Chargé Lorillard to the Secretary of State

No. 57

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 50 of the 1st instant, relative to a change in the tariff of the Danish West Indies, I have now the honor to report that in the Folkething yesterday Finance Minister Lassen introduced a bill for an increase in the said tariff. At the same time several other reform bills referring to the West Indies were proposed by the Government, the most important of which aim at the direct representation of the islands in the Danish Rigsdag, the reduction of the powers of the Governor and the practical autonomy of the islands. A bill for improvements in the harbor of St. Thomas was also proposed.

In the course of his speech, Mr. Lassen stated that during the last five years the deficit in the West India budget had amounted to an average of 445,000 Kroner per year. By the aid of the increase in the tariff he hopes that this deficit will be reduced to about 270,000 Kroner, which sum can be provided, he believes, from the receipts of the West India lottery, which during its two years existence has shown a profit to the Government of 122,000 Kroner and 150,000 per year respectively.

All of these bills were laid on the table, but their discussion will be begun next week. These measures were well received by the members of the Folkething and are to-day favorably criticized in most of the newspapers.

As soon as I can secure a copy of the tariff bill, I shall have it translated and sent to the Department.

I have [etc.]

George L. Lorillard