes: under Imperial Government, 1, 3, 11; under Provisional Government, 12, 16, 21, 104, 159, 204, 209; under Soviet régime, 231, 277–278.
- unemployment, 512, 515.
- Labor, American, messages to Russia. See American Federation of Labor; Samuel Gompers.
- “Laboring and exploited people, declaration of the rights of the,” 587–589.
- Land:
- Land and buildings, rent of, Soviet decree, 306–307, 314.
- Latvia. See Courland; Livonia.
Lenin, N. (Vladimir Ulyanov):
- activities before revolution, 375–378.
- attempted assassination, 480, 668, 677–678.
- Brest Litovsk treaty, attitude, 360, 401.
- dictator, 237, 552.
- doctrines, 30, 59, 224, 504–505, 512, 521, 529, 559.
- guard for German Embassy, refusal, 577.
- influenced by Germany, 40, 98, 245, 248, 370, 380, 384, 490, 538.
- Petrograd Soviet, relations, 34.
- president of People’s Commissars, 227, 244, 293.
- Provisional Government, relations, 27, 40, 97–98, 196.
- Rumanian Minister, attitude toward arrest, 478.
- tactics, 336–337, 510.
- U. S. Embassy, attitude, 363, 389.
- war, state of, between Soviet régime and Associated Governments, views, 641–642, 648, 649, 650.
- world-wide dictatorship of proletariat, views, 505, 512, 521, 532.
- Leonard, Robert F., arrest, 673, 674.
- Lindley, Francis O., 390, 624, 629.
- Lithuania (see also Baltic provinces):
- Litvinov, M. M., 337, 665.
- Livland. See Livonia.
- Livonia:
- Loans:
- foreign, repudiation: Congress of Soviets, approval, 359, 360; Constituent Assembly, attitude, 352, 359; constitutional provisions, 588; decree, 300, 307; revision discussed, 359, 526; United States, attitude, 488, 492, 494–495.
- interior, attitude of workmen and soldiers, 36, 50, 169.
- U. S., to Provisional Government: discussion, 7, 27, 145–146, 178, 209; stipulations, 28, 40, 43, 161, 218, 252.
- Lockhart, Robert H. B., 337, 493–494, 525–526.
- London agreement, violation, protest by Allied representatives, 245, 248–249.
- Lvov, Prince George E., 15, 57, 63, 74, 160, 162, 163–164.
- Lunarcharski, A. V., 374, 495–496.
- Maklakov, V. A., on conditions in Russia, 287–288, 366–367.
- Martin, Lieut, (later Capt.) Hugh S., 390, 396, 537, 542.
- Masaryk, Thomas G., 571.
- Maximalists. See Bolsheviks.
- Mediation. See Good offices.
- Mensheviks (see also Social Democratic Party), 231, 232, 366n.
- Merchant navigation, provisions of Brest Litovsk treaty, 443, 600.
- Merchant shipping (see also Transportation):
- Mexico, withholds protest against Soviet terror, 699–700.
- Michael Alexandrovich, Grand Duke, 3, 4, 5, 6–7, 11, 572.
- Michelsen commission. See Joint Committee of Allied Representatives.
- Military Industrial Committee, 314, 415.
- Military Missions, Allied and American:
- Military Revolutionary Committee (Bolshevik), 240, 302.
- Milner commission, 135, 138.
- Milyukov, Paul N., 159, 216–217, 311.
- Minimalists. See Mensheviks; Social Democratic Party.
- Mirbach, Wilhelm, Count von:
- Moldavian republic. See Bessarabia.
- Monarchist elements, cooperation with Bolsheviks, 278, 296, 313, 485.
- Monarchy, restoration discussed, 333, 558, 561, 574.
- Moscow:
- Moscow Conference, 170, 177.
- Moscow Soviet, organization, 340–341.
- Mott, John R., 109, 122, 215, 289.
- Munitions (see also Joint Committee of Allied Representatives; Milner commission):
- Murman (see also
Intervention; North
- Allied and American forces: cooperation with local Soviet, 486, 500, 537, 542, 546, 569; recognition of Soviet régime, attitude of officers, 552–553, 562; warships to leave Russian ports, Soviet demand, 563, 564, 585.
- Allied and American interests, 384, 387, 390, 392, 396, 528, 537.
- diplomatic representatives at, 624, 625.
- Finnish activities, 527, 537, 539, 542, 546.
- German submarine activities, 534, 539, 541, 553.
- railway, 136.
- National City Bank of New York, 368, 669, 670.
- National Committee of Defense, 228, 229, 238, 274.
- National Council Assembly. See Moscow Conference.
- Nationalities of Russia, rights of, 366, 404, 587, 588–589.
- Nationalization (see also Confiscation):
- Navy, 73, 103, 112, 125, 533, 566–567, 603.
