Secretary Lansing’s personal file: Russia—American Diplomatic Mission1
Supplementary Report of the Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia to the Secretary of State 2
plans for american cooperation to preserve and strengthen the morale of the civil population and the army of russia
I. Plan to Promote an Educational Campaign
1. aim
To influence the attitude of the people of Russia for the prosecution of the war as the only way of perpetuating their democracy.
2. considerations emphasizing the importance of such a campaign
Germany has been and is waging an able propaganda in Russia to weaken and destroy the fighting spirit of the people. We found evidences that this effort is generously financed, that it is conducted on a large scale, and that it has been most effective. It can be counteracted and overcome only by means of an adequate campaign of education.
There is in operation in Russia to-day no really adequate plan designed to counteract the efforts put forth by Germany to poison opinion and to paralyze action. There are commendable efforts both on the part of individual Russians and of certain of the Allies but none of these activities singly or all of them combined are capable of meeting the need.
We came to the conclusion, after examining all that is being done, that if the situation is to be met and met in time the United States must take the matter in hand. America has the necessary resources. America has evolved the most effective methods. America has available men trained for such educational work.
There has been no time when American cooperation in this sphere would count so much in Russia as the present. Owing to the prompt initiative of President Wilson in recognizing the Provisional Government and owing to the visit and the work accomplished by the Special Diplomatic Mission, America just now has most favorable access to Russia. Russia is ready to listen to America, and is eager to learn from her. Moreover, the present is incomparably the most critical period from a military point of view. The liberties of Russia—all that the Russian revolution has made possible—are endangered by Germany.
[Page 148]From the point of view of winning the war, it is vitally important that Russia be kept in the war, and, to this end, that her people shall be led to realize vividly what is at stake, and that they shall be inspired with hope in the successful outcome of the struggle. If, through our failure to keep alive the interest of the Russian people and to maintain among them a realizing sense of the significance of the sacrifices already made, Russia should lose heart and virtually be eliminated from the war, the consequences will be most serious.
Russia is possibly the most isolated nation among all the Allies. This is due to her geographical position and the very poor means of communication with the outside world. It takes a longer time to receive letters and periodicals in Russia from the other Allies than is the case with any other Allied country. Moreover, the Russian press has the most meager and unsatisfactory foreign cable service. Germany has so clouded the waters of the press in the Scandinavian countries that little light of the kind most needed comes from Russia’s nearest and most accessible neighbors.
The plans we propose call for an expenditure the first year of approximately $5,500,000. Members of our mission were told by those who are in a position to estimate facts that Germany has spent in her propaganda of intrigue in Russia since the revolution 48,000,000 rubles, or $3,000,000 a month. It is estimated that it costs the Allies $10,000,000 to keep one regiment one year at the front. The proposed campaign of education is directed to helping to develop a spirit which will hold on the eastern front 640 regiments of over 3,000 men each. The combined daily expenditures of the Allies have amounted to over $75,000,000. This vast outlay is devoted almost exclusively to providing for the material factors essential to the proper prosecution of the war. Is it not desirable to devote the relatively small sum suggested to insure the larger conservation and exercise of the moral factor in that area of the war where the situation is so critical?
America, as well as Russia, has much at stake. If Russia can be helped to hold her armies in being and to keep her men in the trenches, it will make it necessary that the enemy countries maintain on the eastern front over 140 divisions of troops. This has a most direct bearing on the extent of the exertions and sacrifices of America in the war.
The Russian civil and military authorities assured us that they would welcome and give every facility to any efforts which America might put forth in the direction of wise educational effort.1
[Page 149]3. principal means or methods to be employed
- (a)
- Establishment of a modern news service designed to furnish news to all periodicals throughout Russia. This agency would specialize on American news. Nothing corresponding to this now exists. It would be necessary to have in Petrograd an American general manager and two American assistants to select the news from America and in Russia to be used, a worker in America to gather and forward the right kind of American news, a staff of five Russian writers and translators, also an efficient office force.
- (b)
- Large use of effective pamphlets and leaflets. There is no land in the world where the thirst for literature dealing with current questions is greater to-day than it is in Russia. This is, of course, due to the revolution. Among those who can read there is only one activity which is more in evidence, and that is talking. Large use should be made of pictures or illustrations in connection with the new printed matter. Arrangements should be made with the news kiosks throughout the country to slip these leaflets into all papers sold.
