File No. 861.00/2871

The Minister in the Dominican Republic ( Russell) to the Secretary of State


Your September 20, 6 p.m. Dominican Government replies as follows:

Speaking for the Dominican people and in their name after consultation with a number of distinguished Dominican citizens to which were invited Archbishop, several ex-Presidents, presiding [Page 701] Justices of the Supreme Court and of the Court of Appeals, Governor of Santo Domingo Province and other prominent men representing as far as circumstances permitted entire country, Military Governor registers the solemn protest of the people of the Dominican Republic against the acts of terrorism and outrage, murders and wanton excesses that have been and are being committed in Russia. The Dominican people have heard of these sinister events with horror and they cannot refrain in common with all civilized peoples from lifting up their voice in solemn protest and from public execration of the perpetration of such savage crimes.