- Netherlands (see also Diplomatic Missions, neutral; Neutral powers): [Page 746]
- Neutral powers (see also Diplomatic Missions, neutral):
- Nicaragua, protest against Soviet terror, 698.
- Nicholas II (see also Imperial Russian Government):
- Niessel, Gen. Henri Albert, on conditions under Soviet, 528–529.
- North Caucasus:
- North Russia, provision of Brest Litovsk treaty, 600.
- Norway (see also
Diplomatic Missions, neutral; Neutral powers):
- assumes U. S. interests in Russia, 661, 664, 667.
- asylum in U. S. Consulate General at Moscow to Allied representatives, 667, 671, 672, 679.
- Bolshevik propaganda, 722; funds, control suggested, 728–729; Scandinavian conference to prevent, 728
- Bolshevism, 729, 731.
- efforts of Minister on behalf of Allied and American representatives, 673, 674, 679.
- protest against Soviet terror, 696–697.
- recognition of Soviet régime, attitude, 287, 298.
- withdrawal of legation, discussion, 731.
- Odessa, political conditions, 66–67, 192, 312, 491, 492.
- Oil, Baku district, 434, 603.
- Panama, protest against Soviet terror, 711.
- Paraguay, protest against Soviet terror, 702.
- Passports (see also Visas):
- Peace (see also
Treaty of Brest Litovsk):
- Bakhmeteff, Boris A., views, 254–255.
- Congress of Soviets, program, 242, 365.
- decree, 293.
- general: Soviet claim, 252, 258, 294; U. S. Attaché, views, 270, 283.
- House, Col. Edward M., views, 243.
- Petrograd Soviet, appeal to peoples, 19.
- proposals: Soviet, 244–245, 253, 258, 405–408; German, 432–433.
- Provisional Government, attitude, 39, 75–77, 80, 101, 112, 212.
- restatement of Allied aims desired by Russians, 238, 254–255, 280; President Wilson, message, 426, 427; U. S. Ambassador, views, 405, 423–424.
- Russian soldiers, attitude, 235, 237, 414, 423, 546.
- separate: British view, 256–257; discussion of possibility, 24–25, 27, 83–85, 103, 112, 139, 172–173, 219, 237; German attitude, 216, 243, 248, 369, 414; U. S. Ambassador’s efforts against, 390, 418, 422, 427, 440–441, 478, 481, 484, 508.
- Ukrainian program, 416–417.
- “without annexations or indemnities”: Allied policy, 331; American Federation of Labor, views, 41; Congress of Soviets, attitude, 105–106; constitutional provision, Soviet Russia, 588; German attitude, 411, 413, 420–421, 423; Kerensky and others, views, 243; Provisional Government, policy, 39, 74, 112; Soviet régime, program, 253, 404; Ukrainian view, 416; various Russian views, 23, 49, 52, 61, 66, 100–101, 211, 243.
- Peasants (see also Congress of Peasants’ Deputies):
- Persia, 262, 365,
444, 474, 588.
- protest against Soviet terror, 700.
- Peru, protest against Soviet terror, 698–699.
- Petrograd, conditions under Soviet régime, 552, 557, 558, 559, 573n.
- Petrograd City Duma:
- Petrograd garrison. See under Army.
- Petrograd People’s Revolutionary Commune, 398.
- Petrograd Soviet of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies (see also
Soviet régime):
- authority: over army and garrison, 42, 46–47, 51, 55, 63, 82, 83–85, 141–142, 194, 219; police power, 45–48, 63, 166; workmen, 22.
- Bolsheviks, relations, 30, 34, 165, 166, 196, 205, 209, 215.
- composition, 10, 22, 96, 141–142.
- Duma, relations, 10, 11, 26, 43.
- July uprising, attitude, 161, 162, 164.
- November revolution, part in, 225, 226, 227, 293.
- peasants’ Soviets, union with, 283.
- peoples, appeals to, 19, 45–46, 49.
- Provisional Government, relations: support, 26, 34–35, 58, 59, 95, 98, 108; joint meeting, 43, 174–175; opposition, 40, 41, 42–51, 72, 74, 76, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195–196, 199; coalition, 63–64, 79, 81, 142, 160; domination, 28–29, 59, 141, 171, 174, 225, 226.
- Root mission, relations, 137.
- treaties, publication, attitude, 35, 76.
- war, attitude, 26, 40, 41, 42–51, 74, 83–85.
- Platinum, 694.
- Plekhanov, George V., 181.
- Poland:
- Polish military committee, protection of embassies, 234, 265.
- Police power, 11, 45–48, 63, 166, 341, 342.
- Pouren case, 114–115.
- Portugal, protest against Soviet terror, 716.
- Pravda (Truth), 60, 74, 413.
- Pre-Parliament (Democratic Council; Council of the Republic):
- Press:
- Prisoners, exchange of, 262, 516, 546.
