File No. 763.72119/1805
The Ambassador in Russia (
Francis) to the
Secretary of State
No. 1107
April 15, 1918.
[Received July 13.]
Sir: I have the honor to enclose for your
information copy of statement to the Russian people made by myself on
the ratification of separate peace between Russia and the Central
Empires by the All-Russian Soviet Congress at Moscow March 17.1
It appears that this declaration was objectionable to the German
Government which protested through its Minister of Foreign Affairs to
the Soviet government and asked that reply be made to my declaration in
accordance with the spirit of the Brest Litovsk peace treaty. I also
enclose copies of the protest2 and the reply of the Soviet government
As I am cabling you fully and daily concerning relations between the
Soviet government and the Central Empires and about general conditions
in Russia and as this despatch may not reach you within two months, as
there is no prospect of sending pouch by courier, I shall not write
further on the subject.
I have [etc.]
[Enclosure 1]
Statement made by Ambassador Francis on March 16, 1918
American Ambassador Francis
when asked if he would leave Russia since peace with Germany has
been ratified by the Moscow conference and what attitude his
Government would assume towards Russia made the following statement:
I shall not leave Russia until forced to depart. My
Government and the American people are too deeply interested
in the welfare of the Russian people
[Page 441]
to abandon the country and leave its
people to the mercies of Germany. America is sincerely
interested in Russia and in the freedom of the Russian
people. We shall do all possible to promote the true
interests of the Russians and to protect and preserve the
integrity of this great country. The friendship between
Russia and the United States which has existed for a century
or more should be augmented rather than impaired by Russia’s
becoming a Republic and all Americans are sincerely desirous
that Russians should be permitted to continue free and
independent and not become subjects of Germany.
I have not yet seen an authentic copy of the peace treaty but
am sufficiently acquainted with its provisions to know that
if the Russian people submit thereto Russia will not only be
robbed of vast areas of her rich territory but will
eventually become virtually a German province and her people
will lose the liberties for which their ancestors have
struggled and sacrificed for generations past. My Government
considers America an ally of the Russian people who surely
will not reject the proffered assistance which we shall be
prompt to render any power in Russia that will offer sincere
and organized resistance to the German invasion.
If the Russian people who are brave and patriotic will hold
in abeyance for the time being their political differences
and be resolute and firm and united they could drive the
enemy from their borders and secure before the end of 1918
for themselves and the world an enduring peace.
[Enclosure 2]
Reply of the Soviet Government to the inquiry from
the German Government concerning the statement of Ambassador
Francis to
representatives of the press at Vologda1
Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
The statement made by the American Ambassador Francis is, in fact, a repetition
of the well-known message of President Wilson to the Extraordinary Congress of Soviets. In
reply to this message, the Congress of Soviets adopted without
objections, and with great applause, a resolution expressing thanks
to the American people, giving preference to the laboring and
exploited classes of the United States for their expression of good
will to the Russian people through the Soviet Congress in the days
when the Socialistic Soviet Republic of Russia was living through
the most difficult experiences. The Russian Socialistic Soviet
Federated Republic took advantage of President Wilson’s message to express to all
the peoples suffering from the imperialistic war, its warm sympathy
and firm conviction that the happy moments when the laboring masses
of all bourgeois lands would overthrow the
yoke of capitalism and establish socialistic order, the only order
capable of guaranteeing a lasting and firm peace and promotion of
culture and welfare of all nations, is not far off.
The People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs considers that the best
reply that can be made to the inquiry of the German Minister of
Foreign Affairs, is reference to this resolution, expressing the
opinions of the wide masses of Russian people represented at the
Congress by delegations from their Soviets, the most democratic
direct method of representation. Through these direct
representatives the roll call of March 16 ratified the Brest treaty,
by a majority of 724 against 276 votes (180 refraining). The
laboring and exploited masses of Russia themselves decided to
conclude peace with Germany. Never before in history did such masses
participate in the solution of political problems, especially a
problem of war or peace. The laboring masses who have borne the
brunt of all sufferings and deprivations of the war and are now
experiencing its tragic consequences, fully cognizant of the meaning
and importance
[Page 442]
of their
actions, adopted the decision to terminate the war. The People’s
Commissariat for Foreign Affairs believes that a reminder of these
facts will serve as a full and satisfactory reply to the German
Government. The People’s Commissariat in turn cannot help but point
out the advance of German troops in the south of Russia continues in
Russian territory, contrary to the terms of the Brest treaty. We
repeat our request that the German Government should define
definitively what it considers the boundary of the Ukraine.
Commissar of Foreign Affairs