File No. 861.00/1887
The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 26, 10.42 p.m.]
185. Mirbach not pressing ultimatum concerning Murman1 which appears to have been oral not written and probably uttered tentatively; he with German unscrupulousness and regardless of consistency constantly changes tactics. While relations with Soviet government were apparently strained last week he made first official call on Lenin, remaining hour, issued statement that Finnish and Ukraine encroachments were ended and made other advances to Soviet government. At the same time I learn from reliable sources that Mirbach is courting Cadets and anti-Bolsheviks and proposing course similar to that followed in Ukraine when anti-Bolshevik government was established by German force although composed of patriotic Russians who preferred Allied assistance to German but despairing of former embraced latter.
Poole here returning Moscow to-night has called on Chicherin and stated pursuant to my instructions was my only authorized channel of communication with Soviet government. Huntington, also Moscow, arrived while I was there and pursuant to my instructions is establishing relations with Russian-American Chamber of Deputies [Commerce] watching Germans and making informal acquaintance with Soviet officials. Poole, Huntington will alternate in week-end visits to Vologda when I am not in Moscow. I am endeavoring without encouraging hope of recognition to establish such relations with Soviet government as will prepare way for their request Allied intervention [Page 537] without my formally requesting same, as feel latter course would morally commit me to non-intervention, if not implied support, to neither of which am willing to be committed. Furthermore such action on my part would antagonize conservative elements and force them into German alliance. My policy would be materially assisted by raising of Chinese embargo against tea exportation into Russia, also by coming through of shoes en route Dairen and arrived there, also by increased allotment for the purchase of supplies, and I hope will be materially aided by coming Emerson and his assistants. Meantime I trust that the Department will arrange tonnage for shipping American products to Archangel for discreet use in purchasing Russian supplies unavailable otherwise; shall safeguard such supplies to prevent acquisition by enemy and I am arranging for distribution thereof directly to consumers through Zemstvos, and cooperating societies. I am with the assistance of military attaché organizing extensive purchasing commission as I feel confident that the Department in some of the twenty-four cables still missing has complied with my urgent recommendation for increased allotment of funds. Department can readily understand difficulties confronting me in counteracting conscienceless inconsistent efforts of smooth Mirbach.
Latest information from Embassy’s men Murman, dated 14th, states Finns attacking railway but repulsed by assistance of the British landed in greater number. Halsey,1 substitute for Martin, who is now in Moscow but is returning Murman soon, reports local Soviet cooperating with French contingents there but Central Soviet endeavoring with the assistance of German agitators at Murman to prevent such cooperation. Arrival of Olympia Murman anxiously awaited. The capture of Murman by Germans would jeopardize Archangel connection with England and America if not wholly sever it, consequently urgently important to send assistance to Murman immediately.