File 793.94/521b

The Secretary of State to Ambassador Guthrie


Newspapers here report that because of trouble in Eastern Mongolia Japan has made demands upon China as follows:

China voluntarily to offer 4 concessions;

To employ Japanese officers as advisers to Chinese troops in South Manchuria and Eastern Mongolia;
To employ Japanese military officers as instuctors in Chinese public schools;
The Governor General at Mukden to go in person and apologize to the Japanese Governor General at Dairen and the Japanese Consul at Mukden;
China to make monetary compensation to the families of Japanese killed at Chengchiatun;

Japan further demands:

The punishment of the commanding officer of troops at Chengchiatun, also called Liaoyuan;
The dismissal of other officers of that force and punishment of officers and men immediately concerned in the attack;
Issue of strict orders to all Chinese troops in South Manchuria and Eastern Mongolia to avoid interference with Japanese troops or with words and actions of Japanese, these orders to be given by proclamation to all officers in those regions;
China to recognize that Japan has special interests in South Manchuria and Eastern Mongolia which justify possession of right to appoint police there and that Chinese officials in South Manchuria should employ more Japanese police advisers.

Bring to attention of Foreign Office and say report has greatly disturbed this Government which hopes it is not true. Request statement of facts.
