File No. 337.11/217
The Secretary of State to the Secretary of Commerce
Washington, March 7, 1917.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of February 28, 1917, relative to the interests in Cuba of the Cleveland Worsted Mills Company, of Cleveland, and requesting information as to the protection of American property interests in Cuba during the present disturbances.
In reply I have the honor to inform you that the American Minister at Habana has been instructed to request the protection of the Cuban Government for such American properties as are reported to be in particularly dangerous locations, and also all other American interests affected by the present disturbance. Some of these properties are located in the rebel zone and are cut off from communication by the Federal Government, rendering it impossible to obtain any information concerning them at present. The sections affected by the revolt are in Oriente, Camaguey and Santa Clara Provinces, and to this extent the revolt is localized.
The State Department is cooperating with the Navy for the purpose of protecting in every possible way all American interests affected by the revolt, and so advised Mr. F. L. Roberts, Secretary of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, on March 1, 1917, in reply to his letter written the Department in the interests of the Cleveland Worsted Mills Company.
I believe nothing further can be added to the assurance contained in the Department’s letter to Mr. Roberts.
I have [etc.]