- Prisoners of war, reports of arming, 388, 483, 485, 489, 496, 499, 502, 563, 565.
- Propaganda, hostile (see also
Appeals to peoples; Publicity,
U. S.; Revolution, world-wide):
- Bolshevik: Allied and American countries, 268, 375–378, 380, 391, 485, 722–730, 732; diplomatic privileges, abuse of, 722–723, 730–731; funds, 722, 724, 726, 727, 728, 729; Germany and army, 259, 307, 359, 556, 583, 732; international, 380; Russia and army, 200, 205, 268, 374, 375; through Scandinavian countries, 722–732.
- German: Allied and American countries, 73, 371–378, 391; Russia and army, 121, 128, 140, 143, 147, 205, 235, 240, 243, 264, 268, 284, 288, 314, 377, 487.
- Protection of Allied and American missions and consulates by:
- Protection of foreigners (see also Industrial interests, foreign), 240, 281–282, 313.
- Protection of German Embassy, 577, 578, 581, 582–583, 618, 626–627.
- Provisional Council of the Republic. See Pre-Parliament.
- Provisional Government (see also
Army; Constituent
Assembly; Loans; Peace; World War):
- conditions under, 74, 132, 198.
- expenses, 178.
- industrial interests, attitude, 178, 180–181, 190, 193.
Ministry of Lvov, First (Mar. 15,
- authority, 11, 45, 48, 51, 55.
- coalition proposed, 63–64.
- composition, 2, 4, 116.
- Conference of Soviets, relations, 28–29.
- Duma, relations, 4, 6, 22.
- Milyukov and Guchkov, resignation, 52, 66, 77–79.
- Petrograd Soviet, relations, 26, 28–29, 34–35, 40, 41, 42–51, 58, 59, 72, 141.
- policies, 5, 10–11, 24, 38–39, 54–55.
Ministry of Lvov, Coalition (May 18,
- anarchists, arrest, 99, 104.
- authority, 94, 104, 131–132, 141–142, 162, 166.
- Bolsheviks, demonstration, 98, 99, 103–104.
- composition, 66, 75, 79, 142.
- Congress of Peasants’ Deputies, relations, 97.
- Congress of Soviets, relations, 98, 99–100, 105–106, 142, 162.
- July uprising, 159–161, 162–163, 164–169.
- Petrograd garrison, relations, 143.
- Petrograd Soviet, relations, 74, 76, 79, 81, 95, 98, 108, 142, 160, 171, 174.
- policies, 75–77, 79–81, 112.
- railways, U. S. aid, 116, 125, 156–157.
- resignation of Ministers, 159, 160, 161–162, 163–164, 165.
Ministry of Kerensky, First (July 20,
- authority, 167–168, 179–180.
- composition, 163, 170, 171, 175–176.
- Congress of Soviets, relations, 170.
- Duma, relations, 175.
- food shortage and riots, 172, 184–185.
- Kornilov episode, 171–172, 178, 179, 186–190.
- Moscow Conference, 170, 177, 178–179, 180–181, 183.
- Petrograd Soviet, relations, 171, 174, 175, 176, 190.
- policies, 172–173, 176–177.
- railways, U. S. aid, 171.
Ministry of Kerensky, Second (Sept.
13, 1917).
- anarchy, conditions of, 198, 204–205.
- Bolsheviks, relations, 193, 200, 202, 210; armed conflict with, 228, 229–230, 231–233, 234, 236, 239.
- Committee of Five, 191, 194.
- composition, 190, 191, 193, 195, 199, 200–201, 206.
- Democratic Conference, 191–192, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 202, 204, 206, 209.
- fall, 240–241.
- Kerensky, flight, 224, 228, 229, 291, 292–293.
- Minister of War, removal, 219–220.
- Ministers, dispersion, 224, 225, 226, 227, 229, 293.
- Petrograd Soviet, relations, 191, 192, 194, 195–196, 199, 225, 226.
- policies, 212–214.
- Pre-Parliament, 202, 204, 206, 208–209, 210, 214, 215, 217, 220, 225.
- republic proclaimed, 191, 192.
- problems, 37, 51, 54.
- recognition, 6, 12–14.
- reform measures, 43, 88, 168, 213.
- War Office, authority after November revolution, 240–241.
- Ways of Communication department, activities after November revolution, 264, 296.
- Publicity, U. S.:
- Railway employees, 346.
- Railways (see also Advisory Commission of Railway Experts; Transportation; Trans-Siberian Railway):
- Recognition of Provisional Government:
- Recognition of Soviet régime (see also
Relations, informal):
- all governments withhold, 316.
- Allied officers at Murman, views, 552–553, 562.
- Belgium, attitude, 332.
- Bulgaria, 554.
