File No. 714.1515/66

Minister Ewing to the Secretary of State

No. 576

Sir: I have the honor to refer to the Department’s cablegram of December 22, 7 p.m., instructing me to inform the Government of Honduras that in pursuance of the earnest desire of the Government of the United States to facilitate and expedite by its friendly good offices the settlement of the boundary question existing between Guatemala and Honduras respectively that these Governments submit the question for a boundary arbitration treaty subject to ratification of their respective legislatures, as outlined and agreed upon in Article V of the Protocol signed by the representatives of Guatemala and Honduras on September 20, 1917.

In compliance with this instruction I immediately approached the Government of Honduras on the subject, addressing a formal note dated December 26 to the Minister of Foreign Relations.

The Government of Honduras, through its Minister of Foreign Relations, replied to this communication under date of December 28, embodying in its reply the text of my note of the 26th instant, and further stating that Honduras accepts immediately the proposition that the question of limits between the two Governments be submitted to arbitration in conformity with the suggestion of the Government of the United States.

The Government of Honduras further states that it does not doubt but that Guatemala will also accept, with good will, the friendly suggestion of the Government of the United States and in the meantime it will await notification of such acceptance, abstaining in the meantime from signing any boundary agreement with Mr. Víctor Sanchez Ocaña, representing the Government of Guatemala now in this capital.

The Government of Honduras having accepted formally the tender of mediation on the part of the Government of the United States feels obligated to abide by this acceptance and considers that the entire boundary dispute between the Governments is to be submitted to mediation with the Government of the United States as mediator. This question has been gone into fully with the President and the Foreign Minister and they are anxious that the dispute be settled in this manner rather than by direct negotiations with Guatemala. As this dispute is of long standing and numerous attempts to settle it by direct negotiations between the interested Governments have previously failed, the Government of Honduras looks to the Government of the United States to conduct the negotiations with the hope of definitely settling the entire question.

[Page 797]

I have the honor to attach hereto copies of my note to the Foreign Office under date of December 26, together with the reply of the Government of Honduras under date of December 28, 1917, the latter being accompanied by its translation into English.

I have [etc.]

Jno. Ewing
[Inclosure 1]

Minister Ewing to the Minister of Foreign Relations

Excellency: Acting upon cablegraphic instructions from my Government dated December 22, I have the honor to bring to the attention of your excellency the following suggestion:

In pursuance of the earnest desire on the part of the Government of the United States and to facilitate and expedite by its friendly good offices the settlement of the boundary dispute existing between your excellency’s Government and the Government of Guatemala, the Government of the United States proposes that the Governments of Honduras and Guatemala submit this question to a boundary arbitration treaty, subject for ratification of their respective legislatures, as outlined and agreed upon in Article V of the Protocol signed by representatives of Honduras and Guatemala on September 20, 1917.

I am further instructed by my Government to urge prompt consideration of this question and will appreciate an answer so that I may immediately cable the desires of your excellency’s Government in the premises.

I improve [etc.]

Jno. Ewing
[Inclosure 2—Translation]

The Minister of Foreign Relations to Minister Ewing

Mr. Minister: I have had the honor to receive the courteous note of your excellency, dated the 26th of the present month, by means of which my Government is informed that the Government of the United States, in the desire to facilitate and accelerate by means of its friendly good offices, the settlement of the’ question of limits which exists between this Government and that of Guatemala, proposes that the Governments of Honduras and Guatemala submit the question to a treaty of arbitration of boundaries, subject to ratification by their respective legislatures as was agreed upon in Article V of the Protocol signed by the representatives of Honduras and Guatemala the 20th of September, last.

In reply, I am pleased to make known to your excellency that the Government of Honduras accepts immediately that the question of limits with Guatemala be submitted to arbitration in conformity with the suggestion of the Government of your excellency.

This Government does not doubt that that of Guatemala will accept, also, with good will, the friendly suggestion of the Government of your excellency, and with such understanding it will await notification of such acceptation, abstaining in the meantime from signing any boundary agreement with Mr. Víctor Sanchez Ocaña, representative of the Government of Guatemala, who, as your excellency knows, has just arrived in this capital with the object of discussing a boundary treaty as provided for in the preliminary agreement of September 20, of which your excellency has knowledge.

Begging that if your excellency thinks well, what is expressed in the foregoing may be transmitted to the Government of the United States, I am pleased to repeat the assurances of my most distinguished consideration.

Mariano Vásquez