File No. 763.72/6942
The Chargé in Switzerland ( Wilson) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 22, 5.15 a.m.]
1704. Press reports:
Münchner Neueste Nachriehten, 20th, reports large mass meeting Munich which passed resolution strongly condemning Wilson’s peace note. Attempt cause discontent Germany, especially chasm between people and Emperor presumptuous and unworthy American President. He desired shake people’s confidence, and succeeded strengthening same. Desired down Emperor, succeeded raising German admiration for him. Emperor’s honor, Germany’s honor. Resolution preceded by inciting speech Count Cekharts violently attacking President but stating Germany deserved slap given her, because attitude always too weak against America. President thought fidelity German people as easily shaken, as position Reichstag in important affairs hitherto. Paper’s correspondent Berlin states Germany undoubtedly willing reestablish independent Belgium under guarantee, existence right of various nationalities Belgium, and under guarantee genuine neutrality Belgium enemies also willing surrender policy of conquest. Chancellor expected speak this regard Reichstag 27th. National meeting will be held Budapest 24th under presidency Cardinal Csermock to discuss papal peace note. German Reichstag member Erzberger will speak. Progressive Reichstag member Haussmann in speech at meeting Progressive Peoples Party Wurttemberg declared Chancellor not succeeded winning confidence people’s representatives. Parliamentarization thus far weak. If confidence not fundamentally established soon autumn crisis will follow July crisis.
German-Austrian Hungarian commercial negotiations commenced Budapest 18th. Bund, 21st, announces Hoffman refuses candidacy Swiss National Council.