File No. 422.11G93/901
Quito, January 18, 1917, 11 a.m.
My telegram of January 13, 10 a.m. In answer to my note of January 15 the Minister for Foreign Affairs again challenges right of Government of the United States to interfere in this case and therefore declines to fix a time or times when interest will be paid or deposits resumed, but he reiterates the purpose of his Government to meet its recognized obligations as soon as possible. My note of January 15 was supplementary to my memorandum of December 18 and presented clearly the views of the Department as stated in its telegram of December 31, 7 p.m. A few hours after receiving said note of [Page 732] the Minister for Foreign Affairs, I received an unofficial note verbale from him informing me that the Government of Ecuador had made an offer to the railway company to contribute one thousand tons of coal at 57 sucres per ton in partial payment of interest due, the railway company to pay balance.
The making of this offer is authorized by the controller of railway company who informs me that he has cabled the offer to New York.
The railway officials have willingly cooperated with me in these matters and have been very helpful.