File No. 763.72/6435
The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 14, 4.20 p.m.]
1417. Press reports:
Münchner Neueste Nachrichten reports German Government announces international issue official communiqué regarding Emperor’s telegram published by Gerard.1 Paper criticizes sharply delay of Government in replying.
Same paper in front-page two-column editorial repeats appeal for awakening of German people to realization of consequences Entente victory. See my telegrams Nos. 1403 and 1410 of August 10 and 11.2 Paper states Entente sincerely intends imposing following peace condition on Germany in case of latter’s defeat:
Alsace-Lorraine all territory west of Rhine to France and Belgium; Schleswig-Holstein to Denmark; East Prussia to Russia; Posen and West Prussia to Polish Kingdom which will again become Russian dependency; restitution of Hanover as English footstool; transfer of Helgoland; demilitarization of North [Sea]-East Sea canal; enemy control of German economic life; payment war costs [Page 160] of all Entente nations; heavy indemnity; sequestration of industry and natural resources; transfer German Navy and merchant fleet and labor of German prisoners in France for rebuilding occupied French territory. Every German must realize terrible fate awaiting him which can only be avoided by inner resoluteness, greatest courage and ability to see clearly the danger.
Austrian press reports, Neue Freie Presse: Czernin left for Berlin 9th instant to visit German Chancellor.
Berchthold issues following statement concerning Times report, Potsdam Kronrat of July, 1914: “I am in position to state this report as well as all implications in it are products of imagination.”
Prominence given first page under title “Peace movements in America” to alleged telegram from New York to Matin as follows: “By discussions about peace divisions created in United States, Hearst demands congress of nations to put end to war. His opinions supported by pro-Germans and pacifists.”
From the Temps: “Senator Stone has declared he will support in Senate pacifist movements.”
Gazette de Lausanne publishes Berlin telegram stating Tägliche Rundschau lays all blame for condition in Poland on Bethmann Hollweg as his weak policy has created strong irredentism in Prussian Poland and Poles will never be satisfied with anything less than restitution of ancient frontiers.
Basler Nachrichten, August 11, reports from Berlin that Germania, paper of Center Party in Reichstag, expresses satisfaction with new Government. Only opposition therefore devolves on party of Left and Social Democrats.
National-Zeitung, Basel, August 13, quotes statement of president Hungarian department alimentation that small Hungarian harvest rendered export bread and fodder produce to Germany impossible much as export might be desirable from economic and financial standpoint.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, August 13, reports from Vienna committee Social Democratic Party declined offer from Minister President Seidler that party be represented in coalition ministry. Party determined reserve freedom of action.
Basler Nachrichten, August 12, quoted Berlin article by member Reichstag that task of Kühlmann will be to remove difficulties resulting from submarine warfare by handling neutrals cleverly. Von Kühlmann well qualified as he has already rendered great services in Holland in this respect.
[Page 161]Basler Nachrichten, August 12, quotes following from Salzburger Volksblatt:
The provisionment of the town of Salzburg with the necessary foodstuffs is utterly inadequate and becomes day to day more insufficient because obtainable foodstuffs are bought up by the hotels for the foreigners as under these circumstances the presence of foreigners means serious danger to the native population. Foreigners are herewith earnestly requested to leave Salzburg immediately.
- See Foreign Relations, 1914, Supplement, pp. 60–61.↩
- No. 1403 not printed.↩