File No. 861.00/579

The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State


1853. Kerensky left for front accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of War, Minister of Marine without again calling at the Embassy. Evidently considers himself master of situation, encouraged by approval of his selected ministry by Democratic [Page 209] Council and by failure of Bolsheviks to make outbreak. Trotsky, ablest, most courageous Bolshevik, elected president Petrograd Council of Workmen-Soldiers which organization Bolsheviks dominated as evidenced by Trotsky’s election and adoption of resolution condemning coalition Ministry. Tereshchenko was potent in the meeting between Ministry and conference delegation speaking candidly, emphatically, defiantly when tendering resignation and declining responsibility for consequences of Soviet domination threatened. Government can suppress but Government is acting discreetly in making no effort to imprison or punish its critics or influence and is given due credit therefor. [Omission] if Bolsheviks make outbreak, as in such event might be unable to command sufficient force.

Railroad strike becoming failure: another Kerensky achievement. Outlook much improved in my judgment. Much pleased with Congress action. Should like President’s message or substance thereof.
