File No. 837.00/1394

The Acting Secretary of State to Minister Gonzales


Department’s May 18, 4 p.m. Your May 16, 11 p.m. You will immediately request an interview with President Menocal and say to him that inasmuch as certain of its marine forces have been withdrawn by the Government of the United States from the Island of Cuba, for service in other places, it now contemplates sending of forces of the United States Army to replace these marines, but in view of relations now existing between the two countries, on account of their cooperation in the war against the Imperial German Government, it desires to take this action with his full understanding.

You will add that it is also considered to be of great importance to have these troops in Cuba at this time in case the United States forces in Haiti or Santo Domingo, or in any of the Caribbean possessions of the United States might need reinforcement, as well as for the purpose, of taking over the guarding of interests important for the prosecution of the war, upon which duty the marine forces are now engaged.
