File No. 711.5914/185


217. Your 411, January 5th, 6 p.m. Say to the Foreign Minister that this Government will make every effort to expedite the formal delivery of the islands, but that he will realize the injurious effect that the premature delivery of the islands might have upon Congress, as it might regard such an act as an unwarranted and officious effort to bind it to an immediate appropriation of twenty-five million dollars. As soon as the ratifications of the treaty have been exchanged, it will be transmitted to Congress with a request for an immediate appropriation in conformity with the provisions of the treaty; and I have no reason to believe that the appropriation will not be made during the present session, which ends March 4th.

I have noted the King’s hope regarding placing the islands under Porto Rican Government, and am glad to know through him the wishes of the inhabitants of the islands. It will give me pleasure to take pains to lay their wishes before the proper authorities for consideration in connection with the form of government to be established in the islands.
