File No. 861.00/375

The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis ) to the Secretary of State


1303. To-day’s papers report new Ministry meeting: support generally. The Pravda, organ of Leninists, however, more aggressive in opposition than was to former Ministry. Other socialistic organs cautiously advocate support of new Cabinet, even Maxim Gorky’s organ, New Life, which was hardly less antagonistic to former Ministry than Leninists. These socialistic organs advise workmen’s committee to continue existence as creative organ of revolution. Milyukov’s organ, Rech, gives new Ministry guarded support and publishes reports of disturbances throughout country. Prince Lvov, president of Council of Ministers, interviewed, states that controlling force of country was becoming governing organ and thus necessitated reorganization of Ministry in order to give responsibility to real power and adds must be no talk of half confidence or half obedience to new Government, whose first aim is to reestablish strength of army. Says moreover that Ministry’s declaration of peace without annexations or contributions does not mean only passive defense, and deplores present suspension of offensive which has given German Chancellor grounds for stating that separate peace with Russia is possible, to Russia’s disgrace.

Demands of Workmen-Soldiers’ Deputies to know objects of war before resuming hostilities and learn provisions of existing treaties not surprising, as committee represents the real power which made possible consummation of revolution. “Annexations and contributions “easily confounded with restitution and indemnities, as I stated in speech yesterday, but such questions should be relegated to peace conference. Important to sustain new Ministry as it is most potential influence in repressing and preventing lawlessness which manifesting itself in some sections.