- Diplomatic Missions, Allied and American: agreement purposed, 248, 250; attitude, 245, 279, 287.
- France, attitude, 272, 322.
- Germany, 401, 428, 431, 434, 505–506, 548.
- Great Britain, attitude, 272, 273, 274, 276, 285, 299, 316, 319.
- Inter-Allied Conference, attitude, 255.
- Italy, attitude, 332.
- neutrals, attitude, importance of, 277, 286, 290, 297–298; Denmark, 300, 731; Netherlands, 286, 298; Norway, 287, 298; Sweden, 297–298; Switzerland, 548–549.
- Soviet attitude, 250, 303, 498, 535, 538–539, 548.
- United States: Ambassador, views, 336, 357, 369, 423; Chargé in Denmark, views, 337–338; false press statements, 488, 492, 504, 505, 511; Government, attitude, 253, 254, 257, 271, 289, 294, 487, 547, 550–551, 562; unofficial Americans, views, 271, 291, 530, 531.
- Red Army:
- Red Cross. See American Red Cross Commission to Russia.
- Red Guard:
- Reed, John, appointment as Soviet consul, 363.
- Relations, informal, United States with Soviet régime:
- Ambassador views, 325–326, 357, 422, 423–424, 519.
- commercial attaché as channel, 429, 536.
- communications, 523, 659.
- Consul at Moscow as channel, 536, 541, 646–647, 655–658.
- couriers, 303–304, 320.
- economic aid, Soviet request, 485.
- instructions, 381.
- Lenin, attitude, 363, 389.
- Marines, consent for entrance, 368.
- military aid, 386, 392, 396, 398, 402, 418, 483, 484, 485, 487, 488, 493, 494, 495, 498, 517–518, 519.
- military attaché as channel, 235, 245, 250, 253, 279, 282–283, 288–289, 294–295, 392, 396.
- Murman, cooperation with local officials, 486, 537, 542, 546, 569.
- railway matters, 264, 296, 394–395, 483, 488, 498, 519, 526, 543.
- Robins, Raymond, as channel, 356–357, 358–359, 370, 422.
- Rumanian-Russian commissions, Soviet request, 488.
- Soviet attitude, 303–304.
- war prisoners, 483.
- Rent. See Decrees, Soviet.
- Reprisals. See Hostages; Retaliatory measures.
- Republic, proclaimed by:
- Retaliatory measures by Soviet régime:
- Allied nationals, arrest, 585, 642, 643, 644–655, 658, 663, 687.
- Ambassadors, Allied and American: “gentle reprisals,” plan, 622; hostages, detention as, plan, 630, 634, 650, 651.
- American Ambassador, threats against, 320, 321, 323, 362.
- Czecho-Slovaks, arrest and threats, 585, 645, 701–702.
- funds of Diplomatic Missions, withdrawal limited, 368.
- internment of British nationals, threat, 268, 276, 282, 285.
- Military Missions, detention, 642, 646–655, 664–665.
- Rumanians, threat, 481, 482.
- visas, refusal, 303–304, 409.
- Revolution, March (see also Army), 1–14.
- Revolution, November (see also Army; Military Revolutionary Committee; Petrograd Soviet; Railway employees), 224–241.
- Revolution, world-wide (see also Propaganda, Bolshevik):
- Revolutionary Committee. See Military Revolutionary Committee.
- Revolutionists, protests against U. S. arrests of, 200, 201–202, 203, 322–323.
Robins, Raymond, 327, 328, 329, 501.
- American Red Cross, messages, 301, 319, 356, 499, 503.
- communications with Soviet to be withheld, 301, 319.
- contacts with Soviet régime and U. S. Embassy, 321, 356, 358–359, 363, 369, 370; 389, 394, 398, 418, 422, 426, 484, 485, 487, 488, 508, 519, 526.
- recall, 523–524, 525, 530–531, 543, 549.
- recognition of Soviet régime, views, 497, 499, 531.
- war prisoners, arming, views, 483, 499.
- Rodzyanko, M. V., 2, 33, 55, 284, 311, 565.
- Root, Elihu, on extradition, 114–115.
- Root mission. See Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia.
- Rosen, Baron, 32, 94, 95.
- Ruggles, Lieut. Col. James A., 485, 516–517, 544.
- Rumania:
- arrest of Minister, 353, 357, 377, 378, 477–482; efforts of Diplomatic Missions for release, 477–478, 480–481; Soviet reasons for arrest, 478, 480, 481.
- Bessarabia, agreement with Soviet Russia concerning, 492; independence, 360.
- Bolsheviks, relations, 377–378, 479.
- interests protected by Great Britain, 378–379.
- retaliatorv measures by Soviet Russia, 481, 482.
- Root mission, 120, 128, 146.
- Russian-Rumanian commissions, 488.
- war with Soviet Russia, state of, 359.
- Russian Extraordinary Embassy to the United States, 153–158.
