File No. 763.72119/1029
The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 20, 11.18 p.m.]
2113. Armistice made for twenty-eight days subject to termination on seven days’ notice but otherwise automatically extended. Understand Trotsky thinks has achieved a success, but such another success were worse than a defeat. It means, in my judgment, that Russia is out of the war. He spoke Saturday threatening guillotine and Lenin asserted that Soviet government superior to Constituent Assembly and justified treatment of Cadets. Two Poles called claiming could raise Polish army of 800,000 to fight Germany and that 400,000 Poles in Austrian Army would turn against Central Empire. Shall investigate and report but so many rumors prove unfounded I attach little importance thereto. Reported arrangements being made for German commissioners to come to Petrograd to negotiate peace and for German soldiers to come for their protection. Depredations ceased in Embassy neighborhood but continue in other sections and people so nervous that they would welcome monarchy or Germans if order could be restored thereby.
Diplomatic Corps met this afternoon to consider note couriers, see my 2107,1 adjourned till 20th after providing for committee of two Allied and one neutral employee who will be instructed to visit Smolny unofficially and state that proposed plan is impossible and to suggest another. British, French and Danish employees were selected as those countries say require couriers. I can do without courier service for a month provided cables not prohibited but fears thereof were expressed by my colleagues. I opposed proposition to accept Trotsky plan on condition that couriers should not do propaganda work and asked in what capital Soviet government has a diplomatic mission. Dutch Minister replied, “In Sweden,” but Swedish Minister not present. Appears British and French Embassies have been requested to visé Soviet courier’s passports but declined on the ground that government not recognized. No application made to vise courier passport to America.