File No. 763.72114/5529
The British Embassy to the Department of State
The British Embassy present their compliments to the Department of State and, with reference to the Embassy’s memorandum of November 27th last, have the honour to state that they are in receipt of a telegram from the Foreign Office from which it appears that the Japanese representative at Peking has now been instructed to give his full support to Allied representations to the Chinese Government, urging that all enemy subjects should be deported.
It would seem that such action on the part of the Chinese Government was more necessary than ever in view of the possibility that the German and Austrian prisoners in Siberia may be released by the Russian Bolshevist government, and that there would thus be an influx of the former into China.
The British Embassy are instructed to urge the United States Government to request the United States Minister at Peking to join his Allied colleagues in pressing the Chinese Government to adopt the principle of deportation of enemy subjects.