- conversion into ordinary Embassy, 158n.
- Russian Railway Service Corps (see also Advisory Commission of Railway Experts), 524.
- Russian Red Cross, 321, 508, 678.
- Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, 365, 506.
- Russians:
Russkiya Vedomosti, 183,
184, 185, 314, 340–341.
- suppressed by Soviet, 490.
- Russkoe Slovo, 53, 183, 184, 403.
- Russo-German peace. See Treaty of Brest Litovsk.
- Salvador, protest against Soviet terror 702.
- Samara, hostages, 701, 702, 713, 719, 721.
- Sands, W. F., on Russian conditions, 277–278.
- Savinkov, Boris V., 176, 178.
- Scavenius, Erik, 718.
- Scavenius, Harald, 676, 731–732.
- Self-determination of peoples, 39, 112, 124,
211, 253, 317.
- Allied Governments, attitude, 330–331.
- application to sections of Allied states, 406–407, 419; of Russia, 411.
- Baltic provinces and Poland, German attitude, 411, 413, 420–421, 423, 432, 437, 599.
- Central powers, attitude, 406.
- Congress of Soviets, attitude, 365.
- Soviet régime, policy, 410–411, 419–421.
- Ukraine, position, 416.
- United States, attitude, 427, 542.
- Semenov, Gregory, 489, 507, 524, 571.
- Serbia:
- Shingarev, A. I., 302, 305, 354n.
- Shipping. See Merchant shipping; Transportation.
- Shoes, shipments to railway employees, 329, 537, 543, 571.
- Siam:
- Siberia (see also Intervention; Kolchak; Semenov; Vladivostok):
- Singer Co., forced contributions, 502, 503.
- Sisson, Edgar G., 215, 295, 487.
- Sisson documents, 371–378, 380, 381–382.
- Skobelev, M. I., 211, 215, 217, 219, 293.
- Social Democratic Party, 165, 237.
- Socialist-Revolutionist Party, 350, 425, 679, 684.
- Socialists, 60, 63, 139–140, 166–167, 264, 265, 304.
- Socialists, American, 55.
- Society for Promoting Friendly Relations between Russia and the United States, 32–33.
- Southeastern federation, 342, 347–348, 555.
- Soviet. See Congress of Soviets; Petrograd Soviet; Soviet régime.
- Soviet of People’s Commissars, 249, 293, 591–592.
- Soviet of Soldiers’ Deputies, 10.
- Soviet of Workmen’s Deputies, 10, 17.
- Soviet of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies. See Petrograd Soviet.
- Soviet régime (see also
Armistice; Army; Bolsheviks; Central Executive
Committee; Decrees; Diplomatic and consular service; Diplomatic immunity; Diplomatic privileges; Finland; Industrial interests; Intervention; Peace; Propaganda; Recognition;
Red Army; Red
Guard; Relations, informal; Retaliatory measures; Revolution, November; Terror; Treaty of Brest Litovsk; Ukraine; World War):
- alliance with United States, discussion, 403.
- Ambassador in Germany, 401.
- anarchists, relations, 497, 499.
- appeals to peoples, 105, 250, 251, 294, 585.
- bad faith, 581–582, 643, 649, 652, 659, 667.
- Bessarabia, agreement with Rumania concerning, 492.
- British representative, 337, 379.
- compromise ministry suggested, 231–232, 233, 234.
- Congress of Peasants’ Deputies, relations, 237–238.
- Constituent Assembly, attitude, 271, 298, 302, 305–306, 317–318, 350, 354, 355, 357.
- Cossacks, relations, 300, 301, 302, 308–311, 320, 492.
- couriers, 303–304, 318, 409.
- Czecho-Slovaks, relations, 561, 564, 565, 623, 645, 648, 687, 701–702, 706.
- dictatorship, 270–271, 294.
- Diplomatic Missions, Allied and American: removal from Vologda, attitude, 585, 619, 620, 622, 626, 634, 646, 647, 656, 657; withdrawal from Russia, effect on relations, views, 355, 627, 637, 639, 640, 647–648, 656, 657.
- divergencies among members, 237, 434–435, 489, 492.
- duration, estimates of probable, 291, 294, 361, 400, 531, 550, 553, 554–555, 558, 559, 566.
- foreign relations, Commissar’s report, 581–586.
- formation, 225, 230–231, 244.
- German Ambassador, 505–506, 583.
- Germany, influenced by, 295, 296, 300, 314, 333, 370, 380, 385, 393–394, 419, 425, 486, 487, 488, 490, 504, 517, 527, 538, 545, 563, 564, 567, 569, 580; Sisson documents, 371–378.
- guard for German Embassy, attitude, 577, 578, 581, 582–583; 618, 626–627.
- hostages; taking of, 642, 645, 651, 652, 676, 677, 680–681, 684, 687; threat, 630, 634, 650, 651.
