File No. 861.00/1415
The Minister in Sweden ( Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10.11 p.m.]
1806. Swedish press reports via Petrograd’s telegram bureau:
Capture Odessa confirmed. After short bombardment city fell into hands sailors.
[Page 492]Reports Cossack troops supporting Soviet arrested General Alexeev in Don region.
Reports yesterday first direct train to Revel arrived from Berlin, journey taking eighteen hours.
Reports official Petrograd papers confirm Russo-Rumanian agreement concluded, Rumania undertaking evacuate Bessarabia within two months, prisoners exchanged and surplus Bessarabia’s grain supply to be exported Rumania.
Reports via Petrograd’s telegram bureau: exchange ratifications [Russo-German] peace treaty concluded March 30 at 8 p.m.; the Russian government representative, Petrov, returns Russia tomorrow.
Reports from Petrograd: in reply Soviet request that frontiers Ukraine be defined precisely, the German Government stated independent republic Ukraine comprises provinces Volhynia, Podolia, Kherson, Taurida, exclusive of Crimea, Kiev, Poltava, Chernigov, Ekaterinoslav, and Kharkov. Reports Soviet sent Austrian Government ultimatum demanding Soviet Commissaries arrested Odessa be released immediately. Reports another conflict reported between Soviet and German Government account latter’s demand reinforcements, ammunition be sent Red Guard, Finland.
Reports left wing Bolshevik Party under leadership Bukharin, Radek and others in newly started newspaper Comm[un]ist attacked Lenin account his approval Brest peace. Lenin charged with betraying revolution and carrying on opportunistic policy, forsaking most sacred principles revolutionary socialism. Bolshevik leaders of left now urge Russia’s organization for “the Holy War.” Reports apparently only minor portion Bolshevik Party support them. Reports as remarkable fact that Brest peace has called forth protest from not only whole Russian democracy and Social Revolutionary Party, but also from some of foremost leaders Bolshevik Party.