File No. 711.5914/72
The Acting Secretary of State to the Danish Minister
Washington, July 31, 1916.
Your telegrams July 28 and 29. My telegram July 27 intended to include assurance that declaration enclosed in your letter of July [Page 642] 18 will be given to you when treaty is signed. This will be done simultaneously with signature of treaty, it being understood that declaration stands or falls with treaty. Desire to submit treaty to Senate immediately after signature. Will consult you as to date if it is desired to submit it simultaneously to Senate and Danish Parliament.
The following are the only verbal changes made in your draft of treaty:
The word “claims” added at end of first sentence, Article III, Paragraph 3, and the corresponding Danish word, “pengekrav” added in Danish text.
“Colonial treasury” changed to “Colonial treasuries” in Article III, Paragraph 6, and Danish word “kolonialkassen” changed to “Kolonialkasserne”.
The following changes were made in the English translation:
The word “held” inserted before “by” in first sentence Article II, so as to read “held by any Governments”.
The word “funds” substituted for the word “capitals” in last sentence of Article II.
The words “which may be found” substituted for “to be found” in Article III, Paragraph 2.
The words “private individuals” substituted for the word “individuals” Article III, Paragraph 5.
The word “hereby” substituted for “herewith” in Article IV.
The words “are to be carried out” substituted for the words “should be carried out” in Article VIII, Paragraph 1.
As you will observe, these changes do not modify the sense of the text. If they are agreeable to you, I see no necessity of your coming to Washington prior to signature, but if you desire to do so, I shall be glad to go over the texts with you.
Most important that matter be expedited to greatest extent.