File No. 837.00/1330

The Secretary of State to Minister Gonzales

No. 332

Sir: The Department has received your No. 444 of the 29th ultimo in which you enclose copies of letters exchanged between Dr. Alfredo Zayas, liberal candidate for the presidency in the last election, and yourself, and report your action in obtaining a safe conduct from President Menocal for Dr. Zayas. You state that Dr. Zayas declined to receive the safe conduct unless it was endorsed by you and that you advised him in reply that you would endorse it for the day of his visit to the Legation but not for a longer period. You add that Dr. Zayas then declined to use the safe conduct and remained hidden for another month.

Your despatch has been read with interest and your action in the matter is approved.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing