File No. 103.97/51
The Food Administration Representative at London ( Sheldon) to the Food Administrator ( Hoover)2
[Received November 25, 4.30 a.m.]
No. 81. Rhondda communicates:
I am seriously alarmed by your cable and Doctor Taylor’s confidential statement that the total exportable wheat surplus from United States and Canada will not exceed 133,000,000 bushels. Unless Allies can rely on North American exports considerably in excess [Page 662] of these figures and upon a larger amount of grain than is now being allocated we shall be confronted with a situation of extreme gravity. I am exerting every effort to reduce the estimated Allied requirements to the bare minimum consistent with military efficiency but when all possible reductions and all probable imports from other sources are allowed for there remains on the basis of your figures a serious deficiency. In view of this situation I earnestly trust that either by dilution or other measures you will find a way to increase this year’s exportable surplus.
- Transmitted by the Ambassador in Great Britain through the Secretary of State (No. 7808).↩