- (c)
- A well-managed film service would also accomplish in Russia more than in any other land. The experience of the British has pointed the way to a wide use of this means. The following classes of films should be prepared and used: war films; films of American life in the country, in manufacturing centers, and in commerce; American comic films; and above all, film stories of a patriotic character and especially illustrating the struggle for democracy. For the proper handling of this agency there would be needed an American manager and an assistant, also at least five well-qualified traveling men to introduce and supervise (not operate) the service. They would see that all centers are supplied with news films.
- (d)
- Special advertising, particularly by means of illustrated colored posters, is a means well fitted for Russia. Experience in connection with floating their different loans confirms the usefulness of this plan. To accomplish the best results there should be in charge an expert American advertising man with a good assistant.
- (e)
- The most popular method for influencing Russian opinion is that of speech. Therefore, large use should be made of well-qualified speakers or teachers. Why should there not be a carefully selected body of hundreds of able Russians going as teachers about the towns and villages as well as among the millions of men under arms? These speakers or teachers could be brought together in large groups or companies for the purpose of preparation for their work and of unifying its impact.
II. Plan to Strengthen the Morale of the Army—Importance, Practicability, and Urgency of This Undertaking
Russia has called to the colors since the war began not less than 13,200,000 men. This constitutes the largest army assembled by any one nation in the history of the world. Of this vast number it is estimated that fully 2,000,000 have already been killed or have died as the result of wounds or diseases occasioned by the war. Another 2,000,000 are to-day prisoners of war in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey. Another 2,000,000 may be classified as permanently ineffective, chiefly those who have been seriously mutilated in warfare or shattered by disease. This leaves 7,200,000 men as comprising the total strength of the Russian army of to-day. Some authorities whom we consulted give a somewhat lower figure, but more would place it even higher. Of this army of to-day probably 2,100,000 are to be found in the seventy corps on the European front and the five on the Asiatic front; 1,000,000 in the depots or reserves; 1,000,000 in connection with garrisons and communications—thus leaving a little over 3,000,000 in training, on leave, or otherwise not immediately available for military operations, but potentially a most important asset. On this vast host of Russian men and boys rests the tremendous responsibility of maintaining and pressing the war on the long-drawn-out eastern front. The effectiveness and faithfulness with which they perform this critical duty will determine, far more largely than we in America have realized, the extent of the exertions and sacrifices, and the laying down of life and substance, of the American people in connection with the great struggle. Whatever can be done, therefore, to insure and develop the highest working efficiency and truly triumphant spirit of the Russian soldiers has a most direct, practical, and vital bearing on the destiny of America and the other Allies.
That there is imperative need of instituting measures for rendering practical service to the millions of Russian men and boys under arms or in uniform there can be no question in the mind of any one who has first-hand knowledge of conditions. This need existed before the Russian revolution. A similar need had been recognized in all the other Allied armies, and with greater or less thoroughness [Page 151] was being met; but, notwithstanding the most helpful activities of such agencies as the Zemstvo unions, there has been lacking in the Russian army from the beginning an agency to specialize on the physical, mental, social, and moral betterment of the men as has been done in so many of the other countries by the Young Men’s Christian Association. The Russian revolution has greatly accentuated the need. From the nature of the case the minds of multitudes of Russian soldiers have been more or less absorbed with the political and social issues thrust upon them by the revolution. Moreover, the subtle, able forces of German intrigue have taken advantage of these unsettled conditions and have waged a really masterly propaganda among large numbers of the troops in the garrisons, in the training camps, and, to a larger degree than might be thought possible, at the front. As one studies these troops wherever they are congregated throughout Russia or Siberia, at the front or at the base, one is impressed by the vast numbers who either are not occupied at all with activities related to the war or are devoting themselves to aimless and unprofitable political discussion. The practical problem, stated in a sentence, is: Shall these millions of young men and boys in garrisons, in reserve camps, and at the fighting front spend the five or more leisure hours which they have each day in idleness or in unprofitable or weakening agitation, or shall they devote these spare hours to healthful physical and social recreation, growth in knowledge and working efficiency, and unselfish service to their fellowmen? This war has shown the supreme importance of morale. Napoleon went so far as to maintain that morale counts for an army as three to one. How important it is that everything possible be done during these coming months to improve the morale, to strengthen the discipline, and to raise the spirit of our comrades in Russia.
