File No. 713.001/57

Minister Jefferson to the Secretary of State

No. 352

Sir: Referring to my cable of March 7, 11 a.m.1 relative to the withdrawal of the Nicaraguan Government from the Central American Court of Justice, I have the honor to enclose herewith for the information of the Department a copy and translation of the note from the Foreign Office of March 10, 1917, in which is transcribed the telegraphic communication of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Central American Governments declaring the intention of the Government of Nicaragua to withdraw from the Central American Court of Justice.

I have [etc.]

Benjamin L. Jefferson

The Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Jefferson

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to transcribe the following telegraphic communication, confirmed today by letter, which was addressed to the Governments of Central America, relative to the Central American Court of Justice.

Managua, March 9, 1917.

Mr. Minister: Article XXVII of the Convention for the establishment of a Central American Court of Justice, signed in Washington December 20, 1907, provides that said Convention shall remain in force for the period of ten years, counting from the last ratification, which was that of the Government of Guatemala, dated March 11, 1908. The motives which there is no occasion to explain at this opportunity, among which I may cite as of principal consideration, that of the heavy expenses which the signatory governments are obliged to make for the maintenance of that Tribunal, without doubt for the most high purposes, expenses which are now incompatible with the difficult economic situation, because it continues to prevail throughout Nicaragua, these motives move my Government, with much pain, to make to your excellency, as it now makes, its withdrawal from the said Convention for the establishment of a Central American Court of Justice, in compliance with the cited article of the Convention which establishes the period of its enforcement, or also it may be at this moment the time to declare the intention of one of the parties with respect to the caducity of said Convention. In bringing the former to the knowledge of your excellency, I make haste to inform your Government that this declaration in no respect alters the sentiments which inspire my Government with the most keen and sincere feeling of fraternity for the Government of your excellency, availing myself at this time of the opportunity to reiterate to you the assurances of my most cordial and distinguished consideration with which I sign myself, your excellency’s obedient servant,

J. A. Urtecho

Tomorrow being the end of the period allowed by the Treaty, it was necessary yesterday to make the above inserted withdrawal in the form just expressed.

With assurances [etc.]

J. A. Urtecho
  1. Printed under Nicaragua, Chamorro-Bryan Canal Treaty, etc., p. 1100.