File No. 861.00/830
The Consul General at Moscow ( Summers) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 15, 5.56 p.m.]
118. In view of advisability of furnishing Department immediate information regarding critical situation in Russia Consulate General will telegraph in future such events as have bearings on conduct war and American interests.
Russkoe Slovo, most important newspaper in Russia, closed on account of publishing statement that Krylenko captured General Staff in conformity with plans emanating German General Staff.
Election returns give (Social?) Revolutionists enormous majority over Bolsheviks. Recriminations between these two parties very bitter. Former opposed to separate peace and to the illegal and violent measures of Bolsheviks charging them with doing everything possible to bring anarchy and ruin [on] the country.
Heavy fighting reported throughout south of Russia between Cossacks and loyal troops on the one hand and Bolsheviks on the other hand. The results are not known.
Recent Bolshevik projects and decrees abolish all courts; confiscate to the state all property real and personal both in cities and country; repudiate all loans foreign and domestic; abolish all grades in regiment.
Decrees relating to nationalizing amount to control of factories creating great alarm among foreigners. At a recent meeting of the President of Soviets with American and Swedish Consul General representing Allied and neutral countries Swedish Consul stated categorically as representing interests that such measures would not be tolerated. We jointly pointed out in an unofficial manner to Soviets the gravity of such extreme measures at this time and are endeavoring to do all we can in a friendly way to influence leaders [Page 301] Bolsheviks to stop campaign of terrorism waged against educated classes and are encouraged by result.
Strongly advise labor organizations in the United States to counsel Russian Soviets to modify their program which must lead to chaos