- internment of Russians in England, protest, 268, 274, 276, 319.
- land and peace, promises of, 225, 242, 294, 315.
- leaders, responsibility for crimes, 642–643, 665, 666, 676, 678, 682, 693, 698.
- mercenaries, use of, 691.
- munitions, 415, 566.
- Murman, cooperation of Allied and American forces with local Soviet, attitude, 486.
- opposition: industrial interests, 558–560, 561; parties, 231, 237, 302, 306, 350, 401, 507, 514, 540–541, 573–574, 578; peasants, soldiers, and workmen, 216, 225, 226, 237–238, 333, 358, 505, 521, 552, 554, 559, 570–571, 580, 589; treatment of opposing parties, 302, 305, 306, 315, 325, 350, 354, 355, 357, 684.
- program, 225, 242.
- railway matters, U. S. aid accepted, 264, 296, 394–395, 483, 488, 498, 519, 524, 526, 543.
- recall demanded: Consuls at Vladivostok, 516, 520; French Ambassador, 509–510, 511, 513–514, 522; German Chargé, report, 577–578.
- representatives in United States appointed, 363, 551.
- Rumanian-Russian commissions, U.S. aid sought, 488.
- self-determination of peoples, attitude, 410–411, 419–421.
- submarine warfare, German, protest, 534, 541, 553.
- war, state of: with Associated Governments, discussion, 620, 641–642, 643, 648–649, 650, 651, 659–660; with Rumania, 359.
- world-wide revolution, policy, 326, 336, 359, 380, 407–408, 409, 419, 421, 486, 487–488, 505, 519, 521, 532, 544, 558, 678–679, 707–708.
- Soviets, local, 132, 340–341, 434–435, 495, 593–594.
- Spain, protest against Soviet terror, 715–716.
- Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia (Elihu Root, chairman), 92, 110, 112, 113, 125–127, 133–135, 144, 146.
- Spitsbergen Archipelago, provisions of Brest Litovsk treaty, 455.
- Stevens, John F., 296.
- Straits. See Constantinople and the.
- Submarine warfare, German, 534, 539, 541, 553, 600.
- Supplies, Allied and American. See Munitions.
- Supreme government of the northern region, 630, 632, 633, 635, 713.
- Supreme War Council, attitude toward Brest Litovsk treaty, 438–439.
- Sweden (see also
Diplomatic Missions, neutral; Neutral powers):
- Bolshevik propaganda, 730–731; funds, 722, 724; Scandinavian conference to prevent, 728.
- Consul General at Moscow: British, Italian, and Japanese interests assumed by, 641, 644; efforts on behalf of Allied and American nationals, 645, 650, 651, 653, 661, 666–667; U. S. interests in Moscow assumed by, 641, 643, 652, 653, 658, 667.
- diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia, 730–731.
- nationalization of factories, attitude, 300.
- protest against Soviet terror, 694, 705.
- recognition of Soviet régime withheld, 297–298.
- Switzerland (see also Diplomatic Missions, neutral; Neutral powers):
- Telegraph employees, strike, 231.
- Temporary Government. See Provisional Government.
- Tereshchenko, Michael I., 66, 75, 567, 568.
- Terror:
- campaign, 300–301, 581, 668, 677, 681–682, 685, 686–687, 691, 732.
- order to use, 684; cessation discussed, 696.
- policy, 270–271, 335, 684, 707–708.
- protests: American Red Cross Commission, chief of, 685–686, 714, 715; Diplomatic Missions, neutral, and German Consul General, 694, 697–698, 705–708; U. S. Consul at Moscow, 683; world-wide, by Allied and neutral powers, 693–704, 707–712, 715–718; world-wide, initiated by United States, 682, 687–690.
- Thomas, Albert, 52, 53, 120, 135.
- Thompson, Lieut. Col. William B., 292, 294, 530.
- Thomson, Alfred R., 386, 496.
- Trade-unions. See Labor.
- Trans-Caucasus:
- Transportation (see also Advisory Commission of Railway Experts; Trans-Siberian Railway):
- Trans-Siberian Railway, 136.
- Treaties, secret:
- Treaty. See London agreement.
- Treaty of Brest Litovsk, Russia-Central powers (see also
Peace), 442–471, 598–617.
- Allied and American attitude, 438–439, 635.
- Central Executive Committee, attitude, 419–421, 433–434, 434–435.
- commissions, 527, 539–540.
- Congress of Soviets, attitude, 436.
- Constituent Assembly, attitude, 323, 332, 388.
- German proposals, 410–413, 432–433.
- indemnities, 404, 412, 444, 604.
- losses of Russia under, 476, 490.
- negotiations, 317, 320, 349, 355, 359, 360, 362, 378, 405, 410, 413, 421, 427; removal to neutral ground proposed, 414, 420, 424, 426; severance, 418, 428, 431, 486.
