File No. 861.00/3198

The Acting Secretary of State to the Consul General at Irkutsk ( Harris)1


I quote for your information copy of a telegram November 9 from Wardwell, who left Moscow recently, and which was telegraphed by the Embassy at London, reading as follows:2

In an effort to limit the taking of hostages particularly of women in the civil war conditions prevailing in Russia, French, English, and American representatives in Moscow joined with neutral and American Red Cross organizations in protesting against arrest of certain women taken at Ufa. In addition to certain despatches to Samara they also sent Catchpool, a British subject but a member of the Friends Society, to Samara to further this protest and procure release of women. This action had important bearing upon efforts to release women then in the prisons of Moscow. Greatly regret apparent failure of this effort and difficulties which Catchpool has encountered. He was fully authorized to act on behalf Moscow consuls and believe his arrest entirely unwarranted. Urge that every effort be made to protect him and to permit him to move about Russia as am satisfied his work has no political significance. Believe it desirable wherever possible to use efforts to prevent taking women as [Page 720] hostages as there is danger that this inhuman practice may increase during the struggle now going on in Russia.

The Department deplores the taking of hostages and is especially opposed in principle to the taking of women and children. The Department desires you to ascertain if hostages are still held and if so endeavor to bring about their immediate liberation, and to express the hope of this Government that the practice of taking hostages will be promptly discontinued. This Department also is of the opinion that the arrest of Catchpool was wholly unwarranted and that every effort should be made to protect him and permit him to move about Russia in connection with the work of securing relief of hostages.

  1. Sent via the Legation in China to be forwarded to Omsk.
  2. See ante, p. 712.