File No. 837.156/211a

The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Gonzales


Your November 22, 2 p.m. The Department is unofficially advised that a continuation of the present status of Cuban Ports matter has unfortunately proven so detrimental to Cuban credit that the bankers are disinclined, until an equitable settlement of this case is reached, to consider a further loan, which it is understood that Cuba may now desire to obtain, even though considered as part of that approved by the Department on September 5, 1913.

While the Department has every confidence in the sincerity of the President of Cuba in his desire to reach an equitable settlement of this matter as particularly stated by him in your telegrams of October 19, 11 p.m., it is of the opinion that an intimation by you to the effect that this Government shares this apprehension as regards the credit of Cuba, may expedite the proposed settlement. You may, therefore, in your discretion, communicate the substance of the above to President Menocal, leaving with him, if deemed desirable, a memorandum thereof.

Confidential. The Department is further unofficially advised that the bankers have already informed the President of Cuba in the sense of the above. It is not impossible that this pressure in addition to the fulfillment of this instruction may materially assist him in obtaining the desired congressional support in order to conclude the settlement which he proposes.