- ratification, 388, 401, 436, 440, 441, 492, 534.
- Russian protests, 309, 423, 490, 492, 493.
- signature: Mar. 3, 1918, 428, 431, 434; Aug. 27, 1918, 583, 586.
- Socialist-Revolutionist Party, attitude, 401, 514.
- Soviet delegation: divergencies, 413–414, 435, 440; proposal, 404; terms, refusal, 428, 431; terms, acceptance, 429, 430, 431, 434.
- Supreme War Council, statement, 438–439.
- Ukraine, attitude, 336, 364, 413, 415–417, 428, 443, 602.
- United States: aid sought from, 392, 396, 398, 418, 422; attitude, 397, 402, 484, 547, 557, 570.
- U. S. Ambassador’s statements against separate peace, 427, 440–441; German protest, 439, 440; Soviet reply, 439, 440, 441–442.
- violations, German: Soviet protests, 506, 507, 512–513, 516, 520, 539, 553–554; German reply, 533–534, 556.
- Treaty of Brest Litovsk, Ukraine–Central powers, 381, 430–432, 724.
Trotsky, L. D. (Bronstein), 209, 225, 360, 620.
- activities before November revolution, 203, 288, 375–378.
- Commissar for Foreign Affairs, 227, 228, 238, 244, 293.
- Commissar for War, 396, 483, 486, 487–488, 519.
- demands, 160, 195, 215, 224.
- Germany: appeal to soldiers, 259; influenced by, 370, 380, 384, 538.
- tactics, 284–285, 315, 326, 336–337, 398.
- United States: aid sought, 392, 396, 398, 418, 483; criticism, 246, 264–265, 275, 303.
- Tseretelli, I. G., 59, 264, 265.
- Turkey:
- Ufa, taking of hostages at, 680–681, 701, 702, 712–713, 719.
- Ukraine:
- armistice, Russo-German, attitude, 243, 416.
- army, 245, 317.
- Bolshevism, 302, 339, 346, 347, 358, 364, 381.
- Cossacks, relations, 311–312, 320, 584.
- federal Russia, plans, 346, 415, 417.
- France, relations, 317, 331.
- Germany: arrests by, 539; influence, 366, 496, 501, 668; joint military action, 512–513, 518; military advance, 393, 484, 501, 508, 529, 532, 553, 583; monarchy, plans, 574; supplies obtainable, 431, 496, 515, 566, 583.
- Great Britain, relations, 337, 379.
- political conditions, 339, 345–347, 381.
- Provisional Government, relations, 159.
- recognition, U. S., discussion, 336, 357.
- republic proclaimed, 415.
- Soviet Russia: boundaries, discussion, 490, 492, 513, 533, 539; control by, 381, 724; military advance into, 512–513, 518; peace negotiations, 490, 501, 527, 533, 566, 584.
- treaties of Brest Litovsk: Russian, 336, 364, 413, 415–417, 428, 443, 602; Ukrainian, 381, 430–432, 724.
- United States (see also
Advisory Commission of Railway Experts; Allied and American Governments; Armistice; Asylum; Communications; Diplomatic immunity;
Diplomatic Missions; Inter-Allied Conference; Intervention;
Military Missions; Publicity; Recognition; Relations, informal; Retaliatory measures; Special Diplomatic
Wilson, Woodrow; World War):
- Ambassador: press statements, 427, 439, 440–441, 508–509, 542–543; 569–571, 631, 633–636; threats against, 320, 321, 323, 353–354, 362.
- arrest of Allied representatives and nationals: attitude, 688–689; efforts of Consul at Moscow for release, 645, 652, 653, 656, 661, 672, 691.
- arrest of Rumanian Minister, efforts of Ambassador for release, 477, 478–479, 480–481.
- Brest Litovsk treaty: aid against Germany sought by Soviet, 392, 396, 418, 422; efforts of Ambassador to prevent separate peace, 390, 418, 422, 427, 440–441, 478, 481, 484, 508; validity, attitude, 397, 402, 484, 547, 557, 570.
- Consul at Moscow, withdrawal, 647, 656, 657, 660–661, 671, 673.
- Consul at Vladivostok, demand for recall, 516, 520.
- Consul General at London, relations with Soviet representatives, 576.
- couriers, 233, 303–304, 318, 320, 409.
- diplomatic and consular service, Soviet, attitude, 317, 361–362, 363, 397, 551.
- embargo on shipments to Russia, 266–267.
- estrangement sought by Soviet from Allies, 538–539, 582, 585; from Japan, 403, 502, 504, 510, 529, 538, 545, 582, 585, 672.
- hostages, attitude, 720.
- immigration from Russia, surveillance, 723–724, 725.
- industrial interests, forced contributions and arrests, 489, 495, 502, 503.
