File No. 711.5914/137
Minister Egan to
the Secretary of State
No. 946
American Legation,
August 17, 1916.
Sir: Referring to the Legation’s despatch
No. 943 of August 9, 1916, I have the honor to enclose a copy and
translation of the ordinance of April 1, 1913, the substance of
which was telegraphed the Department in my despatch No. 306 of
August 16, 1 p.m.
I have [etc.]
Ordinance (No. 16—1913) regarding exemption from
duty and dues on materials imported by vessels for the purpose
of improvement of St. Thomas Harbor.
We, Christian the Tenth, by the Grace of God King of Denmark, the
Wends and the Goths, Duke of Sleswick, Holstein, Stormarn and
Ditmarsken, Lauenburg and Oldenburg, hereby make known:—The
Colonial Council of St. Thomas and St. Jan have adopted and We
have hereby given Our consent to the following ordinance:—
The Colonial Government is hereby authorized within a period of
ten years reckoned from the first day of January 1913 to grant
exemptions from duty on every kind of materials, inter alia working utensils and machines
which are imported to St. Thomas for use in the considerable
improvements which it is intended to carry out there to supply
and facilitate vessels touching at the said port, or otherwise
to further shipping trade of the said harbor.
All and Everybody to comply with the foresaid.
Given at Amalieborg, April 1st, 1913. Under Our Royal Hand
and Seal.
Christian R.
(L. S.)
N. Neergaard