File No. 763.72/7452
The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 27, 8.45 a.m.]
1897. Minister for Foreign Affairs says Paris conference postponed until November 20, because American representatives cannot arrive sooner and is so informed through London. Minister for Foreign Affairs postponed statement to Council of the Republic until Thursday 25th. Skobelev, selected to represent Workmen, Soldiers at Paris, had spirited discussion with Minister of Foreign Affairs 20th. Russian position at Paris conference being formulated by Minister for Foreign Affairs for submission to Council of [Page 280] Ministers, then to Council of Republic, and then, according to press reports, be submitted to Allied Ambassadors here but am not officially informed thereof.
Do you think Allied conference now advisable and opportune? I am inclined to doubt. Minister for Foreign Affairs admitted to-day that peace sentiment rapidly growing here but expects reaction therefrom citing Roumanian experience where such sentiment strong heretofore but vanished with improved army morale. Also admitted delegation from Roumanian front visited Government recently and threatened disbanding unless better provisions made for its subsistence.
Major Kerth returned from Dvinsk front reports adequate supply of food but scarcity of shoes and clothing; says army spirit decidedly mixed as several battalions of death determined to fight but entire regiments threatening to return home. Says no sentiment for separate peace but manifest desire for general peace and expectation thereof; such is present general Russian sentiment.
Please tell Secretary of the Treasury that in view of the foregoing statements I advise deferring reply to request for 235,000,000 increase if can without offense but would not refuse completing special Finnish loan when requested which his cable gives as sixty-five instead of seventy-five millions. Do not understand me as advising that Russian advances cease but that reply thereto be diplomatically postponed. Conditions here change rapidly. Bolshevik organ quotes Lenin is demanding demonstrations because neither Government nor Council of the Republic inspired by revolutionary democratic spirit. If Bolshevik outbreak occurs and is suppressed, as I think probable, Provisional Government and Council of the Republic be greatly strengthened thereby. Meanwhile interior elections show Bolshevik sentiment growing throughout country and if it should dominate peace will be its slogan.