File No. 861.00/658

The Minister in Sweden ( Morris) to the Secretary of State


983. Have just been in telephonic communication with our representative Torneå who says he is informed Petrograd still in control of Bolsheviki, that fighting of very disorderly character has been renewed in Petrograd, that Bolsheviks are without discipline having no officers to direct troops, that it is reported telephone and telegraph offices have been wrecked. He states that newspapers report Kerensky advancing on Petrograd with 100,000 troops, Bolshevik newspapers say he has only 5,000. Bolsheviks are digging trenches around Petrograd. Passengers report that Allied missions still working together but have no dealings with Bolsheviki and that endeavor to form coalition government has been practically abandoned as parties could not agree among themselves. Another Cossack general named Krasnov said to be advancing to Petrograd.
