File No. 861.00/2351

The Consul at Moscow ( Poole) to the Secretary of State 2


21. Following summary to date of the situation of the Allied diplomatic missions is sent at the Ambassador’s suggestion for communication to the Department and the Allied missions Paris:

Commissariat Foreign Office on July 11 invited the Allied Ambassadors to come to Moscow on the ground that only here could their personal safety be assured, and sent Radek to Vologda as representative of Commissariat to arrange for removal. American Ambassador replied on behalf of corps, of which he is dean, that Allied missions had no fear of Russian people whom they have always [Page 621] befriended. Their only anxiety concerned forces of Central Empires which they had heard were to be admitted to Moscow. If Soviets, without consulting Allied missions, had taken decision that latter should come to Moscow, and had sent Radek to carry such a decision into execution, the Ambassadors considered such would be offensive and would not comply therewith. To this message Commissariat replied orally through Consulate General that rumors of admission of German troops to Moscow unfounded; that message respecting Ambassadors’ removal to Moscow was intended as an invitation and not as a demand.

On 13th local authorities Vologda, at Radek’s direction, placed military guards around embassies. In telegram to Commissariat Foreign Office, Mr. Francis spoke of this as “virtual arrangement to place us under espionage or to make us prisoners.” Chicherin replied that guards “have for sole aim your protection against dangers menacing you.”

Reply to Commissariat by Mr. Francis, dated 15th, made following chief points: (1) Wishes of Ambassadors not consulted in placing guards; (2) no mention by Commissariat of exact nature of danger threatening missions; (3) missions are in Vologda with approval or by instructions of their respective governments, and cannot change residence without consulting them; (4) cable communication with governments severed—none of the missions has received message from its government since assassination of German Ambassador; (5) no reply to invitation to come to Moscow is possible until communication be reestablished.

Former Tsar shot 16th. You should receive details through British Embassy and the British Government.

  1. Sent via the Embassy in France; by wireless from Moscow to Paris.