File No. 711.21/353
The Secretary of State to Chargé Belden
Washington, February 28, 1917, 7 p.m.
Your February 26, 5 p.m. You are instructed to inform Minister for Foreign Affairs that the Government of the United States has the passage and ratification of the treaty very much at heart but that [Page 294] owing to the short session of Congress and the extraordinary pressure of business it was felt inadvisable to press for action on treaty in the Senate at this time. The Senate has been called in special session on March 5, one of the principal reasons for the President calling it being the desire of the Government to have action on the treaty. All governmental forces will be exerted to secure its ratification.
You will also state that it is sincerely hoped that there will be no misunderstanding on the part of the Government and people of Colombia as to the situation set forth above and that it is felt that the interests of the two countries would be best served if the Government of Colombia would refrain from taking any hurried step at this time in regard to withdrawal of its approval of the treaty.
You may also direct the attention of the Minister for Foreign Affairs to the very critical international situation which has been absorbing the attention of Congress and which has prevented, on account of the many details to be considered, action on various pressing matters, and you may say that a special session of the Senate will leave ample opportunity to give the treaty full consideration.
You will inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs that this Government has no objection to publication of President’s letter and Senator Stone’s reply thereto. Text of both letters follow in subsequent cablegrams.