- interests, national, assumed by Norway, 383, 661, 664, 667; by Sweden for Moscow Consulate General, 641, 643, 652, 653, 658, 667.
- interference in Russian affairs, charges: Ambassador, 321–322, 326–330; Military Mission, 272–273.
- loans: conditions of granting, 7, 27, 28, 40, 43, 145–146, 161, 178, 209, 218, 252; repudiation, attitude, 488, 492, 494–495.
- military aid to Soviet régime: Soviet request, 392, 396, 398, 483; U. S. response, 386, 402, 484, 485, 495, 498, 517–518; reasons, 392, 487–488, 493, 494, 519.
- Military Mission and Attachés: views, 266–267, 269–270, 272–273, 279, 361, 516–517; withdrawal, 646–655, 657–658, 663, 679.
- noninterference in Russian affairs, 269, 302, 319, 322, 326–327, 542–543, 547, 557, 638.
- questionnaire to consuls, 324.
- retaliatory measures toward Soviet proposed by Great Britain, attitude, 692, 693.
- revolutionists, protests against U. S. arrest of, 200, 201–202, 203, 322–323.
- Russian people, attitude toward, 221, 361, 362, 397, 440–441, 484, 494, 495, 508, 524–525, 542–543, 547, 562, 570, 624, 638.
- terror: Consul at Moscow, protest, 668, 683; world-wide protest initiated, 682, 687–690.
- war, state of: with Germany, 20; with Soviet Russia, discussion, 620, 641–642, 643, 648–649, 650, 651, 659.
- Uritski, 675, 686.
- Venezuela, protest against Soviet terror, 708.
- Visas, refusal (see also under France and Great Britain):
- Vladivostok (see also Intervention):
- Vologda. See Diplomatic Missions, removal.
- Volunteer Army, 284, 296, 308, 381, 429, 496.
- War, state of, between Associated Governments and Soviet Russia, discussion, 620, 641–642, 643, 648–649, 650, 651, 659.
- Wardwell, Maj. Allen, 679; protest against terror, 685–686.
- War-Revolutionary Committee. See Military Revolutionary Committee.
- Warships:
- Webster, Capt. William B., 483.
- White Guard, 580, 585, 670, 715.
- White Russia, independence rumored, 555.
- Women’s battalion, 226.
Wilson, Woodrow:
- Congress of Soviets, message, 395–396, 397, 399–400.
- Death Battalion and war aims, 280.
- Moscow conference, message, 177.
- Root mission and peace terms, 127.
- Socialist-Revolutionist Party and peace terms, 350.
- U. S. Congress, messages, 17, 117, 119–120, 423, 426, 427.
- war aims, reception of message, 52, 86–97.
- World War (see also
Allied and American Governments; Armistice; Central powers;
Germany; Peace; Treaty of Brest Litovsk).
- aims: Allied statements, 330–331, 439; reception of Allied and American messages, 52, 86–97; restatement asked by Russians, 238, 254–255, 280; U. S. statements, 405, 423–424, 426–427.
- army, Russian, attitude, 34–35, 237, 253, 345, 384, 414, 423, 546.
- Bolsheviks, attitude, 102, 166.
- Congress of Cossacks, attitude, 101.
- Congress of Soviets, attitude, 99–102, 105–106.
- Duma, president of, views, 56–57.
- eastern front, German forces reduced, 205, 263, 501.
- entrance of Russia into war, 69–71.
- fleet, Russian, attitude, 73, 103, 112, 125, 533, 566–567.
- Galician offensive, 91, 99, 134, 143.
- Guchkov, A. I., speech, 64–66.
- London agreement, Russian violation protested, 245, 248–249.
- Petrograd Soviet, attitude, 26, 34–35, 40, 41, 42–51, 74, 83–85.
- prosecution of war, Russian: ability, discussion, 138–139, 145, 218, 221–223, 235, 240, 335; Allied and American effort to induce, 635–636, 638, 639; Allied joint note, 196–197, 203, 207–208.
- Provisional Government, attitude, 24, 38–39, 75–77, 80, 172–173, 178, 193, 212.
- Riga, fall, 182–184, 186.
- Russian forces in Prance, 585, 651, 653, 654, 664.
- socialists, attitude, 50, 55, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63.
- Soviet régime: cessation of hostilities, 225, 253, 383, 428, 429, 430; renewal of war, discussion, 392, 396, 398, 418, 422, 483, 494, 498.
- Wright, J. Butler, 392, 484.
- Yaroslavl, revolt, 578, 585, 670.
- Y. M. C. A.:
- Zalkind, Ivan A., 363, 368, 370, 724.
- Zemstvos, 71, 143, 151, 273, 284, 285, 314, 415, 537.
- Zinoviev, Gregory E., 351, 486, 676, 677, 697.