The marvelous success achieved by the Young Men’s Christian Association in the British, Canadian, and Australasian armies not only on the west front, but also in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Saloniki, and on the Gallipoli Peninsula, in the wonderful French army, as well as in the newly forming American army, has demonstrated the adaptability of this organization for meeting the situation in Russia. We are glad to state that even before we arrived in Russia some of the American Association secretaries, who have long been at work there in the prisoner-of-war camps, had become so impressed by the need and by the urgency of the situation that they, without knowledge of each other’s action, had already inaugurated work among the Russian soldiers at a number of points as widely separated as Petrograd on the west, Tomsk and Irkutsk in Siberia, and Tashkent in Turkestan. These efforts met with the instant and enthusiastic approval [Page 152] of both soldiers and officers. To promote recreation and the physical conditioning of the men, football, volley ball, track athletics, relay races, and aquatics had been introduced. The educational work included language schools, courses for other useful studies, libraries, reading rooms, lectures, and moving picture shows. Wise use was being made of high-grade theatrical plays. The musical features of the work were also most welcome. The moral life of the soldiers received sympathetic and careful attention. Wherever possible, the men were being enlisted in unselfish service among their fellows. As we studied these experiments we asked ourselves the question. Why is not this work reproducible throughout the entire Russian army?
In order to ascertain whether the Russians would welcome American cooperation through such an agency as the Association, we had interviews with a number of persons. We discussed the matter at length with Prince Lvov, the former Premier, and found him most intelligently sympathetic. Mr. Tereshchenko, Minister of Foreign Affairs, responded heartily to the suggestion. We had but a short conference with the Minister of War and Marine, Mr. Kerensky (the present Premier), and arranged to go into the subject more fully with him at his leisure, but he had not yet returned from the front when we were obliged to start back to America. Other members of the War Ministry, however, have indicated to us their hearty approval. The Chief of the General Staff assured us that he and his colleagues would welcome the help of this American Association. Many of the Soldiers’ Deputies, as well as other soldiers, were interviewed and brought together in groups for consultation. They assured us of their earnest cooperation.
All our investigations convinced us that the soldiers of Russia present to America possibly the largest single opportunity to help which has come to us during the war. Here is a field that stretches one-third of the way around the world. It involves literally millions of men and boys—nearly as many as to-day are serving in the combined armies of Britain, Canada, America, and France. It is wide open to our friendly approach. It is a most responsive field. At many points the Russian army reminded us quite as much of older boys as of mature men, and these hosts of boys, and the men too for that matter, can be led anywhere by workers of warm hearts, wise heads, and unselfish spirit. They are most responsive to kindness. Very many of them are eager for self-development and are truly idealistic. To deal in any worthy or adequate way with this boundless opportunity means that we must send over to Russia as soon as possible at least two hundred of the best qualified workers whom we can find. The difficulties which await these workers are so subtle [Page 153] and serious that we should send only men of established character, of rich experience, and of undiscourageable enthusiasm. It may be found wise and practicable to establish a language school where all of these workers can spend at least a short period on arriving in Russia, although a man should begin his study of the Russian language the day he decides to enter this field. For every American secretary there should be two or more Russian workers.
It would be difficult to overstate the urgency of this extraordinary situation. The late autumn and the winter months will constitute the most critical testing period. If these men can be afforded pleasant and profitable occupation during this trying time it will insure conservation of probably the greatest single asset of the Allied cause; whereas, if through the influence of counter-revolutionary forces, of German intrigue, and of disintegrating habits of dissipation and idleness, the great Russian army should be permitted to dissolve or be riven with seams of weakness, the most disastrous consequences will follow. Just now America, as no other nation, holds the key to the situation. Her prompt recognition of the revolutionary government and her genuine and expressed desire to do anything in her power to help Russia, make the Russian people peculiarly hospitable to American ideas and workers. It is well for us to keep reminding ourselves that the Russians have long been fighting our battles for us, and this at a terrific cost. Anything which we find it possible to do in the way of giving money to extend a great, practical, unselfish ministry of this kind we should promptly do. …
- In the possession of the Department of State.↩
- Undated; enclosed as a printed circular in a letter of Aug. 27, 1917, from Secretary Lansing to the President. See also post, p. 214.↩
In a letter to the Secretary of State, June 29, 1917, Maj. Stanley Washburn, assistant secretary of the Special Diplomatic Mission, wrote:
We returned yesterday from General Headquarters where I had an hour’s private conversation with General Brusilov on a number of subjects. I took up with him especially America’s publicity in the army. … General Brusilov has approved all of the forms of publicity in the army which I have been anxious to have established there. This includes eight or ten complete moving-picture outfits with lecturers that shall constantly travel about in the army explaining America’s resources and illustrating America’s preparedness and intention to support Russia to the end of the war. Besides this there should be vast numbers of pamphlets, speakers, posters, and other forms of publicity. The General says that he will receive personally whomever we appoint head of our publicity bureau here and go over in detail with him all of these plans for spreading the American idea in the Russian army and he will give his full authority and backing to see that the same are carried out in the most efficient and effective way.