File No. 763.72/4905a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador on Special Mission to Russia ( Root )1


Francis cables May 19 situation assuming different phase daily. Navy most recalcitrant element. Baltic Fleet insubordinate and defiant, but Black Sea Fleet loyal, and sent delegation to Petrograd which held public meeting attended by thousands. Absolute quiet Petrograd and disturbances rare elsewhere. Kerensky issued orders that all soldiers who fail return will be considered deserters. Swedish telegram bureau, Petrograd, telegram May 21 said reconstructed Provisional Government has agreed on following fundamental lines for future activity:

No separate peace, but general peace without conquering of other nations, without annexation or payment damages and based on right of nations govern themselves. Democratizing of army, but increasing military efficiency. Control of production transportation exchange distribution foodstuffs. Measures protect labor. Increase agriculture by giving land to laborers. Reformation financial system by direct taxes on rich. Energetic measures against attempts counter-revolution. Constituent Assembly to be called in Petrograd soon as possible. Lvov gave out long statement on Russian policy saying first duty Russia to consolidate fighting strength and to assist allies; Russia desires speedy peace but cannot permit territory lost through negligence former Russian regime to remain under Prussian militarism nor can Russia remain indifferent to fate of Belgium, Serbia, and Rumania. Belgian Foreign Minister received following from Russian Foreign Minister:

Russia will continue to pursue this war, not for the purpose of conquest or envy, but to assure all nations the right to shape their own affairs and to assure a peace guaranteeing against new attacks.

  1. Sent to the U. S. S. Buffalo.