File No. 861.00/622½

The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State


1949. Just conferred with Minister for Foreign Affairs, who has been inaccessible since the 29th. He says that he will start for Paris about the 10th instant, detained by replying to criticisms in the Council of Republic, 5th or 7th instant. Minister of War charged some evening paper yesterday with advocating separate peace, but publishes denial to-day and paper suppressed. Impression prevalent that the Minister of War flirting with Bolsheviki [regarding] deposing Provisional Government; resignation presented, then withdrawn but now granted indefinite leave and not expected to resume charge, assistant acting.

British Ambassador granted six weeks’ leave going with Tereshchenko to Paris conference. Some predict he will not return. British Ambassador and Italian Ambassador apologized, by instruction of their Governments, to Kerensky for joint note but French Ambassador refused or failed to do so saying that his Government stood by its contents. Appears Minister of Foreign Affairs will represent Russia at Paris but can not be determined until Council of Republic acts on instruction. All-Russian Council of Peasants modified instructions of their delegate Skobelev.

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Minister of Foreign Affairs says advance being planned on Russian-Rumanian front where army reliable, but does not expect great results. No demonstrations here, but many robberies throughout the country by hooligans and deserters. Citizens forming protective organizations in Petrograd and elsewhere.
