File No. 861.00/1024

The Consul at Moscow ( Poole) to the Secretary of State


536. Official Soviet journal to-day prints communications from Austrian Minister Foreign Affairs to effect that Austrian Government now considers it possible to commence exchange of ratifications of Brest Litovsk treaty, asks Russian delegate be sent Berlin for this purpose. Also prints note from Chicherin to German Ambassador protesting against sinking by German submarine in northern waters of several Russian fishing boats, specifically of the sinking on May 16 of the Fedor Chilov en route Vardö to Alexandrovsk and the shelling of its boats with survivors. Asks German Government take necessary steps to punish submarine commander and to compensate victims and families. Also substance of note from Chicherin to Swiss Embassy asking explanation of omission of [Page 535] provision for staff of Berzin, Russian diplomatic representative to Berne. Swiss Ambassador at Berlin had informed Russian Ambassador there that Berzin could proceed Berne with family. Berzin refused go until provision made for his staff.
