File No. 763.72/6408
The Minister in Switzerland ( Stovall) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 13, 6.45 a.m.]
1410. I consider article Münchner Neueste Nachrichten cited last paragraph my press telegram No. 1403, 10th,1 of special importance as showing means taken by Government through press to stimulate German people to renewed efforts. Article points out that: (1) Entente and Allies still contemplate at end third year war seizing Alsace-Lorraine and left bank Rhine with suppression of German oversea commerce and military organization; (2) that the honorable peace propositions of Germany have been rejected with scorn; (3) [Page 159] that almost the whole world including neutrals hypnotized by London which is bent upon war of economic destruction against Germany; (4) that unsuccessful conclusion war means end of German national existence. Article states that German people are threatened with loss spirit of 1914 and with sinking into state of complacency oblivious to national danger and of active campaign and propaganda to enlighten people, see my 1403, 10th.
In view alleged close association Münchner Neueste Nachrichten to Berlin Government I feel this article indicates that hereafter it will be effort Government to greatly exaggerate war aims of Germany’s enemies and the disaster of German defeat in order to reconcile people to resist to last and to wage defensive war which may last years.
Any renewed public utterance of the President emphasizing distinction already made between German autocratic Government and people and showing that German defeat would not entail annihilation of Germany might nullify success of such propaganda.
- Not printed.↩