File No. 861.00/2078

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at London ( Skinner)

No. 2676

Sir: Your despatch No. 6230, dated May 31, 1918,3 enclosing copy of a pamphlet on the Bolshevik revolution written by Maxim Litvinov, Bolshevik representative in Great Britain, has been received.

The pamphlet seems to be an able ex parte statement of the Bolshevik viewpoint and is filled with those inaccuracies which would be expected in the circumstances.

In view of the attitude assumed by this Government the Department believes it is advisable that you should have no dealings whatever with Bolshevik representatives in Great Britain.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Wilbur J. Carr
  1. Ante, p. 547.