File No. 893.77/1592

Minister Reinsch to the Secretary of State

No. 1382

Sir: Supplementing my telegram of February 1, 1917, 1 p.m., I have the honor to enclose herewith for the information of the Department a translation of a note (No. 560) from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under date of the 7th instant, advising me of the designation of a line from Chouchiakou (in Honan) through Nanyang to Hsiangyang (in Hupeh) for construction under the terms of the Siems-Carey Company’s contracts of May 17 and September 29 last with the Chinese Government.

I have [etc.]

Paul S. Reinsch

The Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs to Minister Reinsch

F. O. No. 560

Sir: A communication has been received from the Ministry of Communications as follows: [Page 175]

“The railway loan contract entered into, between this Ministry and the American firm Siems-Carey & Company has been communicated to you.

“It is noted that the length of this road was fixed at 1,100 miles and that the Chu-Chin line was established first and an Office organized to take up the work. But from Chuchou to Chinchou is only seven hundred odd miles, so that four hundred miles of road have still to be built before the terms of the contract are complied with.

“This Ministry has carefully gone over the situation and now proposes to establish a road from Chouchiakou, in Honan, through Nanyang, to Hsiangyang, in Hupeh, compromising approximately two hundred miles, to be called the Chou-Hsiang Railway, to be included in the said loan, and to be taken under the charge of the director of the Chu-Chin office, that progress may be made and the terms of the agreement conformed to.

“It is requested that this information may be transmitted.”

I have the honor to request you to take note.

With compliments.

Liu Shih-hsün