File No. 711.5914/134

Minister Egan to the Secretary of State

No. 943

Sir: With reference to the Department’s telegraphic instruction No. 142 of August 5, 1916, asking for the four documents referred to in the first paragraph of the letter of the Danish Minister of Finance of January 18, 1913, I have the honor to enclose the four documents referred to which are in the form of letters. It is evident from the contents of the letter written by the Minister of [Page 647] Finance of October 2, 1912, that the concession to the “Vestindiske Kompagni” has lapsed because the conditions for the granting of that concession had not been fulfilled. The Foreign Minister informs me that these are all the documents referring to this concession in his possession. This will doubtless be considered very remarkable as the concession was of so much importance, but several applications on my part to the Foreign Office resulted in the reiterated assertion that there are no other documents in the case.

I have [etc.]

Maurice Francis Egan
[Inclosure 1—Translation]


K. No.

On the 1st instant the Consortium notified the Ministry of Finance to the effect that the subscription for stocks in the “Vestindiske Kompagni” had not reached the result that was conditional for the granting of the harbor-concession, and that under the circumstances the Consortium desires, without the concession, to proceed with the work.

In compliance herewith the Consortium has offered to undertake temporarily the erection of the first section of the harbor plant at Long Bay, provided that the right to dispose of any area and dock which it may construct be reserved to it.

In this connection you are informed that the Ministry of Finance agrees, also if the concession is dropped, to permit the Consortium to fill up and deepen the part of St. Thomas harbor, which on the map attached to the concession of July 7th, last, is marked with A., and which is situated directly in front of the area acquired by the Consortium. Permission is also granted to the Consortium to dispose freely of any area and dock which it may erect.

  • N. Neergaard
  • C. Dines Hansen

To the Consortium to utilize [for utilization] through draining and deepening an area within the harbor of the Danish West Indian Island, St. Thomas.

[Inclosure 2—Translation]


K. No. 1209

In connection with the Ministry of Finance’s letter of the 2nd instant, through which the Consortium was notified that the Ministry of Finance was willing, even if the concession granted to the Consortium on July 7, last, is dropped, to grant to the Consortium the permission to drain and deepen certain particularly specified areas within the harbor of St. Thomas, and to utilize the recovered areas and docks, the Consortium has through a communication of the 8th instant called attention to the fact that it is its intention, because the development makes it advisable, to accomplish the whole of the previously contemplated plant. In this connection the Consortium asks for particulars as to how it may secure a free disposition of the plants.

You are hereby informed that permission is granted to the Consortium to reclaim (inddæmme) those areas in the harbor of St. Thomas, which on the map, attached to the afore-mentioned concession, are marked in red color. When these areas have been recovered, they shall be considered the property of the Consortium, which may dispose freely and independently of them. However, should such a property in any way be involved in a conflict with the interests of a private individual, the question should be settled with the party concerned. The Consortium should further have the sole right to dispose of the docks, which it may have erected in accordance with the map. It is particularly pointed out that this permission reserves the Consortium the right to collect wharf dues, anchorage and other similar dues from such crafts as call at [Page 648] its docks or take advantage of the harbor facilities. The wharf dues are a fixed tax, and should be collected equally from all.

It is also stated that the Consortium is permitted to erect on its area, tanks for liquid fuel to serve as fuel for ships, subject, however, to such precautions as may be considered necessary by the local authorities.

Pilot and harbor dues (also ship’s dues) shall be paid to the harbor’s cashier by all ships which call at or take advantage of the facilities offered by the harbor, such as the use of piers, dock arrangements, etc., which the Consortium may have erected; conditions and rates to be the same at all times as those which are in effect in the remainder of the harbor.

The police inspection of the afore-mentioned water and land districts will be under the control of the harbor and local police authorities.

  • N. Neergaard
  • C. Dines Hansen

To the Consortium to utilize through draining and deepening an area within the harbor of the Danish West Indian Island St. Thomas.

[Inclosure 3—Translation]


K. No. 1226

Acknowledging the receipt of the Consortium’s letter of the 12th instant enclosing the concession issued in favor of the said Consortium on July 7, last, it is hereby stated that the Ministry of Finance is willing to transfer the rights, which were granted to the Consortium through the Ministry’s letter of the 2nd instant, K. No. 1183, and of the 11th instant K. No. 1209, to a limited company with administration at Copenhagen. The Board of Administration should be formed in such a way that the greater part of the members are Danish citizens.

With respect to the application of the Consortium requesting that all materials, imported in connection with the intended first erection in and at St. Thomas harbor, also to be exempt from duty under the administration of the contemplated concern, please note that it is the intention of the Ministry to authorize the Administration of the Danish West Indian Islands to place before the Colonial Board of St. Thomas and St. Jan an ordinance-proposal in favor of this question.

  • N. Neergaard
  • C. Dines Hansen

To the Consortium to utilize through draining and deepening an area within the harbor of the Danish West Indian Island, St. Thomas.

[Inclosure 4—Translation]


With reference to the Ministry of Finance’s letter of October 14, (K. No. 1226) and of October 17, (K. No. 1235) last, the Consortium to utilize through draining and deepening an area within the harbor of the Danish West Indian Island St. Thomas takes the liberty to request that the rights, which were granted to the Consortium through the Ministry’s letter of October 2, (K. No. 1183) and of October 11, (K. No. 1209) [see letter of October 14, (K. No. 1226) of last year], may be transferred to the stock company, Det Vestindiske Kompagni, which is resident at Copenhagen, and the Board of Administration of which consists of persons who are all Danish citizens.

The undersigned, Vestindiske Kompagni, hereby has the honor to enclose copies in triplicate of the Journal of Proceedings from the Company’s General Assembly, touching upon the constitutional meetings on October 16 and on December 12, last year, and three copies of the Company’s printed rules. The Company at the same time requests that the above-named rights be transferred to it, and that the Administration of the Danish West Indian Islands place before the Colonial Board of St. Thomas and St. Jan a proposal for an ordinance directing that all materials imported—whether by the Company or by others, [Page 649] whom the Company has charged with part of the work—in connection with the first erection in and at St. Thomas harbor, be exempt from duty.

The Consortium to utilize through draining and deepening an area within the harbor of the Danish West Indian Island St. Thomas.
  • H. N. Andersen
  • Holger Petersen
  • C. M. T. Cold

Board of Administration of “Det Vestindiske Kompagni”
  • H. N. Andersen
  • Holger Petersen
  • C M. T. Cold
  • C. F. Maegaard
  • H. C. V. Møller
  • A. Heide
  • Alex. Foss
  • H. Schultz
  • Schmiegelow
  • J. F. Fenger

To the Ministry of Finance, Central Administration for the Colonies.