File No. 837.156/250

The Secretary of State to Minister Gonzales


With reference to previous correspondence in connection with the Cuban Ports Company matter, you are directed to seek a favorable opportunity to say to President Menocal that, in view of his recent reelection and his ability to secure from the Cuban Congress legislation which he had deemed to be in interest of the Republic, that this might be an opportune moment for the carrying out of the desire which he is understood to have expressed for the settlement of the claims of the stockholders and bondholders of Cuban Ports Company.

You will also say that a settlement must eventually be made of this long-standing matter and its settlement at this juncture would go far toward eliminating any cause for friction not only between Cuba and the United States but between Cuba and Great Britain, which, in view of the present international situation, is highly desirable. You will add that this settlement would no doubt materially facilitate the carrying out of Cuba’s financial program as set forth in recent legislative acts.
