The Danish Minister to the Secretary of State
Washington, January 23, 1902.
Mr. Secretary of State: I have the honor to inform your excellency that through a cable message received today from my Government, I have been authorized by His Majesty the King of Denmark to sign the convention for the cession of the Danish West India Islands to the United States.
In signing this convention I am instructed to reserve to Denmark the right to take a plebiscite in the islands, when the ratification of the Convention shall have been advised by the United States Senate.
The regular full power will be mailed to me and submitted to your excellency at once upon the receipt here of that document.
I have furthermore the pleasure to state, that the draft note received with your excellency’s personal letter to me of December 3d, agrees entirely with the views of my Government and will be satisfactory to the same if signed and handed over to me simultaneously with the signature of the convention.
Asking your excellency to be so good as to acknowledge the receipt of my present communications, I have [etc.]