File No. 763.72/7186
The Minister in the Netherlands ( Garrett) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 9, 11.50 a.m.]
1452. German press summary:
Vorwärts describes Reichstag meeting Saturday black day for Government. Socialist speaker demonstrated in moderate speech indefensibility of official support of Pan-German agitation, but Minister of War and Vice Chancellor saw fit to treat matter lightly. Chancellor who didn’t think it necessary to be present should have foreseen extraordinary importance of discussion and not left matters in hands Helfferich who has particular talent for spoiling simplest matters. Independent Socialists proposed motion stating that Government reply to Socialist interpellation doesn’t correspond with views of Reichstag. If this motion passed Michaelis and company must pack their trunks or the Reichstag must force them to do so.
National-Zeitung. If Germany were parliamentary country question of confidence involved would mean new Government crisis. Reichstag will now have to consider whether Helfferich has shown himself particularly qualified for peace negotiations.
Berliner Tageblatt speech of Socialist Landsberg cleared the atmosphere since it voiced indignation and bitterness felt throughout the country at unscrupulous Pan-German agitation. His speech was ably seconded by Progressive speaker who inquired who was responsible for these things and demanded that Government at last make clear its position. The fact that Chancellor left matters to Helfferich shows that he has false ideas about feeling of the Reichstag and the capacity of his Vice Chancellor. Proceedings showed Helfferich’s position precarious, and as soon as the question regarding the Vice Chancellor is settled an invitation will probably be issued to Chancellor to come and say what he thinks.
Weser-Zeitung states Progressive representative Von Payer spoke with Helfferich towards close of session and is supposed to have told him by order of the Majority parties to inform Chancellor that they expect from him a declaration, after hearing which they will decide concerning action to be taken in connection with vote of [Page 232] mistrust proposed by Independent Socialist. Majority parties met Sunday to discuss ways and means for joint action. Further rumoured Chancellor made declaration to Majority parties which they found unsatisfactory.
Germania writes that speech of Socialist Landsberg was convincing, called for statement by Government expressing regret at what had happened and promising remedy, but War Minister and Helfferich were not sensible enough to confine themselves to this and made the mistake of attacking the interpellators. War Minister is undoubtedly an excellent soldier but after three years of war our military authorities should have learned that there are places where things cannot be treated in the army tone alone. Unfortunately Helfferich instead of pouring oil on troubled waters made matters still worse. He had excellent opportunity to perform good service for Government and help his own position but instead he spoke with gruffness and utter lack of necessary parliamentary skill so that many thought he deliberately flouted Reichstag. It is now necessary for Chancellor himself to take matters in hand and create necessary atmosphere of quiet.
Vossische Zeitung writes vote of distrust is directed really against Helfferich although formerly against Chancellor and when vote is taken Majority parties cannot possibly express confidence in Vice Chancellor who is himself to blame for bringing matters to this pass.
Rheinisch-Westfälische Zeitung writes that Socialists dishonored Reichstag by terrorizing Helfferich and War Ministers.
Lokal-Anzeiger reports Chancellor, after discussing Alsace-Lorraine question with party leaders, left for headquarters, expected back Monday.
Kölnische Zeitung criticises statement Westminster Gazette Count Czernin’s proposals should have been addressed to Emperor William and Hindenburg. Hindenburg himself said he wanted like the Pope to terminate struggle forced upon Germany but that enemy didn’t want this. In later article Kölnische Zeitung assumes that Czernin’s proposals have already been rejected because Entente doesn’t wish just peace so that his offer no longer holds good and enemy must bear consequences in shape of less reasonable peace conditions.
Leading national liberty papers like Kölnische Zeitung and Magdeburger Zeitung express sympathy Fatherland Party provided that it really succeeds in uniting Germany and leaves aside all matters of internal politics. Conservative papers print with approval Wolff’s1 telegram on recent air attacks upon western German cities emphasizing necessity for Germany to make enemy bases as remote [Page 233] as possible and stating that it is an indispensable demand of self-defense for Germany not to have Belgium any longer dependent in political and military sense on Entente in future. Reactionary papers assume that this Wolff’s telegram inspired claim that it follows from the arguments used that Germany must keep Belgium. Frankfurter Zeitung protests against this interpretation of an article not known to be inspired by Government.
Die Post writes that reliable reports dated August stated there was a strong anti-military movement in America as shown by small revolts and numerous manifest[ation]s which has been suppressed by brute force but may break out more seriously in near future.
A former military attaché at Washington, Von Herwarth, prints article in Vossische Zeitung claiming whole Entente hypnotized by England, sharply attacking President Wilson and claiming that war-weary Americans will sooner or later open their eyes, shake off English hypnosis and demand terrible accounting from Wilson.
Kölnische Volkszeitung reports Polish minister president will not be Tarnowski but Prince Drucki-Lubecki and that other members of ministry will be Count von Ronikier, former member of Duma, Lempicki and General Rosmworjski, and that it is expected Polish ministry will be definitely organized during this week.
Frankfurter Zeitung reports coal agreement reached between Germany and Holland, latter to receive 250,000 tons coal monthly from Germany. Dutch vessels fetching coal from England will not be attacked by German submarines if they sail in ballast to England. Germany further permits exports steel and iron to Holland absolutely required for ship construction and numerous industries. German demands respecting price of coal and credits were accepted. Frankfurter Zeitung daily war-loan indicator shows second billion subscriptions passed on 5th instant.
- Wolff’s Telegraph Bureau.↩