File No. 714.1515/39

The Secretary of State to Minister Leavell


Department informed by Legation at Tegucigalpa to the following effect: I am informed by Foreign Minister that in the neighborhood of Amoa [Omoa] there have arrived Guatemalan forces numbering [Page 789] fifty, Manuel Calderon in command. Some soldiers have already crossed near Gimerito. When questioned by Honduran officials, commander Guatemalan forces stated he was bearing out instructions from Guatemalan Government that the first established camps of Cuyamel Fruit Company in Honduran territory should be patrolled. In view of the fact that boundary question has been submitted for mediation, President has directed Commandant Diaz Zelaya at Amoa to make no opposition to Guatemalan forces.

Bring this report to attention Guatemalan Government saying that Government of United States hesitates to give credence to this rumor which if true would appear to be an attempt on the part of Guatemala to alter the status quo boundary question, adding that the most scrupulous good faith on the part of both Governments in this connection is necessary for obvious reasons. Report results by cable.
