File No. 861.00/2363
The Consul at Moscow ( Poole) to the Secretary of State 1
[Received July 28, 5.18 a.m.]
707. News of change of ministry in Germany with military party dominating creates expectation here of more aggressive German policy in Russia. German Consulate in Moscow yesterday made preparations for departure, turning over archives to Swedish Consulate, but office running as usual to-day.
Confirmation received of the presence of Milyukov at Kiev and his definite adherence to the German military party whose intervention in Russia he believes to be the only means of restoring the Russian state. His Cadet friends in Moscow profess to repudiate his action and to remain pro-Ally in their sentiments.
Commissariat of Foreign Affairs yesterday invited Allied Ambassadors to quit Vologda for Moscow on the ground that only at the Capital can they be properly protected. Commissariat says that it has word of impending counter-revolutionary outbreak in Vologda and fears moreover that the Germans in order to embroil the Allies with the Soviet government, will instigate murder of an Allied Ambassador.
Soviet Congress has adjourned. Bolsheviks continue in complete control in Moscow, but situation in the provinces reveals great falling away in their support.
Four to five hundred cases cholera Petrograd daily. Food situation there desperate.
- Sent via the Consulate at Petrograd and the Legation in Norway (No. 922); copy received by wireless July 16 via the Embassy in France unintelligible (File No. 861.00/2284).↩